
In Danmachi with a Template system

Follow Elijah Sato, A Half American, and Half Japanese Otaku, in his journey to become the strongest with his template system which consists of characters from different anime's and manhwa, He was Reincarnated in a world of Danmachi where various Gods and Goddesses can be seen roaming the streets in Orario. In the streets of Orario, we can see Elijah a young boy with black hair and green eyes running towards the dungeon with his spear attached to his back, and so the journey Begins (The timeline is currently 15 years before canon).

ark_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 1

My name's Elijah Sato. I was an average 15 years old when I died, and I was one of the top students in my class I guess having strict parents has its difficulties where you are forced to study every day for 2 to 3 hours minimum, it's not that mind it's just stressful sometimes and now I can be seen floating inside an endless void where darkness can be seen In all direction where light is non-existent.

For some reason, my mind has still not gone insane for not seeing light for a long time, as I have nothing better to do. I started to remember my past and my parents. Even though it was stressful, I never really hold a grudge against my parents. I wonder what they were doing now. "Sigh. " I released a deep sigh. 'dammit' I still haven't finished one piece yet' I Shouted in my head, so you're wondering how I died well it's actually very simple, I saw a kid running towards the highway to get his ball back and then out of nowhere I saw a car driving recklessly the driver seems to be on his phone and not watching where he's going, If nothing is done he's going to hit the kid I swear peoples these days, Ans suddenly out of instinct I ran towards the kid and pushed him out of the way.

In the end, I was the one who got hit by the car and it resulted in my death. Funny enough, it reminded me of that one scene from Yu Yu Hakusho. And after that, I blacked out. And when I woke up, I was in a dark space where no light can be seen and no source of entertainment. I then drifted into slumber.

How long has it been since I've been in this void? Days, months, or maybe even years, It has been some time as I was cruising through the endless void of darkness, Suddenly a portal appeared and lights flashed in front of me, suddenly I saw a silhouette that resembles a man, after some time when the light died down I was facing a tall man around 6'3 feet (274 cm), Suddenly the man spoke with a relaxing yet demanding tone "My Child why are you here and not on the gates of heaven and hell?".

When I heard the man ask, I Immediately spoke "My name is Elijah Sato sir, and for why I'm here I am also at lost I don't know how I got here the only thing I remember was that I died after being run over a car suddenly and woke up in this endless void of darkness," I said with confusion towards the tall man "Hmmm," the man in front of me hummed finding the reason that caused the anomaly.

"Ah, where are my manners, I am GOD I'm sure you've heard of me" To my surprise, the man in front of me revealed to be GOD I quickly Bowed my head and said " I'm sorry for being impolite GOD please forgive me" Having Christian parents I naturally believed in GOD.

"Heh" GOD in front of me chuckled in amusement at my sudden change in behavior, "At ease my child" when I heard GOD I suddenly calmed down my stiffed muscles even though I have none, and he suddenly said " your soul got rejected by the Gate's of Heaven and Hell causing your soul to be lost in this void and the reason on being rejected is still Unknown" When I head GOD explained my current situation I asked, "So what's gonna happen to me, GOD?".

"I never had this type of situation before, so maybe I'll reincarnate you to a world of your choosing. What do you think?" My Brain Suddenly my brain short-circuited the reason is cause my brain can't comprehend what I just heard, I ask "A World of my choosing, Can I have talents and abilities just like in those fanfics I used to read?" I asked GOD, and he just stood there thinking if he should consider me having a Gold finger and whatnot.

"hmmm" why not, so let's get started. What do you want? I can only grant a limited amount of wishes and no instant power-up. You need to work hard to become strong or else it'll be boring instantly. besides, the fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest" GOD said. I nodded in agreement.

"I want to be reincarnated in Danmachi inside Orario as an Orphan and it's 15 years before canon starts as for the abilities can I just have the Template system which comprises various powers in anime and manhwa," I asked GOD "Sure but you can only pick 1 Template and finish it before picking a new one," GOD said I just nodded in understanding.

"Well then, be safe my child, the world of danmachi is cruel and dangerous many monsters lurk inside the dungeon, and various gods and goddesses I suggest you should try to avoid them until you are strong enough to stand on your own, and also find a God or goddess who will welcome you in their familia"

I nodded my head in response. "I will, and thank you again, God, for the second chance. I will live this life to the fullest and die with no regrets," I said.

And suddenly a bright light engulfed my entire being, and I lost consciousness. This is the start of a new adventure in a new world with various types of people and species, from the arrogant elves to the shortest of dwarves.



hahaha this is just a rework adding a few words here and there


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