
Chapter 41

“What’d you send?”

“Just a few words. I asked if we should come to him or if he wanted to come to us,” Maggie said.

“If this doesn’t work, if there’s another traitor, if Aidan chose the wrong people to trust…” Mike’s thoughts were traveling down a dozen different trails of bad and worse.

Maggie put a hand on his arm. “I trust Aidan. He’s shrewd and cagey. He’ll come through.”

Mike nodded slightly.

They waited another few minutes before there was a responding text.

“He said he and two buddies of his will meet us at the south gate of Dreamland.” Maggie put the car in gear again.

Mike alternated between staring out the broken back window and scanning the area they passed. The last thing they needed was to get involved in another shoot out.

Maggie pulled up to the gate of the base. There was a barrier of concrete and barbed wire on either side of the entrance. Two armed soldiers stood guard.