
Chapter 36

“Yeah, and a still breathing one because of it.” Kurt held out a hand.

“Aidan and I picked up tools,” Mike said. He unzipped one of the two duffle bags he’d carried in and took out a Glock. Checking the magazine, he handed it to Kurt, who promptly tucked it near his hip.

Maggie picked her hijab up off the counter and put it back on. “I should be back in about half an hour or so.”

“Before you go, where exactly is Aidan going?” Mike asked.

“Dreamland.” She referred to it by its nickname.

“Camp Baharia? I thought they were all but disassembled, the base turned back over to the Iraqi government,” Mike said.

“Enh, yes and no. There are still some Americans…around,” Maggie replied.

“DHS?” Kurt asked.

“A few, and a couple of deeply embedded Army Intelligence guys. I don’t know many details, but if Givens headed back to the base in Balad, we don’t want to be anywhere close.” Maggie straightened the fabric of the hijab around her face.

“Agreed,” Kurt said. 13