
In Colonial Age With Marvel Tech's System

In 1873, the Aceh Sultanate was a small but proud kingdom in Southeast Asia, known for its rich culture and fierce independence. But when the Dutch East India Company launched a full-scale invasion, the kingdom was pushed to the brink of destruction. In the midst of this chaos, a young boy named Budi Santoso suddenly finds himself transmigrated into the body of Prince Muhammad Daud Syah, the only heir to the throne of Aceh. With him comes a powerful Marvel Tech's System that can produce any technology from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But in order to save his kingdom, Budi must keep his origins and his powers secret. This Fanfic is Generated by ChatGPT

Arca_Bhayangkara · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 9

As the entourage of scholars, woodworkers, and blacksmiths arrived at the decoy house, they were greeted by a mysterious figure in a black robe. The man's face was shrouded in darkness, and they could not see his features clearly. The Sultan had sent them here to be trained by this organization that had requested their services, but they had not been told much about what to expect.

"Welcome," the figure in the black robe said in a low, rumbling voice. "I am here to guide you in your training."

The entourage looked at each other in confusion. This was not what they had expected.

"Excuse me, sir," one of the scholars spoke up tentatively. "Who are you? And why are you masking your face?"

The figure in the black robe chuckled. "I am simply an emissary. A messenger, if you will. And as for my face, well, it's not important. What is important is your training."

The entourage exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of this situation. They had been brought here under false pretenses, it seemed, and they had no idea who this figure really was or what he wanted from them.

Then the man told the scholars to enter the house first.

The scholars looked at each other curiously as they entered the house, wondering what kind of training they were about to receive. The man in black robes disappeared, leaving them alone in the living room.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, one of the scholars cleared his throat and spoke up. "Excuse me, sir," he called out. "May we know what kind of training we will be receiving here?"

There was no answer, and the scholars exchanged confused looks. Suddenly, the whole house began to shake violently, causing the furniture to rattle and the lamps to sway back and forth.

"Stay calm, everyone," another scholar said, trying to reassure the group. "The man in black robes told us to ignore it, so it must be a part of our training."

But the shaking continued, and it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore. The scholars started to feel uneasy and began to wonder if something was seriously wrong.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the shaking subsided, and the house became still again. The scholars cautiously looked around the room, trying to assess if there was any damage. To their surprise, everything was just as it was before.

The house is actually a Stark Industries Private Jet that has been camouflaged into a house using B.A.R.F. - Illusion Projectors. The jet then took off without being seen using same method. The house, which was now just a projection, was filled with Quinjets.

After the group of woodworkers and blacksmiths also took off using the Quinjet.

The Sultan and his bodyguards watched in awe as the mysterious man threw the stone towards the house. They could hardly believe their eyes as the stone shattered into tiny pieces before it could even touch the house. The man turned to face them and spoke, "I hope you understand the consequences of trying to enter this house without permission. The power that protects this house is beyond your comprehension."

The Sultan nodded in understanding and the man continued, "The scholars, woodworkers, and blacksmiths you have sent in will be trained in advanced technologies that will benefit Aceh. They will return in a month and it is important that you gather another group to replace them. This training is crucial for the advancement of your kingdom."

The Sultan was hesitant, "But how do we know that they will return safely and with the knowledge we seek?"

The man replied, "Trust in our methods, Sultan. We have helped you defeat the Dutch and we will continue to do so. The knowledge they will acquire will not only benefit Aceh but also strengthen our alliance."

The Sultan pondered for a moment before finally agreeing, "Very well, we will trust in your methods. But who are you and what is this organization that you speak of?"

The man gave a slight chuckle, "We are an organization that seeks to advance technology in all parts of the world. We prefer to remain anonymous, but we have your best interests at heart."

The Sultan nodded, "Very well. We will trust in your organization and await the return of our scholars."

With that, the mysterious man disappeared and the Sultan and his bodyguards returned to the palace. The Sultan knew that this was a risky move, but he also knew that the advancement of technology was crucial for the survival of his kingdom. He would gather another group of scholars to replace the first group and wait anxiously for their return.

As the scholars, woodworkers, and blacksmiths emerged from the decoy house, they looked around in confusion. The surroundings were completely different than what they remembered when they entered the house. The lush greenery and trees had been replaced by a barren, rocky landscape.

"What has happened?" one of the scholars exclaimed, looking around in disbelief.

"I do not know," another replied, equally puzzled. "We were only inside the house for a short while."

As they looked around, the man in the black robe appeared once again, seemingly out of nowhere. "Welcome to your new home," he said, gesturing to the landscape around them.

"Our new home?" one of the woodworkers repeated, incredulous.

"Yes," the man replied calmly. "You have been brought here to learn and work, to help advance the technology and industry of Aceh."

"But where are we?" one of the blacksmiths asked.

"You are in a secluded location, far from the eyes of the Dutch and other foreign powers," the man explained. "Here, you will have the time and resources to focus solely on your work."

The scholars, woodworkers, and blacksmiths exchanged confused glances, unsure of what to make of this unexpected turn of events.

"What about our families and homes?" one of the scholars asked, concern etched on his face.

"They will be taken care of," the man reassured them. "You have been chosen for this opportunity because of your skills and dedication to your craft. Your work here will benefit Aceh greatly."

As the group of craftsmen and scholars began to take in their new surroundings, the man in the black robe vanished once again, leaving them to contemplate their fate.

The group of scholars, woodworkers and blacksmiths were still in awe of their surroundings when a group of people approached them. The group consisted of people dressed in white lab coats and carrying various tools and gadgets. They introduced themselves as researchers who would be teaching and training them.

One of the researchers stepped forward and addressed the group. "Greetings, esteemed scholars, woodworkers and blacksmiths. We are here to teach you the ways of technology and innovation. We have been tasked by the organization to provide you with the knowledge and skills to create advanced tools and machinery that will benefit the Sultanate of Aceh."

The scholars, woodworkers and blacksmiths were impressed by the researchers' knowledge and skills. They listened attentively as the researchers explained the various concepts of technology and innovation. The researchers demonstrated how to use simple machines to create more complex tools and how to harness the power of electricity.

As the training continued, the scholars, woodworkers and blacksmiths began to understand the potential of these new technologies. They realized that these advancements would revolutionize their work and improve the lives of the people of Aceh.

One of the scholars approached the researchers and asked, "How long will our training last?"

The researcher smiled and replied, "your training will continue until you have mastered the skills and knowledge needed to create the technology that will benefit Aceh. It may take some time, but we are confident that you will succeed."

The scholars, woodworkers and blacksmiths were filled with determination and excitement at the prospect of creating new and innovative technologies for Aceh. They thanked the researchers for their guidance and eagerly continued their training.

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