
In Classroom Of The Elite as a Tool with a system

COTE reincarnation with system

Rudeus_Greyrat_4315 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Friends and Club

After I screwed up my introductions, I left the classroom with a gloomy look in my face.

Why did I even do that? Am I right on my mind? Aaaaahhh!!!

As you can see my mind is a complete mess. It will take some time before I can get back up.

I guess I'll cheer up myself with a pudding today. I think there is a nearby convenience store, I'll buy there. And while I'm on it I think I'll buy some necessities.

Feeling the air conditioned interior of the store, I can feel my mind cooling down.

I put all kinds of things in the store to my shopping basket.

Oh right, If I recall there were some free products shown in the anime. I think they were for students who spend all of their points so they can get by.

I looked around the store a little bit mapping it with my system.

There I saw some free products. Most of them were inferior products though. I took some of them within the limited portions for each individual.

Soon I was in the cashier and just swiped my School I.D. on the machine to complete the transaction. As it won't need any changes, it was a smooth and efficient way to buy things.

I then left the store and walked towards the first year dorms.

And to my surprise, as expected there are rules and regulations the anime haven't shown. I'm actually looking forward to the development.

"Guess I'll start studying the materials for the highschool."

I opened up my textbooks and lined them up on the floor. I mean all of the current subjects in the first year.

There were also materials for University level I took notes off after the entrance exams, but that one will be for later.

Mind to remind you that I am a reincarnated person. These lessons of the curriculum were like just a review to me, but still there were some things that I needed to polish on my understanding of the subjects.

With "Studying Mastery VIII", "Thought Acceleration VIII", and "Parallel Thinking VII" made me absorb knowledge like dry sponge.

It took me six hours until midnight before I finally gone through all the curriculum in for the entire first year. I already know the materials like reading the back of my hand.

The only problems would be those super difficult questions that appeared on the entrance exams. There's no telling those kinds of questions might appear in the future exams.

"That should be enough studying for today."

I took a bath and then after I slept like a log a second later. My "Rest X" skill makes sure that I recover my exhaustion and fatigue the day before back to full health. In other words this skill is a Senzu Bean.


In the second day at school(technically the first day of class), we only ran through the course objectives.

As expected the teachers were not so strict and really friendly. You wouldn't expect this school is as great as they say. A "100% rate of entering a University and work of your choice" kind of school.

When the bell rang for the end of morning classes, it was time for lunch break. To grind up my "Housework V" skill, I always make my own lunches.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?" announced Hirata as he stood. He's the typical all-around good looking guy you see in a shojo manga that will always be partnered with the heroine.

"I'll go, too!"

"Me, too! Me too!"

It did not take long for Hirata to get dragged by a crowd of girls.

In the anime he made a girlfriend. I think it was the girl named Karuizawa? She was the leader of class' group of mean girls. Apparently some people said in the past world that Ayanokouji and Karuizawa was a couple. And now that I take a look at her, she doesn't look particularly bad. In fact Karuizawa looked quite cute, just that her personality seems just too clingy.

I continue to eat my lunch on my seat silently chewing the food. And while doing so I'll start opening my textbooks to use the remaining time for grinding my "Studying VIII" skill. It's been in that level for a couple of years now. The skills in the system the more it levels up, the harder it was to get through the next level.

"Hey, you're Seishirou-kun right?" A cute girl came to my desk and asked me.

I noticed it was Kushida Kikyou. In the anime she actually had a vile personality hidden behind that mask of hers.

"Yes Kushida-san. How can I help you?" I said.

"Oh, so you know my name? That makes me happy!" Her smile so cute it makes want to hug her.

"Right, do you need something from me?"

"Actually I noticed that you were alone Seishirou-kun. Are you the type that wants to be by himself? Did you not make any friends yet?" she started bombarding me with questions (only two of them actually).

"Hmm, you could say that. It was only the second day at school after all, so I haven't made any yet. Is that a problem?"

"Oh no! I'm just curious. Anyway if you don't have any friends yet, will you be home my friend?" says Kushida offering her hand at me.

"Is this because you want to befriend everyone?"

"Yes, I want to get along with everyone."

Hmm... It actually feels rather irking knowing that she will be the first 'friend' I will make. Like she's actually doing this for me out of pity.

"Okay, if you're fine with me."

"Nice to meet you Seishirou-kun. Let's get along okay?"

And so that's how I made my first friend. Somehow even knowing this relationship isn't really good, I felt a warmth of emotions on my chest.

Her cuteness is so heartwarming it makes me want to tear up.


"At five PM today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at—"

The speaker inside the classroom loudly announced.

Clubs huh... It was said that people get Private Points when joining clubs.

Should I join? What good clubs would there be? Should I join a sports club or a cultural club? Various questions sprang up my mind.

Anyway I'll just have to check it out after I get there later.


There was more people here than I expected.

This event didn't happen in the anime if I remember it right.

The announcement for Class D to have 0 Class Points haven't even been out yet. That means if we base it in the anime, then we're still in the middle of episode 1.

"Seriously just how much content did the anime skip? Is this why Light Novel readers boycotted the anime? Was it because it's a poor adaptation?" Despite my usual silent nature, I can't help but grumble openly with my eyebrows slanted.

I look around the club fair in the gym. I noticed some students famous in the nation on sports. The training facilities even have an Oxygen chamber.

Soon each of the club captains had started their introductions of their club. Each and every one wanted to recruit new members. I'd guess for the sake of an increased budget.

Next was a guy I recognized. It was Horikita's elder brother, aka the student council president. He was announcing that he would accept submission of applications to those who wants to join the student council. And for that first those people would have to be unaffiliated with any clubs.

Heh... That guy sure is interesting.

"Hey dude! Seishirooouu, over heeeere!"

I heard my name getting called. I noticed three guys coming at me. All of them I recognized as they were all guys from Class D.

It was Ike, Sudou, and Yamauchi.

"Oh hey, you three. Looks like you guys were interested in the club fair too huh."

"So did you join a club too?"

"Oh nothing yet. Actually I came here to check things out if there's any I could join. Did you join any clubs Sudou?"

"Yeah. I've been playing basketball ever since elementary school. I thought I'd join the team here." Sudou says.

Well I remembered he actually got in trouble in some of the members of the basketball club. It caused quite the stir in Class D.

"What about you two?"

"We just came because we felt it might be fun, you know? Besides, we thought we might have a fateful encounter afterward." Ike said.

"What do you mean, 'fateful encounter'?"

I wanted Ike to explain his rather odd-sounding goal. Based on my knowledge, it should be about a clichéd meeting like bumping a girl with a toast bread on her mouth. Ike crossed his arms and responded proudly.

"I want to get my first girlfriend in Class D. That's my goal. That's why I'm keeping my eyes open for an encounter."

Apparently, Ike considered having a girlfriend to be of the utmost priority.

"Also, I have to say, that student council president was something else. He was so imposing. I got the feeling he ruled the place, you know?" he said.

"I know, right?" I replied.

"Yeah. Oh, by the way, I made a group chat for the guys yesterday." Ike whipped out his phone from his pockets. "Do you want to join in, too? It's pretty handy."

"Huh? Me? Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course it's okay. We're all in Class D together, after all."

And so that was the time I started getting along with them and became friends. Honestly I was glad I have more friends now aside from Kushida.

Anyways in the end, I decided to join the Volleyball club.

With my "Thought Acceleration VIII" and "Parallel Thinking VII", I think I could make a full use of it. My perspective on the world slows down when I use this skill, and I can always find the right timing and perfectly determine the trajectory of the ball.

Though this skills is perfect in every kind of sport club I join.