

"Hey, no fair, Yami and Madara. You were hogging these fun looking enemies to yourself. Well? Are they worth slicing up?" Jack asked with a wide grin with his tongue sticking out.

"Nope, not at all." Yami and Madara said in unison.

"They're pretty much like paper. I was just about to finish them off when you butted in, you jerk." Yami said from the ground sitting on a pile of rocks.

"Yeah, right. Look how beaten you are." Jack said facing Yami then taking a glance at Madara.

'If Yami and Madara fought they, same enemies, why does he look like this, and Madara looks uninjured?' Jack asked himself.

"How long do you plan on sitting there? You're so pathetic for a man." Charlotte said to Yami in a cold tone.

"You idiot. The ground just love me so much, it won't let my ass go." Yami said smoking his cigarette.

Madara already knew how their interaction went. Though it was frustrating, he had to be patient. Seeing the troubled look on her face while blushing, made him feel something. Bitterness?

"I shall not hold back," Nozel said in a cold tone staring at the eye.

"All right! I'm getting fired up!" Asta said with stars in his eyes, pulling out his swords.

"Stay out of this, pond scum," Nozel said making Asta flinch. "When the captains are on the battlefield, mediocre combatants will only slow us down."

"That's a shame. No matter. I'll still be fighting." Madara said making everyone look at him. Vetto looked at him with someone he's only felt twice in his lifetime. Fear.

With one attack, his entire body shut down. And the thing is, Madara didn't use magic, he used nothing but simple kicks. Vetto only grinned like a crazy person.

If someone could make him feel like that after one encounter, he was more than worthy of his full power. Knowing he could go all out, made his blood boil. He was more than excited.

"Who do you think you are defying a captain? Your existence is becoming a-" Nozel said before getting cut off.

"You!" Vetto shouted while pointing at Madara. "What is your name?!"

"I, am Bo- Madara Uchiha," Madara said with a stern voice.

"Madara Uchiha, eh? It has a nice ring to it. Well, Madara, you said you would be fighting, correct?" Vetto asked confusing Ryha and the captains about why the enemy was talking so casually to Madara.

"What's your point?" Madara asked slightly irritated about him asking so many questions.

"True despair lies at the end of an endless battle. I want a battle, to the death!" Vetto said cracking his knuckles.

"A battle to the death, huh? That doesn't sound too bad." Madara said as he looked over to Charlotte. "Make sure your watching."

Vetto starts to release his savage beast aura. Grinning from ear to ear, his mana just kept rising, seemingly to never stop. The dark orange aura was giving off a feeling of death to a normal person, but Madara wasn't normal.

All of a sudden, the entire cave filled with malice. The dark blue and black aura coming from Madara was nothing but malice. This was the first time in a while, that Madara was able to cut loose.

The black aura emitting from Madaras body was ominous and venomous. If looking close enough, a red aura could be seen releasing from his body.

The dark look on his face, the looks in his eyes spelled nothing but death for his enemy.

"W-W-What is that?!" Asta asked nervously with his knees shaking.

"You can feel that?" Finral asked surprised Asta could sense whatever was coming from Madara.

"Not only can I feel it, I see it," Asta said looking at the large snake, that would kill you in an instant if you got too close.

"That's isn't mana," Nozel said taking aback by what he was feeling.

"It's his bloodlust and killing intent," Yami said while smoking a cigarette.

"What kind of monster is he?" Jack asked in watching Madara.

"Vetto, are you sure about this? You feel what I feel, right?" Ryha said looking at, Madara with disbelief.

"I know! That's the most exciting part!" Vetto said with the biggest grin on his face.

"Captain Yami, I think I recovered enough mana to get us out of here," Finral said looking happy.

"Oh no, we're not leaving just yet," Yami said looking at Finral with a weird face.




Both Madara and Vetto disappeared in the blink of an eye, meeting in the middle of the cave, clashing with their forearms.

They retreat to gain some distance. They then started moving faster than the eye could follow. Only Yami, Asta, Fana, Ryha, and maybe Patolli could see the fight.



Hit after hit, each of them was so powerful, it made a loud shockwave from the force. In the air, Madara and Vetto could see seen fight. Well, a one-sided fight.

No matter what Vetto did he couldn't land a hit on Madara. He was just moving too fast for him to counter or even attack.

Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. Punch after punch, Madara wasn't letting up. Vettos' face was bruised and bloody from the constant punches handed to him.

When he stopped, what seemed like in slow motion, Madara grabbed Vettos' wrist, brought it over his shoulder, then threw him hard into the ground.


When Vetto hit the ground, it made a loud boom sound and created a crater around him. As Madara was descending, he could see Vetto getting up.

Madara took a quick look around and saw that Yami was about to initiate his plan. He then saw that Nozel, Charlotte, Jack, Ryha, or Fana didn't engage in combat. Was it because they wanted to watch the battle that was taking place?

The large dust cloud from when Vetto landed had yet to vanish, and that's when Yami came from a portal in the sky. The flames around Patolli then disappeared as he formed a large orb of light on his palm, aiming at Yami.

Just when Patolli was going to release the attack at point-blank range, Asta came from the don't cloud with his Demon Slyer sword in hand.

Since Asta had no mana and couldn't be tracked, it gave him the perfect opportunity to strike. From beyond his back, Asta swung his sword and struck Patolli.


The anti-magic canceled Patolli's attack and sent him at a perfect angle for Yami to strike. Above him, Yami had his sword coated in darkness, and in a slight motion, he leaned forward to deal the most damage.


Patolli went into the ground with a loud bang, created a large mass of dust from the force of the attack.

Because of Asta's anti-magic, the seal placed on Patolli was broken. Patolli then began to glow a bright white color as he floated into the sky.

Quickly, Madara healed Vetto not to a full recovery, but to the point he could seal Patolli. Before walking off, Madara said something to Vetto.

"Let's fight to the death the next time we next. And remember when I say this, someone will die the next time we cross paths."

Vetto thought about his words for a few seconds until he went with the other to seal Patolli. Patolli then went on about Asta's grimoire and his sword, telling him it wasn't his.

Someone was either panicking or had a troubled look, looking at the high concentrated mana coming from Patolli.

Even though Madara knew they were going to seal Patolli, he wanted to test something. A while ago, he mastered sun magic.

When he did, he felt like he understood the magic more. It was like it became apart of him. He didn't know the reason he felt like that after mastering it, but before, it felt like the magic didn't belong to him.

Madara closed his eyes and started to concentrated. Everyone who could sense mana looked to Madara feeling mana build. In between his hand were a bright orange ball, continuing to grow in size.

The more Madara concentrated, the bigger and more powerful the spherical orange ball became. It then became too big for the others to stay close to him. The heat coming from the miniature sun burning the moisture in the air, making it hard to breathe for some.

When Madara threw the ball, instead of it being absorbed by the light, it managed to stop it. The light and the miniature sun were trying to see who would prevail.

In the end, Madaras' miniature sun was absorbed by the light. The eye then began to seal Patolli from destroying the entire area.

Patolli was then crystallized as he and the eye slowly descended into a portal. Before leaving, Ryha grabbed Valtos.

"All right!"

Asta yelled after declaring they won. Madara then glared at Nozel for only showing up to look pretty.

"What was that Nozel? I thought earlier you said I didn't know anything because I didn't have a scratch on me?" Madara said making Nozel grit his teeth.

Throughout the battle, Yami earned respect from Madara.

"Not bad at there, Captain. I'm just saying, I would've done better if you didn't hog all the enemies." Madara said making Yami laugh.

"You didn't do too bad yourself," Yami said patting Madaras' shoulder.

"How pathetic of you two. I can't believe that lot gave you so much trouble." Charlotte said looking at Madara and Yami.

"Jeez. Harsh as usual." Yami said making Madara smile. The reason he smiled? Was because she only acts a certain way toward Yami. Now that she involved Madara, he knew he was getting one step closer.

These chapters getting kinda long, huh?

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