
In Black Clover With Madaras Powers As Magic

Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.

TruePlug · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

A Talk With William

Madara appeared before the Magic Knights with Asta in his hands. He dropped Asta, but before he could leave, he was stopped.

"Madara! Asta!" Noelle called out to them.

"Asta, your injuries are all healed up. Did Madara-" Before Mimosa could finish Madara glared at her making her stop talking.

"Madara, where were you? I don't think I saw you after you jumped out the window." Noelle asked making everyone turned their attack to Madara.

"I went to every district killing zombies. Since if I killed shitcuts over there, things would be gotten hectic." Madara said making shitcuts grit their teeth.

"That's impossible! You dare make up a lie and say you were on the front lines when you ran!" Solid shouted out of anger in frustration.

"Talk again, and I'm taking your tongue," Madara said in a cold dark tone giving off a hint of malice.

Solid was going to say something, but before he could, Julius appeared with someone in a white robe inside his Chrono Stasis.

"W-Wizard King!" Some called out after seeing him.

Secre then came up to Madara who had that same bored expression. Madara petted and rubbed under her chin, as she sat atop of his head.

"Seems like you and Secre are close. All she ever does is attack me." Asta said making Secre attack him.


"I see... Despite how strong Fuegoleon is, we don't know when he'll wake up. That was a miscalculation on my part." Julius said looking to the side.

"No, it's due to our inexperience," Charlotte said showing signs of guilt.

'Our?' Madara thought listening to her. If he wanted to, he could've killed the traitors and saved Fuegoleon. But that would ultimately ruin what he's been working so hard for.

"We've confirmed that the pendant Fuegoleon was wearing is missing," Charlotte said confusing Julius.

"Pendant?" Julius asked confused about what that had to do with anything.

"Could that be what they were after? Who in the world could they be?" Charlotte questioned.

"From what they said, they appear to be a terrorist group with a grudge against the kingdom," Julius said.

'I wonder if I die in this world would I be dead completely or will I meet the Council again?' Madara thought bored by the discussion going on.

"We'll get the details from our captive later. In any case, people look to the Magic Knights for one thing... Peace in the Clover Kingdom. In order to preserve that, we'll keep fighting with everything we have." Julius said making Nozel speak out.

"If you'll excuse me," Nozel said as he turned his back in left with his two siblings following behind him.

"Has the enemy not awakened a sleeping lion, but a sleeping hawk?" Julius questioned watching Nozel walk away.

"We shall become stronger!" Charlotte said making everyone silently agree except for Madara.


"I'll be the one who'll become the strongest!" There stood Leopold in his fatigued state breathing heavily in the doorway.

"Asta, as my rival who faced death with me, you must also get stronger!" Leopold said to Asta then looked to Madara.

"Madara! I didn't see you, but I know you did something. I hereby declare you as by rival as well! I will surpass you and my brother!" Leopold said as he burned the diamond mark on his forehead.

Madara didn't say anything because he didn't want to kill the mood by saying, "You will never be strong enough to be considered my rival. Only Julius can become my rival, and soon enough, I will surpass him!". Saying something like that didn't sit right with him.

A short while later, Julius gave a public speech about the people who attack the Clover Kingdom were a terrorist group. After that, Madara followed a Golden Dawn back to their base.

He then infiltrated the base by concealing himself and finding the one with the highest mana. It didn't take long or much effort to find William. With his sensory abilities, nothing could get past him.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." Madara said making William turn around to see him sitting on the couch.

"I see. You've come to talk. Klaus did inform me you wanted to speak, but I haven't have had the time. Now, what did you want to discuss?" William asked sitting on the couch across from Madara.

"Let's cut the bullshit. I know the elves are planning an attack and need the magic stones to complete it. I also know that the elves are planning to commit genocide amounts the human race." Madara said making William look at him warily.

"So, you know. Who gave you such information?" William said with worry in his face but trying to sound indifferent.

"That isn't important, what is, is what I get from helping you," Madara said confusing William.

"What are you talking about?" William asked.

"The reason for the attack was to get Fuegolean's magic stone, am I correct?" Madara asked receiving a nod from William.

"The reason I know this information is because I am an elf myself," Madara said getting a shocked expression from William.

"I will help you in receiving the magic stones because I want something out of this," Madara said.

"What would that be?" William asked intrigued.

"A grimoire," Madara said greatly confusing William.

"You already possess a four-leaf. What could you need with another one?" William asked.

"That's not important. I will help you, and you will keep my name out of this. If you do speak of my name, I will not hesitate to kill you." Madara said in a dark tone.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" William asked as Madara got up.

"No. but here," Madara said as he threw William the necklace. To William's surprise, it was a magic stone.

"Where did you get this?" William asked in astonishment.

"I will not take in part of killing the human. I will be siding with them because your plan will fail. I know of another magic stone, but it'll take some time to get, but I will keep the end of my deal if you do." Madara said as he disappeared into the darkness.

William only stared at the place where Madara was before putting the magic stone away. It would be trouble if word got out, so he decided to trust Madara and keep his end of the deal.


Madara arrived back at the hideout. Just then, Asta and Noelle were leaving for the Magic Knight Headquarters. He decided to walk with them because he had nothing else to do.

"Madara, where did you go?" Noelle asked only to get no response. "Hmpf!".


"Why are you here, Charmy?" Asta asked as she took away their basket of cupcakes.

"Where yummy things are, there I shall be!" Charmy said with crumbs around her mouth.

She then handed them a cupcake. Madara broke a piece off of his and have it to Secre. He expected her to reject it, but instead, she ate it. Madara smiled a little bit making Noelle who was watching him blush.

She had never seen him smile before and she couldn't deny that she had a nice smile. But what upset her was that a bird made him smile, A bird!

As Noelle and Asta were talking, Asta noticed Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa and greeted them. From the other side, Asta shouted 'Hey' and got their attention.

"Asta! Madara!" Mimosa said while waving.

"Have your wounds fully healed? I asked that before, did I?" Klaus asked feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I'm fine like I said before!" Asta replied.

"Yuno, I heard you took down the enemy like it was nothing, you jerkface!" Asta shouted.

Asta then started yelling at Yuno who only opened his grimoire and sent a hawk made of wind stream at the four, including Secre.

Madara hadn't moved an inch seeing the attack coming his way. Asta eventually sliced through it will this sword.

"Don't shoot something like that just so you can write letters!" Asta yelled out to Yuno.

They made it headquarters where Asta and Noelle were awarded Junior Third Class Magic Knights. While Madara was awarded Intermediate Magic Knight Second Class.

From protecting the townspeople in every district, clearing the dungeon and its treasure, saving Saussy Village, and retrieving the infiltrator. His feats did not go unnoticed.

Sike, I lied. You should not be surprised.

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