
In Black Clover as a SpearSaint

Toshiro was on his way to his dojo to train but got into a incident and died. He got reincarnated in Black Clover with wishes and aims to become the strongest wizard in existence and live his life to the fullest. ~~~~~~~~ This is my first Fanfic, english isn't my first language. I am just your normal reader so don't expect anything from this Fanfic. I am just doing it for me but any readers are welcome. I am writing this because I got really angry when I read the Black Clover Fanfic from DragonZ or GhostyZ. If you don't know what I mean go read his Fanfic and you will know. The cover art is not mine, got it from google so if you're the one who made it and you have a problem with it, just say it, I will take it down. I dont own anything

An1x · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

5. Little brothers

"Yeah, I am op enough for now..."

"pfft, who am I kidding here? Being op is the best and when I have my Grimoire, I wouldn't be so far from the strongest wizard in existence anymore!"

"Nii-chaaan! Nii-chaan! where are you?!"

Down the hill a little boy with Ash grey hair was running around and screaming, apparently he is searching me. That is Asta, he is ten years old now and he and the others started calling me nii-chan some years ago. And I must say, I am really happy with that. We are playing hide and seek and Asta hasn't won one round out of 13.

'Seems like he has given up once again this time. Maybe I should scare him a little hehe' I thought as I went to the nearest bush and started sneaking


[Due to repeated action you gained a new Skill: {Sneak: While sneaking your steps make no sound and you are harder to find}]

"Oh, new Skill again" I said

"Nii-chan come out now, you won! I don't want to play anymore!"

Asta looked around but he couldn't find me. He looked a little bit sad because they played so many rounds together but Aether always won. But then he saw some bushes rustling.

'Maybe Nii-chan is hiding there?' he went nearer and nearer but then...





Suddenly a big grey wolf jumped out and was about to bite Asta's head off.

"AHHHH!" Asta screamed because he thought that he would die now since he can't evade and is too weak to counter the wolf


'This shitty dog dares to attack my little brother?!'

Aether came out of his hide and dashed with his full might. He was in front of Asta in less than a second with his arm pulled back, muscles on his little 13 year old body bulging , ready to punch

[Skill {Big brother} activated]

"Now die {Thrust}" he said coldly as he thrusted his arm forward


Asta watched with wide eyes how his Big brother got in front of him out of nowhere and punched with strength he never knew his brother had, sure he knew that his brother is a lot stronger than other kids his age, but this is another level


The blood and other insides of the wolf painted the trees and grassy ground in front of them red. Some even got on my clothes *sigh*

"Are you ok Asta? Do you have any injuries? You should pay more attention to your surroundings...*bla bla bla*"

As Aether went Big brother mode Asta was standing there still trying to cope with what happened before.

"Asta? Asta!" I said while shaking him by his shoulders to gain his attention

"Hah? Ah- yeah I am fine, thank you Aether nii-chan"

"No problem, but we should get going or Sister Lily is going to worry again" I went to pick him up so we can be faster at the church but...

"Wait! I want to pick up some flowers before we go back!" Asta said with a blush on his face

'Hoh? So it has begun' I thought while a evil grin formed on my face

"And why would you pick flowers hm? Maybe it is for a person you like?" I asked Asta

"W-what are you talking about?! I just want to pick them for...for...Father Orsi!" he said

"Is that so? Then let's go pick some flowers"

"yes" he looked down with slumping shoulders

"Hehehe" I giggled


"WE ARE BACK!" the door kicked open and Asta who has lot of flowers in his hands and Aetha behind him came in

"Aether, Asta welcome back!" Sister Lily greeted us heartfully

"Oh, hi Sister Lily, we are back, did you see Yuno anywhere?" I tried to get fast away before she notices the blood on my clothes, but apparently she has sharp eyes

"HI SISTER LILY, LOOK AT THE FLOWE-" before Asta could even end his sentence Sister Lily rushes past him and ignores him completely

'Poor Asta' I thought

"Aether! Is that blood on your clothes?! What happened? Are you injured?!" she bombarded me with countless questions

'Wow, so it is like that when someone uses 'Big brother' mode on you'

"Ähhh, that isn't blood it's just some red berries-" I tried to lie my way out but


"MAGICAL WOLF?!" I can literally see the anger and worrie at the same time on her face, it looks kinda strange

"Do you know how Dangerous Magical Beast's are?! You aren't hurt, are you? Come here, let me see!" aaand she began again

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I didn't even get a scratch, see?" I said as I step back and let her see my whole body

"*sigh* fine, but never do something like that again you hear me?!"

"Yes yes, now could you be so kind and tell me where Yuno is?" I have something to say to him and Asta

"Yes, he is behind with the others chopping some wood for us"

"Thank you~ now come on Asta and put the flowers somewhere" I called out to him and went on my way to meet Yuno

"O-ok" before he came along with me he quickly went to Sister Lily and handed her a beautiful blue rose "H-here, for you" before she could reply he quickly put the other normal red roses in a Vase somewhere and ran to catch up to me


Outside you can see three kids in total.(I don't know when the other kids like Rekka and Nash came in the orphanage but in this story they are just here) One of them, is a little girl with short red? hair, making the laundry, that's Rekka, while a other one, a boy with short brown hair is playing on the ground with some sticks. That's baby Nash. The last one is a kid with black hair, that is hacking some wood with his wind Magic. That one is Yuno obliviously.

'I wonder when they will come back' he thought as he stopped hacking wood for a moment and looked in the cloud clear sky.


'What is he watching there in the sky? Hmm...nothing. He is just dozing off again thinking about something'

"Oi Yuno! Come here real quick!" I shouted

'Oh, Nii-chan is back' Yuno thought as he heard me shouting

"Rekke, watch over Nash while I'm gone, I will go greet Aether nii-chan and look what he wants" After Rekke replied with a "Sure" he quickly made his way towards me but then stopped for a moment as he saw the blood on my clothes

"Aniki are you ok? What happened?" he asked worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine, and I am sure Asta would be glad to be the one to tell the story of what happened i.n the forest" I said as I looked at Asta who just scratches the back of his head and made an "ehehehe"

"Just follow me now, I have to tell you something" with that said I went to my way to where the giant Demon skull lies

"YEAH LET'S GO!" -Asta


























I hope this Time no one is gonna steal from me. They already took some of my dots and sound effects.

Anyway, did you like this chapter? and you like my novel? then leave a review and a comment so you can help me get better and to become the best Black Clover Fanfic.

Thank you!







I am tired, gonna sleep now. You should try too.

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