
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


The indoor temperature remained comfortably within range, as if unaffected by the harsh winds and cold snow outside.

The warm air in the room eased Gu Lin's almost numb face.

He first bent down to take off his soaked socks, then put on his usual slippers, glancing at the thermometer hanging near the entrance.

The indoor temperature was still at 25 degrees Celsius.

Gu Lin's lips curved with satisfaction as he turned around and saw Gu Xue hanging up his coat and turning back.

Gu Xue, nearly twelve years old now, was already 1.5 meters tall.

Soon, she would be as tall as an adult woman. It's good that his sister was still here in this life and living well.

In the previous life, he lost the only chance to bring his sister back because of his enemy, Bai Weiwei, who had already died.

Gu Lin had thrown her body into the waste conversion bin, and she had been converted into a portable air purifier.

"Brother, what's happening outside?"

Gu Xue noticed that Gu Lin had gone out for a walk and returned without any unusual expression on his face.

Instead, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, which was a bit puzzling.

An unusual phenomenon, snowfall in early autumn.

This was obviously not right.

Why was her brother still calm?

Gu Lin smiled, taking off his cashmere coat and casually replied, "Who knows? Let's stay at home for a few days. It's very cold outside."

He casually placed his cool cashmere coat on the warm heated kang in the living room and turned back to Gu Xue with a smile.

"You'll freeze your ears off if you go out!"

Gu Xue: ...

She felt that her brother was unusually happy today.

Maybe it was just her imagination?

After all, there was no signal now, and the heavy snow outside showed no signs of stopping.

Neither the government nor the military had made any announcements.

Who would be excited under such circumstances?

Gu Xue was just a little younger, but she wasn't ignorant.

However, she soon noticed that Gu Lin was indeed very happy!

This was evident in his actions, including but not limited to looking out the window with a smile on his lips.

For dinner, he enthusiastically prepared mushroom, brewed bone soup, and personally made a mushroom hot pot.

Seeing the table full of hot pot ingredients, Gu Xue took a bowl of vegetables to line her stomach, while cautiously saying.

"Brother, the weather outside is so bad. We might not be able to go out later. Let's save some food."

Gu Lin, unaffected by her words, continued to enjoy his lamb slices, smiling as he picked up a piece and said.

"It's cold, eat more lamb to warm up!"

Seeing Gu Xue hesitating, Gu Lin pointed to the direction of the storeroom and said.

"How much good food did I hoard before? Haven't you counted yet?"

Gu Xue finally relaxed, wrapped the lamb given by Gu Lin in sesame sauce, took a big bite, and said with a mouthful, "Delicious!"

Seeing Gu Xue still eating heartily, Gu Lin also scooped up some lamb for himself, wrapped it in sesame sauce, took a bite, and squinted with satisfaction.

He had caught the lamb from his space in the afternoon, freshly slaughtered.

Its meat was the tenderest, surpassing even the ingredients in hot pot restaurants.

Fortunately, although Gu Xue was intelligent, she was still young and lacked life experience, so she couldn't distinguish between these subtle differences in food ingredients.

After dinner, the siblings' bellies were round and full.

Considering it was the first day of the apocalypse, Gu Lin didn't insist on exercising with Gu Xue anymore.

After eating, he let her rest freely.

Taking advantage of this first meal in the face of the apocalypse, Gu Lin also tried out the portable air purifier made from Bai Weiwei's body.

The result? Perfect!

He adjusted it within a three-meter range.

During that time, using the excuse of checking the weather, he headed towards the balcony in the living room.

As soon as he stepped out of the three-meter range, the strong smell of mushrooms and bone soup in the air disappeared without a trace, not a hint of leakage!

Gu Lin once again marveled at the miraculous items in his space!

With this gadget, the siblings could indulge in all kinds of flavorful foods at home without worrying about attracting annoying visitors.

And if they were to go to a base in the future, this thing would be even more indispensable.

Gu Lin had lived in a base in his previous life.

The houses were small and cramped, with poor sound insulation.

The smell of cooking from any household would permeate everywhere.

He didn't want to miss out on even a bite of meat.

With the air purifier, they wouldn't have to worry about the scent of food causing unnecessary trouble when traveling.

Moreover, just experiencing the powerful effect of the air purifier, Gu Lin almost immediately thought of another use—masking the smell of blood.

As the natural disasters worsened, if the siblings were to leave their current hideout and venture into the wilderness...

Whether it was their own people getting injured or the need to dispose of corpses, there would inevitably be a smell of blood.

Allowing the smell of blood to spread freely in the wilderness wouldn't be a good idea.

So, to some extent, this air purifier could be a lifesaver!

Glancing at the worried Gu Xue, poking at her chubby cheeks, Gu Lin went to the storage room and took out two portable mini-fridges from the space, stacking them beside the boxes reaching up to the ceiling.

Just as he was about to grab some fresh fruit, he hesitated, remembering the stash that Gu Xue had referred to as "robbing the supermarket" before, and returned to the kitchen fridge.

Without hesitation, Gu Lin washed three bunches of grapes of different varieties and brought them to the living room.

Suddenly, there was a fruit platter on the small table nearby, pulling Gu Xue out of her worried mood.

She glanced at Gu Lin and, while reaching for grapes, furrowed her brows: "Brother, do you think Fatty will be okay?"

Gu Lin had seen Fatty even in the fifth year after the apocalypse, so he knew that the little orange cat was lucky and resilient.

Moreover, with better care this time, it was less likely to perish prematurely.

"Don't worry, maybe it's just going through some changes. Look, it's still breathing, isn't it?"

Although Fatty was unconscious, the fur on its little belly still rose and fell with its breath.

With long fur, it was quite noticeable when the fur moved.

Gu Xue sighed softly, glanced in the direction of the balcony, and said nothing, silently eating grapes.

Perhaps due to the snowfall, the sky darkened even earlier than usual.

The siblings were not very close to the balcony, and Gu Lin knew that the top floor across the street was completely empty, so he didn't bother to pull the living room's blackout curtains.

It was only six or seven in the afternoon, but the sky had already turned pitch black.

However, the outside world was anything but dark; on the contrary, it was surprisingly bright.

Even without the moon, the landscape between heaven and earth was completely covered in a silver-white snow blanket, creating a vast expanse of whiteness no matter which way you looked.