
In another World: With Rising Desire Application

My name is Wang Hao!! Age: 24 years old. I make my living by working as a trainer in the gym, with a healthy body and physique that took me several years to build. In the local gym, run by my uncle, who had allowed me to work there for the last few months! Even so, it was because of that that I had successfully completed the required military service and failed the Gaokao (NCEE) Examination the previous two times! Since I scored in the top 100 on the previous exam with obvious hard work, I have also turned into a teacher who prepares other students to pass the NCEE. My life would have been simple, until one day! My fate rotated, and an application that changed my desire and my ambition appeared on the new smartphone that I had bought! What was waiting for me was a steamy relationship and an exciting life of love and lust!

Shubham_gosai · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

New Job Application!

[Target: Li Shia has been selected]

[Profile: Li Shia.]

[Name: Li Shia, 20 years old, female]

[Height/Weight: 162 cm/48 Kg]

[Status Level: Level 7.]

[Personality: She exudes happiness among her high school students, possessing an open mind, slender figure, and subtle sense of style.]

[Recent status: She is feeling rather down being forced to live in her apartment and has started making social video and acts.] [Her feelings are in a little turmoil after meeting her previous boyfriend few days ago with her friends, and seemed to have silently black listed them inside her head.] [She had been trying to find a new topic she can work on for her new social video but has been facing a lot of problem.]

[Mindset: Active and refreshed.]

Jade Serenity Manor-Town!

Roadside 2!

Bustling District Area!

"That's really hard! I hope I am not lost, right?"

"I should be near the surrounding area, I hope! However, this area has far too many buildings—not to mention ones that appear so expensive." Ruffling his head in trouble, Wang Hao realized one fact: he was lost.

'Fuck! It was a good job that I could have gotten because they not only gave money but also provided one dinner.' With such a facility at his disposal, Wang Hao was thinking about leaving a good impression.

However, because of this mindset, he ended up spending far too much time getting dressed in this manner and was now running late because he could not find the building in this new district.

'Being late for the first lesson. I am sure that I will get fired in this manner if they are not kind enough.' Wang Hao felt tired after he reached that park again, realizing that he might be moving around in a circle for all this time.

'I am back at the park.'

'Shit! Should I ask someone? That might be the best course of action.'

"Hello, pardon me. I want to ask for the direction; I want to go to this building." Wang Hao kept looking in the wrong place before he finally saw the person carrying the snacks and dressed casually.

Though the girl looked around in her teens with a mask covering her face, this type of get-up is usually reserved for people in familiar surroundings.

However, for some reason, the girl's figure and appearance resembled the girl on that strange app.

'Maybe that application is something legit! Then she might be the student that I'm going to be teaching today.' The girl paused and gave Wang Hao a serious look before turning to look at the address he was pointing out to her.

'Sky Apartment.'

"Sky Apartment, it says. Plus, I haven't been in this area before." Wang Hao appreciated the help as he looked at the girl, who was looking at his smartphone with a calm gaze, and her calm voice as she politely talked with him.

"Ah, there. It's closeby; since I am also going there, you can follow me, although try to stick around, or you will find yourself lost."

Hearing that Wang Hao smiled with a small curve on his lips as he nodded at the girl and followed her back while looking at her ponytail and slim body, that attracted his attention for a moment, but he shook off his head to shake that feeling.

'What the hell am I thinking? It was surely because of that application that my mind had been having such thoughts.'

Wang Hao tried to calm his mind, but his gaze still stopped on her thigh as he looked at her while she walked toward the cross section and was pointing at a certain building.

"We are here. This it is, the Sky Apartment." He followed her, and it did not take long for them to arrive at the building.

However, the building's name was so well hidden that he would not have been able to find it without the girls' assistance.

'Fuck! It was really nearby! Plus, I did not even have to hurry to reach this building.' When Wang Hao saw her enter the building and check in at the counter, he was moved by gratitude and wanted to thank her.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?" The guard asked Wang Hao, who was about to contact the landlady, for her permission.

After all, recently the security had been very tight around the area, so for private tutoring, it was common to get the call to the customer to talk to guards.

"He is my teacher! He will be coming with me. Let's go. Mr. Wang Hao." The girl suddenly turned to face the guard and smiled, her eyes sparkling with a hint of playfulness as she turned to face Wang Hao.

'No way!!!' Wang Hao was shocked to see that everything about the girl's character—her honesty and unique traits, for example—seemed to match the girl standing in front of him when he reviewed the application data.

'That application is legit—maybe some kind of trump card or benefit for reincarnation in this world—but never did I have thought that it would come so late in life.' As Wang glanced at the naive girl in front of him, his mind began to race, and feelings of passion began to bubble up in his chest.

'Hey man, remember that? Since you have such good looks, you should try talking to girls. I am sure you have what it takes to date a nice girl without much difficulty. Not that it matters now, when there are only 15% of men left in the world.'

As Wang Hao turned to face the girl standing next to him in the elevator and silently peered at the door, his friend's words resonated in his mind, making the situation awkward.

"Go have fun and enjoy yourself; do not try to be a saint during this time, because death is looming over all of us." Wang Hao turned to face the girl next to him; his eyes focused on her fair and delicate neckline, and he seemed to be convinced that Wen Tao was correct about everything.

"Is there something that you want to ask? Mr. Wang!"

The girl looked calm at first, but she noticed his gaze for some time before turning her head to ask Wang Hao, as she also gave Wang Hao another look, and felt that the guy in front of her was really slim and tall, not to say, if not for his unprofessional hair cutting, she was sure that Wang Hao would look really good with such well-defined muscle and jawline.

"Huh! It is nothing; just feeling a little awkward with the weird silence, that is all." 'Shit! She saw me staring at her neck for all this time, Is she mad or something?' Wang Hao was a little flustered by the sudden question, as he was not familiar with talking and all.

Looking at her face, Wang Hao was not entirely clear, but he was sure that she did not hate it or something but looked pretty cool about it.

'She is a nice girl!' He thought within his mind when their was that silence again, making it really awkward for both of them.

[Inner thought] [First-person Viewpoint]

'Should I say something...'

'No, that way, I would be like a freak. She could also be tired of talking like this.'

'I hope we can talk like this later on too. She is kind, cute, and has been quite polite for all this time; that only made me have a positive look out of her.'

'Should I try doing that quest from the application? With it, i might be able to be with her not just as a teacher but something else too.' After a while, Wang Hao's mind began to race, and he found himself staring into her eyes once more.

Her silent gaze turned toward him as the sound of her heartbeat and breathing corroded the silence.

'Maybe it was just an illusion, but I felt the time moving slowly as I kept staring at her, and along the time, our eyes met again...'

Li Shia's eyes met Wang Hao's as the two stood there in silence. Although none of them spoke much when the ring of the lift rang off and the door opened, Wang Hao walked out of the awkward space and turned to look at Li Shia, who was also walking out of the lift while looking at the ground and heading ahead of him toward her apartment.