
In Another World, Kingdom Building

A teen boy who got transferred to another world to lead a Village. This boy was tasked to be a feudal lord for this Village. He must thinks of ways to protect his Village, and how he will handle the village's resources, economy, defense, Military, and other things. Please be kind and don't be toxic, if you don't like the story kindly leave. I worked hard for this story and I'll be doing my best to finish this story. Enjoy the series :) (Can't think of a long description because my imagination is not big) English is not my 1st languange so I humble apologize if I got any wrong grammars.

Alniko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 7

At My House...

' I hope everyone is all right...' I asked myself. I have never encounter a monster before, because monsters didn't exist on my other world. it's only natural to be afraid. I was playing with my fingers on the table when I saw someone carrying a person outside the window.

"Oi! Bring these guy to the medic. he's still alive, he just lost conciousness I'm going back to assist the Captain!" A Knight said carrying John.

"Understood!" Another Knight went to get John and went for the medic.

I immediately went outside to see the condition of the Young Knight.

'Phew he's still alive.. I'm so glad.."

I thought. But that relief quickly changed as soon as I noticed how pale his face looks.

'What kind of Monster did he face?'

"Your Highness! I told you don't go outside yet! we are not sure how many monsters are on the border so it's still not safe for an important people like you roaming around the village!" Aisling scolded at me.

"Sorry Aisling, I was just worried for the Knight over there."

"The Medic has already taken care with that Knight. He already know what to do." She gave me a soft smile.

'His Highness, cares about His Knights.' She thought. That made me feel very happy.

"Anyway, your highness should not waste time here. I shall accompany you in making sure you will stay at the house safe and sound until we receive news regarding the monster attack.." Aisling offered.

Seeing as I lost I only nodded to agree in defeat.



Michael's POV

The sounds of the horse as I made my way back to the village

. I could see the village from my distance. I called out one of the Villagers.

"Please help these 2 knights! they were unconscious after fighting with the monster." The Villagers quickly went into action and spared no time to gently move the 2 wounded to the medic.

"Please take care of this 2. there are still 2 others there that are in the same state as them I will go back to the border again to get them." After saying those words I took my leave to search for my injured comrades back to the forest.

As I am searching for the two knights who is currently unconscious, I couldn't help but to think something is off, That monster was C-Ranked that only shows up at the inner dungeon.

Why would it be outside? It should be inside the dungeons right? But the fact that it showed up outside means...Wait, how did it even came out in the first place?

'Thinking deeply about it won't help, I'll find my comrades first.'

I shook off my thoughts as I looked for their unconscious bodies on the ground. Luckily most of them weren't injured in anyway or else...


(A/N) I wanted to make sure if you're comfortable reading this since I had already written this story but I'm sorry if it seems a bit repetitive and if it's not clear.


When I arrived to the place where I last seen the knight. I found both of them lying on the ground.


I slowly approached my fallen comrade to check their breathing.

To my surprise I could hear their heart beating fast. He was still alive.

But why?

"Captain?" I suddenly heard the voice of my subordinate.

"Is everything alright Captain? What happened? Oh yeah! How about the Monster!?!" My subordinate asked me.

"Everything is fine, we managed to kill the bastard thanks to your cooperation. Now i need you to come with me to the Medic."

"And carry your partner, I'm tired." I said.

"Yes sir,"

The Knight carefully put his unconscious comrade on his back and went to ride the horse.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes sir."

And now they went to make their way to their village.



After several hours, we managed to treat all of the knights who are injured.

His Highness came to check the injured knights.

Michael immediately bowed down.

"How are they doing Knight?" Asked his Highness.

"They're doing okay Your Highness, some of them are still unconscious but that's better than dying. I can't really tell about their wounds though, Your Highness." I answered.

"Alright. Thank you for helping them Dear Knight."

"It is nothing Your Highness. I'm just doing my job as a Knight and happy they're finally okay."

"That's true, I'm also relieved, they seem quite strong. You saved them my dear Knight, thank you, you've done us great service to me and to the people of this Village."

"I don't deserve such praise Your Highness." Michael replied modestly.

"You have nothing to shy about dear Knight, you're worthy of such honor. As you should know we haven't been able to hold off the invading monsters without your help and your battle inteligence is one of our best. You're indeed worthy of the title of Knight and we're proud to call you as one."

"Thank You Your Highness."

",Keep up the good work!" after I said that i went outside the medical tent with Aisling

"I'm glad, that there was no casualties with the knights. My 2nd day as a ruler of this Village couldn't be worse than this right?' I thought.

I went back to the Head Office with my Personal Guard to have a short meeting with my Assistant.

"Your Highness, the unexpected attack of the Monsters to the village proves that we will need to start building the walls immediately." Miller said

" Yes, I'm certain that this event would make the villagers eager to help us building the walls."

Miller smiled seeing the smile from the Prince.

"I guess so. I will inform the villagers, Your Highness. We have to begin the construction immediately and prepare supplies in case any attacks occur." Miller said.

"Good Luck Miller."Miller left the office.

"I hope that the walls will be complete soon." I said.

(AN: Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying the story, if you noticed some errors please do inform me and I'll do my best to fix my errors and earn some experience because this is my 1st book that got published. I'm only trying to get experience 😀)