
In Another World, Kingdom Building

A teen boy who got transferred to another world to lead a Village. This boy was tasked to be a feudal lord for this Village. He must thinks of ways to protect his Village, and how he will handle the village's resources, economy, defense, Military, and other things. Please be kind and don't be toxic, if you don't like the story kindly leave. I worked hard for this story and I'll be doing my best to finish this story. Enjoy the series :) (Can't think of a long description because my imagination is not big) English is not my 1st languange so I humble apologize if I got any wrong grammars.

Alniko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6

I woke up and did the same routine every time I woke up in the morning. I sat up and looked around, stretch, Then prepared myself to head to the Head Office.

I opened the door and there was Aisling. Standing on her guarding post. She looked up when she heard me open the door. "Good Morning Your Highness!" she called out to me as a greeting and bowed. I smiled and replied back

"Morning, Aisling." I responded with my own greeting as I walked past her.

" Did you had already breakfast Aisling?" I asked her and nodded

"Yes I have your Highness," she replied. "

" Great! let's head to the Head Office to get my breakfast."

"Right away Your Highness!" I heard Aisling shout behind me.


We arrived at the Head Office.

I went to the dining room of the Head Office and went to see what breakfast did the Chef has made for His Highness.

I walked in and saw the Chef standing by the counter looking quite anxious. I walked up to him.

" Your Highness!" The Chef bowed down.

"Please stand up. What is the matter chef? Is everything alright?" I asked the Chef. He turned his gaze from the pots on top of the stove to me.

" Oh yes Your Highness, Everything is fine. It's just that It's my first time meeting Your Highness in person." He said, nervously scratching his cheek.

" It's quite Alright Chef, you don't need to be formal everytime. What kind of food did you prepare for today?" I said smiling

"Well, I prepared an omelette. But I don't know if your highness would like it." The Chef stated. I chuckled slightly, then nodded.

" Of course I'd like it. Thank you Chef." I said giving him a slight nod.

" Yes My Highness."


He gave me the omelette and I took small bite out of it. 'It's so delicious!' I thought to myself. " This is very good chef." I told the chef

" Yes, thank you Your Highness, ." the chef said he bowed.

" Well it was very delicious Cook." I said smiling

" Thank You again Your Highness but I think the food needs more salt." he said as he handed me some salt. I frowned and began eating my breakfast.


After eating my breakfast I headed over to my office where I could do some paperwork.

I looked through the documents I needed to fill in today.

a knock door was heard.


the door opened and it was Miller.

"Your Highness, You wanted to speak to me?" he asked and

"Yes I wanted to talk about something serious." I said

"What is it Your Highness?" he asked confusedly.

" We need something to protect the village from the Monsters, from what I've heard in the pub there was a rumors about monsters appearing more frequently than normal. If It's true we need to build a wall around the village. Does our current resources will be enough to build a wall around the village?" I asked.

'It couldn't be the Month o-?!' Miller thought but needs to calm down.

" Your Highness, I believe our reserves are enough to build one. And that should be sufficient, but we may have to make adjustments in the way we build the wall." he told me.

"I understand." I replied, "Is this a problem?" I added.

" No not at all."

"Then how about workers for working the wall?" I asked.

Miller was silent for a bit thinking and nodded, then said," Yes Your Highness, we can arrange workers for this."

"Great, I'm glad we both agreed. I'll leave it to you to organize this. In the meantime please inform any other people about the situation regarding this issue."

"What is the status of our funds in the village?" I asked him.

" We are managing well your highness. It would take time to fully gather them together however the some villagers say that they are able to help aswell ." he replied.

"Tell the other knights to help constructing the walls. we'll never know when will a monster attack."

I informed him.

" As you says Your Highness." he said before leaving.


As I finished filling in the last page of document I closed the files I had been reviewing and set down my pen. With a small sigh I got up from my chair and stretched my body.

Standing up, I picked up my book bag and started to read about "Governing Lessons."

' I don't if the rumors is true or not but It's better to be safe. i just hope the people will cooperate.' I thought to myself.

' I guess I'll find out soon enough.'


2 hours later...

I finished reading the book "Governing Lessons"

Miller arrived to deliver some news.

"Your Highness,I have some news regarding the construction for the walls."

he said.

" Please enlighten me." I said.

" It's almost done preparing the necessary materials for the Construction Your Highness. There were a few small problems along the way which caused some delays, but everything is completed." he replied


"Thank you, Miller. You can leave now." I dismissed him, "I want to check things out personally anyway, I'll be going to the village later today."


I exited the Head Office and made my way to the center where I could start give speech about the construction of walls.

There were some guards at the corners of the center of the village.

I cleared my throat and spoke up,

" Good Morning citizens of this kingdom. I am Prince Shirou of the Kingdom of Amadeus and I wish to begin construction on the wall that surrounds our village." I said

The villagers were staring at me, they give their reactions some was not happy,, others were cheering, and some are silent. The guards looked towards me as well, but did nothing more except stood straight and listened intently to their prince.

' Maybe this will work.' I thought and continued speaking,

" Today we'll commence construction of the wall. All the stones that you need will be found within the village's grounds and the materials will be brought here."

" As I have been aware that, there is a chance that monsters will attack at this Village because according of a certain rumor that Monsters are appearing frequently at the forest which is not normal! I ask for everyone's cooperation for this project is to protect everyone inside the Village! I am willing to help to build the walls

' I can already see the villagers whispering to eachother."

"So I'll give out tasks to each of you. Now, who can tell me about the best method in building the wall? " I asked. Most of the villagers stayed quiet while most others whispered amongst themselves.

I waited till everyone finished talking and then asked another question,

"Who can help in bringing the stones?" I asked

One man raised his hand, which caught my attention. " I can help." he shouted.

I approached him and questioned,

" Who are you?"

The man replied,

"My name is Gaster. And I'm the owner of the local tavern where I serve drinks everyday." he introduced himself.

"Very good Mr Gaster, and I welcome your assistance with the construction of the wall. Thank you."

Gaster seemed pleased that I accepted his offer.

I then proceeded to distribute task for the villagers who wanted to assist the construction.

Once everything was sorted I decided to head back to the house to get dressed formally.

On my way back to the House I noticed that there were quite a lot of guards surrounding near my House . Curious I decided to go ahead and ask one of the guards.

"Excuse me, Do you guys happen to know what is happening here?" I asked.

The guard closest to me replied, " Your Highness! There is a monster attack near the border of the village sir. Knights that are station there is currently guarding the border of the village."

I was surprised to hear that.

"Are you sure?" I said.

He nodded,

"Then let us hurry and go stop them!"

"Right away your Highness." The guard answered quickly, and ran off towards the gates of the village. The rest of the guards followed suit, heading towards the border where the Monster was attacking the village.

I was about to follow them but Aisling stepped me.

"Your Highness, you cant go to the battlefield. We can't lose our New Feudal Lord . Besides, its dangerous outside. It isn't wise for you to go there."

I nodded and smiled, "Aisling,You're right, but still..I have to help.."

"Please don't go Sir, The Assistant would surely blame me for you going." She told me. I sighed looking towards the ground.



Before the Battle with the Monster on the border of the Village.

A certain Knight named John was part of the knights guarding at the border of the village.

Currently there are 4 knights stationed here and it was peaceful.

There haven't been any threats from Monsters so far, but it was still possible that one might appear at any minute. That's why they posted several knights at the border.

John was standing by the gate checking his watch. He has been waiting for a while, since he hasn't received any orders about any Monster Attacks, and there hadn't been any sightings of any Monsters. But he knew something wasn't right, something was hiding in these woods.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from behind him, and he immediately grabbed his sword and spun around ready to defend himself against whatever is coming. His eyes widen when he saw a Monster advancing slowly towards him. But he didn't have much time to react as he saw his companion slash the Monster and kill it in one move. He turned to thank his friend for saving him and saw the monster was also dead as well.

The Knight turned and saw John staring at him wide eyed,

"Are you alright Sir?" he said, noticing how pale John looked,

"I'm fine, I was just startled is all. Thanks for saving me." John stammered.

"Don't worry Sir." The Knight then turned and began inspecting the Monster corpse, "This is certainly not Monster food." He said.

John was just standing by quietly when the Knight finished his inspection and called him to his side.

"Let's take this carcass back, it's not fit to eat." The Knight stated.

John didn't say anything, but followed his order obediently. John watched as the Knight took hold of the dead Monster carcass. When the Knight was finally gone he walked over to the place where the creature was attacked, and kneeled next to the spot where the monster was killed.

Something flashed through John's mind,

"I wonder,if its the same monster that attacked the Village. I mean, if there is a similar monster species..what if it is the same one?" he thought to himself.

Suddenly he felt something cold touched his neck. He quickly looked around and realized he was being stared at by a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

His heart skipped a beat and he immediately stood up and dashed for cover.

The monster appeared at an open area.

It was a dark purple monster with a humanoid form. It was wearing armor decorated with strange symbols.

The other 2 knights with him finally caught attention of the purple monster . They quickly rushed towards it.

They slashed the monster but it merely swatted their swords away easily.

The two knights charged forward at it with their sword. They clashed with the monster and attempted to stab it. The monster easily batted their swords away and punched both of them making them fall down unconscious.

Now John has to think of a plan on how to defeat the monster.

Suddenly he heard something approaching him. John quickly hid behind a tree and prepared himself to fight. He looked in front of him and saw the purple monster running towards him. The monster leaped into the air and began spinning rapidly in the air, landing perfectly on its feet again. Then it jumped up again into the air to land perfectly on the ground. Its movements were fluid and graceful; like dancing. John tried to look past its legs and try to find an opening where to strike, but the monster kept jumping from one leg to the other avoiding his attacks.

John was getting tired. The monster had no weaknesses and was incredibly agile. He was using the same moves again and again without breaking a sweat. The monster was starting to gain an advantage and John was about to run out of stamina.

He suddenly heard his name being called, he looked in front of him to see the monster jump and land on top of him. John screamed as it landed on him. It started to scratch and scratch him. He struggled to escape from its grasp but he couldn't break free.

"Please, let me go!" John cried.

But then the monster lifted it's arm up high above its head and swung it downwards violently onto the side of John's face knocking him unconscious before it dropped him on the ground motionless.

Soon enough, Reinforcements came and one of the Knights that has battle experience came. The Monster look to the reinforcements. They saw John laying unconscious on the ground motionless. One of the Knights ordered some of them to check John, to find out if he is still alive. Once they confirmed his life was intact, the knight looked at John again and ordered his subordinates,

"Bring him to our medic." The Knight commanded.

"Yes sir!" One of the Knight responded.

"I won't let you rampart inside the Village." The Knight named as Michael draws out his sword.

The Monster let out a Roar. Its golden eye glowing with anger.

Michael charged towards him with his sword drawn and swung it downward aiming for the Monster's neck. The Monster ducked, then dodged the attack and threw its own blade aimed directly for Michael. But Michael deflected the blade, sending it flying across the clearing and landed at the feet of the knight who now drew out her long sword.

Michael and the monster fought in a deadly exchange of blows. Michael's blade danced wildly in the air.

"You the other 2! Assist me on killing this bastard!" Michael shouted orders at the 2 knights.

The two knights charged towards the Monster and attacked with their own blades. But the monster blocked each attack by raising his arms up in the air blocking all their attacks.

Michael could see he was losing the fight and his fighting spirit was leaving him. He then pulled his sword out of the dirt with frustration in his voice,

"Fine, this time we'll finish him off." He said.

Michael and the two knights rushed towards the monster, ready to take out their weapons on him. However the monster stopped their advance by swinging one of his limbs horizontally and struck them both on their chests sending them flying backwards. The two knights crashed into a nearby tree trunk.

Both of them laid on the ground unmoving, unable to get back up. Michael struggled to sit up after taking a deep breath.

He turned around and saw the monster walking slowly towards him and he decided to use his last attack,

"I'll show you my power!" Michael yelled and charged towards the monster.

He swung his sword straight toward the monsters throat but the Monster simply moved to the side avoiding the blow. Michael's sword went flying. Michael grabs his dagger and tried another attack but the Monster blocked that too. Michael then decided that he needed to be smart and used an alternative strategy.

Instead of charging straight for the Monster he went to his left and attacked the tree. As soon as he swung his dagger, the branches broke and a large branch flew through the air and crashed on the Monster. He fell flat on his knees while clutching his chest. Michael rushed towards him again and slashed him repeatedly on the sides.

The Monster staggered from each slash. Michael ran back towards the Monster and stabbed him twice, in the shoulder and in the heart. The Monster lay motionless on the ground.

Michael sighed in relief.

When he turned around he noticed the rest of the reinforcements were defeated. All 4 guards lay unconscious on the ground. Michael then hurried towards his fallen comrades.

The other two knights were barely conscious. He picked up one and placed it on his horse and carried the other one.

After that he rode the horse back to the village.