
In Another World, Kingdom Building

A teen boy who got transferred to another world to lead a Village. This boy was tasked to be a feudal lord for this Village. He must thinks of ways to protect his Village, and how he will handle the village's resources, economy, defense, Military, and other things. Please be kind and don't be toxic, if you don't like the story kindly leave. I worked hard for this story and I'll be doing my best to finish this story. Enjoy the series :) (Can't think of a long description because my imagination is not big) English is not my 1st languange so I humble apologize if I got any wrong grammars.

Alniko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 5

The Next Day...


I woke up with the sun on my face. The rays were warm as if to welcome me back, and I breathed it all in. It was a nice summer morning, just perfect for waking up early and running around outside. I smiled at the thought of today's events that awaited us.

' I know I can do this. I just have to follow the book has teach me.

'I took a deep breath before going to tidy up my bed and prepared myself to head for the Head Office.

I arrived at the Head Office, The villagers were saying their good mornings to me, I did aswell to them.

I went inside the place and went to search the Government Affairs room. And to start my 1st day to lead a village.

I opened the door, there was my Personal Assistant bowing to me . He looked up and greeted me with a smile, "Good morning Your Highness."

"Morning Miller.." I said.

"Today we'll be starting to development for the village now." I said.

" Yes, Your Highness."

"Give me a status report of our resources." I commanded

He stood straight and said," Our crops are growing well, The water from last night hasn't been contaminated, The wells aren't clogged, And we've had enough rain for a decent harvest this year. However the weather is getting warmer so the water usage per person has gotten increased in consumption of the water."

"I see... How many knights are stationed at this Village?" I asked.

"Currently twenty eight knights are stationed here, Your Highness." He replied.

'Hmm... Well we should be able to handle

ourselves without too much hassle.' I thought.

We began briefing each other about the current situation in our village, how we're faring financially, and where we'll be working.

At the end of it, he said," Your Highness your first task will be to select a new personal aide and appoint him/her as our chief knight."

He then turned towards me, "Your Highness you already have a staff as your personal adviser, however I need one more for the position of your personal aide."

"Your Personal aide would be like someone guarding you for your safety. They will assist you wherever you go in the village, they'll ensure that everything goes smoothly, they'll take care of the villagers and any other issues that may arise, and when you find yourself in danger they will be by your side." He explained.

'That sounds like a good choice.' I thought.

"Miller, Please call a certainly of knights that has battle experience for I am calling them to choose who'll be my Royal Guard.." I instructed.

"Yes, Your Highness. Please wait while I summon them." Miller replied.

"Thank you Miller."

It didn't even occur to me that Miller could've used magic or some sort of spell. He was human after all; it wasn't hard to tell.

He called out to three knights: two males and a female who both wore iron armor and iron helmets with sword on their side.

Both wore swords strapped to their sides, the male's had a shortsword while the female's had a broadsword.

"Your Highness, how may we serve you?" Miller the Knights asked in unison.. They all bowed at the same time.

They were quite respectful and I liked that..

"You are aware of why I summoned you guys here?"

"Yes Your Highness, we were informed that you were gonna be choosing either of us to be your Royal Guard." The Female Guard replied.

"Alright then, since the three of you are all experienced warriors... Who among the three of you has been serving as a Knight the longest? The most loyal? The most experienced?" I asked.

"Well Your Highness, I served under the previous Feudal lord of this Village, I have been serving for almost half my life... The other two... are not very experienced but they have served faithfully as a Guard in the Village." She said.

" What's your name girl?" I asked.

"Your Highness, My name is Aisling. My family was one of the oldest families around and I've served as a Guard since I was In my teenage years." she replied.

" I have trained both of my physical and mental abilities as to take opportunities such as this."

She seemed honest enough, so I decided to trust her with being my personal advisor.

"Alright Aisling then, I believe that you will do quite well as an part of the officials.

"Then! Aisling, I'll be appointing you now as a my Personal Guard... and your job is to protect me at all costs. You are to follow every order issued to you by me. Do I make myself clear Aisling?" I requested.

"I understand Your Highness." she responded confidently.

I nodded.

"Alright then, the three of you please stand."

the 3 of them obeyed.

"I have chosen Aisling as my Personal Guard. the 2 of you please relay this message to the other knights" I said.

"Tell the other knights that be aware of people looking suspicious or any sketch activity and you are to report to His Highness immediately, and prioritize to check every area within the village."

"Understood, Your Highness." One of the Knights said."Alright, I trust you both to carry out your duties." I declared.

"Your Highness!" they both yelled together and bowed at me.

" You are dismissed."

I said. They left the office

"Whew, that was exhausting. I'm glad to finally get something productive done." I exclaimed.

" Your Highness," Aisling called out.

" Yes Aisling, what is it? " I asked.

"Will my salary increase of this promotion?"

"Well... It depends on whether you become capable of handling things properly or not."

"I assure you Your Highness that I'll try and do the best I can for you." she said.

"I know that, but if you ever do something that causes me trouble..." I said.

"Of course Your Highness."She assured.

' OMG, did I just threaten a Knight? I've never actually threatened anyone before... This feels weird!' I thought to myself.

I cleared my throat before I speak.

"Miller, what is the Next task?"

I asked.

He looked up to me in surprise.

"Oh! Right, Your Highness. You want me to explain?" He asked


"First off, Your Highness you will be taking a tour of the town in a few days time, which consists of walking along the main street, visiting shops, visiting the pubs, going around the square, and so on. This will be to improve your relation with your people." He explained.

"Okay, I understand." I said.

'This will be tiring, let's get this over it.'

"There are a few villages around the village that are currently vacant due to lack of trade and tourism.

"Hmm... I guess we'll worry about the other villages later, for now let's focus on our village. For now, let's do a tour around the village." I concluded.

I got up and started heading towards the exit.

Aisling followed after me closely.

We walked down the hallways, heading towards the entrance. We both entered through the main door, and the sunlight hit our faces. It felt really great.

After Many Hours...


" And this is the last place to be visited Your Highness."

Miller announced.

"Hmm, Alright Miller. Thank you for showing me around the village to me." I said.

"You're welcome Your Highness." He replied.

"I'm sure the villagers will like this." Aisling said.

"Of course the villagers will like this! His Highness, personally came to visit their place after all." Miller spat out..

"I guess it's time to go back to my House.

Good work today." I said smiling.

He smiled back and bowed at me.

'What the heck is wrong with this guy?!?' I thought to myself.

"Your Highness, Today's day of your 1st ruling of this lowly village was a success. Thank you for your service. " Miller said.

"Miller, you are dismissed, you may go home now "

" Thank you Your Highness, I shall take my leave now." And that the Assistant left.

I walked towards my House with Aisling following behind me. As we arrived,

I took notice of several guards outside standing at attention, all of them wearing steel breastplates. Their swords were strapped on top of their chests, and each of them had a long broadsword.

I went inside the place and went for my room.

" You can stand Guard outside the door Aisling."

"Understood, Your Highness." Aisling answered.

As soon as I closed the door and locked it, Then, I went for my bath and got undressed.

The tub and bath water were already prepared.

I stepped in and relaxed as I washed myself.

I sat in the tub and rested my head back against the cool ceramic. My mind wandered to all of those events from today.

Everything has gone according to plan, except for the little issue with the village's defense, that's what bothers me, but the problem I'm talking about is the sudden appearance of monsters,

Based on the rumors when I visited a pub. a hunter said something about the monsters appearing more in the forest which was not normal.

If there is something strange going on there should be someone to investigate it.

I would need to ask the Hunters in the Guard to look into it too.. There was no way in hell I'd let it just sit here and do nothing. I've already been warned about it.

This Village has no walls or anything that could protect them


Sooner or later, we must build an actual wall. Something concrete and strong. That way we won't have to fear these monsters attacking anyone around the village anymore..

I sighed softly and continued to think of different ways of building a defensive fortification around this Village.

' How do I produce cement walls? I'm not an engineer."

I didn't know how to construct a stone fortification, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to create the material to even attempt it though..

"Mmm.. I wonder.."

I was finished myself cleaning up and opened my closet, I took my night clothes and went to the bed.

"I guess,I'll just have to rely on my Assistant to handle it."

I let out a yawn and closed my eyes.

Sweet Dreams...