
In Another World, Kingdom Building

A teen boy who got transferred to another world to lead a Village. This boy was tasked to be a feudal lord for this Village. He must thinks of ways to protect his Village, and how he will handle the village's resources, economy, defense, Military, and other things. Please be kind and don't be toxic, if you don't like the story kindly leave. I worked hard for this story and I'll be doing my best to finish this story. Enjoy the series :) (Can't think of a long description because my imagination is not big) English is not my 1st languange so I humble apologize if I got any wrong grammars.

Alniko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 10

" Are the Catapults ready?" His Majesty asked.

"Yes Your Majesty."

"Good. Bring me the weapons you have been given."

One of the guards, whose name I've forgotten, grabs a wooden box filled with a bunch of weapons and walks to His Majesty to give them to him. The King opens the wooden box and grabs a small sword which he places into the holster at his waist. The King's armor consisted of white and brown colored armor. He was wearing an ornate golden helmet adorned with a white eagle feather. His chest plate was made from leather covered with silver metal that matched the armor, along with a cape which was lined with gold lace. The cape also matched the color of His Majesty's armor.

"Yosh, I'm done preparing myself. What's the distance of the Monster from the Castle?"

"Its approximately 3 kilometers from the North Gate to here, your majesty!" The soldier replied.

His Majesty nods his head at the soldier, and tells him to pass his command to the troops at the East Gates.

"Are all the units prepared? Have the cannons and catapults loaded yet?"

The soldier shakes his head as he informs his majesty about the preparation and deployment of the Catapults.

"Good work, How many monsters are there?"

His Majesty asks.

"I estimate that the monsters number at least ten thousand."

"That doesn't seem like much, is it." He says smiling lightly.

"Please don't Jose about it Your Majesty. 10k is not a Joke." the Knight said.

"I know,I was merely teasing. How about our soldiers?

Are they prepared?"

"They are indeed prepared! All our battalions are ready!"

The Knight replied.

"Good! Let the battle begin."

"Yes Your Majesty!!" Everyone said, as they raised their swords and shields in unison.

Chapter 10

"Are the monsters within range of the Catapults?" One of the Knight Commanders said.

"Aye!" the Knight replied.

"Are we at full power?"

" Yes!"


In the background, the roar of hundreds of Catapults could be heard as soon as their commander gave the command. The sounds reverberated across the castle walls as multiple projectiles were fired towards the Monsters , and the ground shook as several explosions erupted everywhere around.

The Monster's screeching echoed throughout the area and caused many people to cover their ears in pain due to the sound waves crashing through every part of the walls.

After a while , the noise slowly died down causing the people of the Castle to uncover their ear drums. When they did so, they looked at the battlefield and saw huge amounts of Monster carcasses lying all around. Some still remains alive with some others were dead.

All of them knew that they needed to get rid of the bodies because any living creature would make them sick.

The battle continued on and on until the Catapults run dry. The last Catapult is emptied, as well as half of the cannonballs which were loaded and were currently being reloaded.

"Send in the Soldiers! Kill any Monster you see on sight!" Someone commanded, as several hundred Soldiers charged onto the field, heading straight towards the Monster horde.

They were armed to the teeth and were ready to die for the safety of everyone else.

"Do you want me to assist your men? You'll need all the firepower that you can get after the battle has ended." His Majesty suggested to one of his Generals.

"No Your Majesty, thank you. We possibly can't let a King yet out for battle unless we are on the final stage of the battle." She responds as she looks to the men and women marching in front of her with determination.


The King stood quietly watching how the battle went on, waiting for a sign that the battles finally ended as he watches the people march.

In the battlefield....

The soldiers are killing monsters on their sight

Their weapons glisten under the moonlight as they fight against these creatures which have no idea who these brave souls belong to or where those soldiers came from.

The battle is brutal and bloody, yet, the soldiers seem to be winning. After all, they have the advantage right now and only a few Monsters remain standing before them.

While some monsters fall one by one, those soldiers who survived and have the honor of fighting alongside the Kings Army charge forward, fighting hard to reach the monster horde.

Some monsters managed to slip past the soldiers as the Soldiers pushed on through the monsters trying to get to where they want to be.

Many of the Soldiers ran towards the nearest Monsters and began killing them off with their blades and arrows. Many others tried to fight back with their own weapons but many were injured or killed before they could even move. Those that didn't die were quickly killed with sharp objects and arrows thrown at them from close range.

As the Soldiers advance further and further they manage to kill their fair share of enemies before the last one fell. The soldiers took a deep breath as they looked over their shoulder, relieved that they have succeeded in getting to this point.

"Roar??!" A voice boomed from above them, making all the Soldiers jump slightly in surprise.

As the soldiers turned towards the source of the voice, they saw a large black dragon fly down from the sky, landing next to them. It roared loudly, shaking the ground beneath them.

Its scales were pure black, with red stripes running across the length of its wings.

"This thing's huge!" Someone shouts as they stare at the monster in awe.

The beast's eyes widen as it scans the area, finding a particular large group of Humans that are fighting one of it's kin while looking for a way out. The monster decides to attack them first, causing several soldiers to fall to the ground in fear. The monster then dives towards them, and slams into one soldier who was hiding in a tree, ripping him apart.

The Monster looks around, searching for another target, until it spots the remaining soldier. It then runs towards the soldier who had been hiding in the tree and begins to tear him to pieces with its powerful jaws. The soldiers watch the Monster's actions in horror as they hold tight to their weapons, waiting for it to finish eating the soldier.

Soon, the monster stops, having eaten the last of his meal. He then turns his head, his crimson eyes meeting the terrified faces of many of the soldiers. As it does so, the monster' jaw drops open as he tries to speak but no words come out instead, he lets out a loud shriek.

The soldiers watch in shock as a blue light comes out from the monster's mouth, revealing that he has fangs and claws.

The monster's body becomes larger and his wings grow longer, making his massive figure more intimidating than ever. His skin starts turning darker as his blood vessels bulge and pop out from his skin. As the monsters wings stretch out, its bones begin forming, making the creature look extremely intimidating. Its long horns protrude from the sides of its head

"It become larger!"

"R-reload the cannons and the Catapults already!" Knight Commander said.

"Yes s-sir!"

The knights immediately get the necessary ammo for the cannons and the Catapults loaded and readied themselves.

"Ready! Fire!"

As soon as the Knight gave the order to fire on the Monster, the first shot was fired at its head. The monster's head snaps to the side, and when it looks up again the Monster is roaring angrily as if it is challenging the Knights aim. The Monster jumps upwards, creating massive gust of wind which creates a giant cloud of dust and dirt, and crashes into the wall behind the Knights, throwing debris everywhere.

Another blast from the cannons is fired, followed by three more blasts, making the Monster crash into the ground and roll down a hill until it reaches the bottom of the hill.

There, the monster gets up once again and starts to shake and roar angrily again. Another barrage of shots was fired, and the Monster falls to the floor once more.

The monster stands up once again and lets out a loud cry, as it charges towards the Knights once more.

The Knight Commander ordered his troops to prepare more ammunition, hoping to kill the monster once and for all.

"Ready! Fire!!!"

Once the Knight gives the signal, the cannons and Catapults were fired once again. This time the Monster is sent flying backward again, and rolls down the hill once more. It crashes into some trees along the way and breaks all of the wooden planks , resulting in a lot of damage.

"Fire again!!" The knight commanded.

As he spoke, the cannons fired again. Once again, the Monster was knocked back by the cannonballs.

"Aim for the back." The Knight instructed.

He then ordered a new attack.


Three continuous shots from the cannons and two more from the Catapults was fired at the monster once more, hitting its upper left leg which resulted in the creature falling and rolling backwards, while making its way to the other end of the valley. The monsters screams were drowned out by the thunderous sounds of the cannons firing and the explosions of the Catapults.

The Monster got up after taking a moment to collect itself and charged back at the Knights. This time however, the soldiers were ready for the monster and prepared a counterattack. They ran forwards with swords drawn, cutting down their opponents in front of them before they reached the Monster.

The Monster was able to catch most of the attacks on it's neck before getting stabbed and slashed a couple of times before its tail started to lash out, knocking away some of the soldiers to the side. Before long, the monster had killed a large number of soldiers but, as more and more troops surrounded him, the Monster was unable to break free. As it tried to break through the line of soldiers, the Knight Commander stopped it from escaping by throwing an arrow through its left wing which forced it to stop moving.

After the monster was defeated, the Soldiers returned to the lines to help take down the remainder of the monsters as the rest of the Soldiers ran back to the Catapults and cannonballs.

The Monster was destroyed by the Knights Army.