
In another world: I can fix everything!

In the bleak work of a moon miner, Sven discovers an extraordinary power that can reshape reality itself. With this newfound ability, he transforms his destitute existence into one of wealth and influence, defying the constraints of his world. In another world: I can fix everything! follows Sven's meteoric rise from rags to riches as he navigates a society starkly different from his own. Driven by the desire to fix everything...everything sellable that is! The author here: This story is about urban life, poor to riches and business in a sci-fi world. There will be some action, money, and women as Sven try to get a foothold in a world more amazing and restless than ours. Mostly business-oriented and slice-of-life.

f3f3 · Urbano
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2 Chs

The mining accident.

Sven stood amidst the dimly lit confines of the mine, his rugged figure blending with the gloom that surrounded him.

The air was thick with dust, a palpable reminder of the arduous labour that had been undertaken within these walls.

Beads of sweat trickled down his weathered face, accentuating the determination etched in his features.

In the heart of this desolate cavern, Sven's loyal mining robot companion stood beside him.

The once-imposing machine now bore the marks of countless battles, its metallic body marred by scratches and dents.

Bundles of cables, haphazardly tied around its frame, held together its battered form.

Yet, despite its sorry state, the robot's unwavering as the day he had bought it, was still light up, doing the work.

After walking a couple more meters, he arrived at an even darker part covered with thin plastic and warning signs that illuminated the corner with a weary red hue.

'Okey, Let's start' he thought, while his hands were doing some quick gestures in the air like some mime in the middle of a show.

As he waved his arms around commanding the robot, he couldn't stop thinking how silly all of this was. Not that he was the only one doing it, but the silliness of augmented reality was something that his old earthen hearth couldn't accept yet.

With a click and a soft hum, the robot activated a silent laser tool, it's precision cutting through the unyielding stone.

Violet beams of light danced across the rugged walls, carving intricate patterns with each careful sweep.

The laser's silent efficiency stood in stark contrast to the cacophony that echoed through the mine, its powerful strikes reverberating with an almost muted intensity.

Hovering nearby, a massive cylindrical device whirred to life.

Its purpose was to eradicate the fine dust particles that permeated the air as if silently swallowing the oppressive cloud.

Like a giant lung, it inhaled the dusty remnants, its powerful suction mitigating the hazardous particles that threatened to choke the very life out of the mine.

As Sven observed the scene, his gaze flickered between his tireless robot companion and the colossal dust extractor.

Each component played a crucial role in the dangerous task at hand. The robot, its cables taut and frayed, tirelessly directed the laser's destructive force, fragmenting the stubborn stone bit by bit.

Meanwhile, the dust extractor worked tirelessly, cleansing the air and ensuring that their progress would not be impeded by the stifling cloud of particles.

The dimly lit mine echoed with the steady hum of machinery, its sombre atmosphere punctuated only by the rhythmic sound of the robot's laser slicing through the unforgiving stone.

The air hung heavy with anticipation, the silence broken only by the sporadic crackling of sparks and the distant sound of the dust travelling far away towards the dust processing factory kilometres away from where he was.

In the midst of this orchestrated dance of labour, Sven's helmet flickered to life, illuminating his face with an alarming crimson hue.

The screen flashed a tense message, its urgency seeping into the depths of his being.

[Warning! Fluxite's crystals found, please evacuate.]

A surge of panic surged through Sven's veins as he absorbed the weight of the situation.

The mere mention of Fluxite's crystals sent a jolt of fear cascading down his spine.

Time seemed to grind to a halt as his mind raced to grasp the implications of the impending danger, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck", Sven's hands moved with a desperate swiftness, his fingers commanding his robot companion to cease its relentless mining. But his frantic gestures were but a futile attempt to halt his old and almost glued-together robot.

As if mocking their efforts, the laser forged on, undeterred by the warning's urgency.

Its blue beam cut through the solid wall with surgical precision, a radiant stream of energy seeping into the heart of the stone.

A fleeting moment of eerie tranquillity followed as a condensed brilliance spilt forth, cascading like ethereal water from the newly formed crack.

Then, in an explosive burst of sound and fury, the mine erupted.


A thunderous boom reverberated through the tunnels, shaking loose rocks and dust, casting them into the air like a swirling vortex of chaos. Heat danced and licked at the walls, their fiery tendrils hungry for destruction.

Sven's world erupted in a violent tempest of searing heat and swirling debris, his senses assaulted by the overwhelming force of the explosion.

His heart pounded in his chest, a primal rhythm of fear and adrenaline.

With a gasp, he stumbled backwards, his body instinctively shielding itself from the scorching onslaught.

The blinding eruption cast distorted shadows upon the rugged walls of the mine, creating a macabre dance of light and darkness that painted the scene in a grotesque chiaroscuro.

As the shockwave reverberated through the air, Sven's consciousness faltered, slipping into the clutches of oblivion.

With fading awareness, he cast a hazy gaze upon his loyal robot companion, now a mere heap of melted metal. A pang of despair washed over him, as he contemplated the immense task of repairing what remained of his faithful companion.

Unbeknownst to Sven, while he lay unconscious, a vivid blue screen materialized before his closed eyes. A mechanical voice, cold and calculated, pierced through the silence of his unconscious state.

[Sufficient energy! System synchronization commencing.]

The screen pulsated with energy, the numbers on display representing a vast reservoir of untapped power. An unseen force tapped into the energy, using a substantial portion of it to activate the system that lay dormant within Sven.

[Using 100,000 energy points.]

[Activating System, searching for the host's wish.]

[Wish: Fix (EX) acknowledged.]

A surge of anticipation crackled in the air as the system sprang to life, its dormant gears and circuits whirring into motion.

The fragmented pieces of Sven's shattered world began to mend, forming a semblance of order within the chaos.

[Fixed All system (lvl1) activated.]

[Welcome, host!]

Yet, amid the symphony of progress, a dissonant note disrupted the harmony. An error message flashed on the screen.


[Warning, User named: #778 in critical condition.]

[Ding! Error! Insufficient energy to fix host.]

[Looking for options...error.]

A cascade of digits flooded the screen, a veritable torrent of points beyond comprehension.

[Selling System parts...Syste guide sold...System shop sold....]

[Congratulations! You have won 999999999999... points!]

[Using points to level up 'Fix lvl 1']

A surge of energy pulsed through the digital realm, merging with the essence of Sven's being.

The room bathed in a radiant emerald glow as the points were transmuted into a tangible force of healing.

The mangled remnants of Sven's body became enveloped in the soothing green light, the damaged flesh and broken bones mending themselves with astonishing speed. Limbs reformed, missing portions restored, as the transformative power of the points breathed life into his broken form.


[Host in stable condition.]

[Lack of energy to sustain 'Fix (lvl max)'.]

[Re-distributing ability. 'Fix (lvl max)' is now 'Fix (EX- lvl 1)'.]


Author notes: My first original story, I've been thinking for a while about what to write, and as a big fan of business, poor to rich type of novels I decided to write one E.E

Hope that you like it!

About my fanfics: I am not in the mood right now, to much real-life work, and there is a deep lack of satisfaction that comes from writing fanfiction, plus the fandom sucks ass.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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