
In an Amalgam World as the Master of Death!

The Title says everything. I don't own any characters and their rights belong to their creators. This is my pat*eon link, and is only here for my motivation, so click only if you want to- patreon.com/user?u=87713974

LifeIsAJoke · Anime e quadrinhos
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36 Chs

6. Still in Shock!

Ryan had left all plans of reading books on magic and tore through the book about Marcus Potter. He read the whole book and felt... empty. Ryan wondered if he got drunk in power again so soon and someone stealing his limelight ticked him off. But after some self-reflection, he found the real reason... he felt betrayed. He lived like a slave, was going around stealing like a criminal, and now he finds his family had abandoned him to be a slave and never bothered to look at him.

It might not have been a problem if he was transmigrated, as he would have thought of that as previous Harry's family, but he was reborn, just because his memories were sealed didn't make suffering okay to deal with.

There was also the fact that Ryan was not able to remember much about his family of previous life hurt more as the void had targetted memories important to him first, which considered his memories with his family. Ryan went through...many emotions. Denial, anger, sadness, and finally settled indifference. No, more accurately, a mask of indifference to hide his rage. He was extremely angry, and he swore he would pay them back for leaving him with the Walrus family.

Ice had started forming, with mist surrounding him starting to spread around the forest, making the ground and trees start getting covered in a layer of frost.

[Sir, your emotions are affecting your mana.] Raphael responded, and Ryan snapped out of his stupor and looked around. He was surprised to find his entire coach covered in ice. He touched the ice and focused, trying to understand the flow of mana while focusing on converting ice into water. Within a few seconds, he succeeded in understanding how he had done it and melted the block, then collected the water in front of him. Focusing, he used mana to move the earth, which moved as he imagined, making a hole. He dumped the collected water inside it and warmed it up a bit, then took a dip to wash off.

He stayed in the pool for a while, looking at the canopy filtering the sun's red rays as it went down. Ryan wondered if this is what god meant by changes in his life because he did not like the premise of this one bit. He had a good time relaxing and messing with his powers, but it was time to start planning ways to get to Hogwarts under everyone's noses and find out who is on who's side. Because he cannot trust anyone with bias based on his knowledge of his previous life. After all, even McGonagall could be in cahoots of evil Dumbles, may close enough to keep sucking him up... Ryan facepalmed and cursed his brain for generating vomit-inducing scenes.

He got up and picked the book up to distract his mind from the cursed image he planted in his head.

*A Few Days Later*

Ryan stood still while fire, water, wind, and earth rotated around him. After the little incident of accidental magic, Ryan made a huge discovery. His magic was based on imagination to some extent. There were many smaller parts about it too, like wastage of mana and unique techniques to reduce mana consumption, but he was working on it. But it was also his foolishness as he had seen Raphael create new spells using wizarding spells as a base to understand their properties.

Ryan enjoyed manipulating the four basic elements the most after his shadow. He also made some way into controlling ice and electricity, but the latter proved a bit troublesome to control like fire.

Finishing his daily training, he entered the coach and started using magic to cook. It helped him focus and improve while making a good distraction. Ryan focused more on cooking, trying to ignore all stray thoughts so that he doesn't break the utensils due to anger.

Making omelets and heating a few buttered slices of bread to make them toasty, and some soup, he sat down and started eating.

Ryan tried to keep his mind astray but noticed he finished everything and bit the air.

[Master, ignoring the problem is not the solution.] Raphael spoke, trying to advise him. It could feel that Ryan's current mental state would lead to mental deterioration, something Raphael was working to protect its master from.

"There is no problem," Ryan spoke. "They live their lavish lives while abandoning me to be a slave," Ryan spoke. He didn't know what to think of his findings initially, as he had his revenge on Dursleys, and didn't care then for whatever magic or love he had because he had new power to protect himself, but his new findings changed... everything. No wonder Dumbles didn't react or there was no squib near his house... there is no sacrifice magic bound to him. He wasn't the one hailed the boy who lived.

Though he honestly didn't care whether he was the boy who lived or not. He would have gladly handed over that damned title for just having a quiet life with a loving family. The Dursleys had created a void in his heart due to their constant taunts. And while they were shut down after he had unlocked his memories, it was on the basis that the parents who gave birth to him are dead protecting him.

Ryan sighed and spoke up with his only conversation partner, "You have compiled them?" He asked.

[Yes master, all books of Hogwarts course have been scanned, and training procedure has been made.] Raphael informed.

After the shock, Ryan went back and brought more books and some old newspapers to get a better understanding of the status of the wizarding world.

Potters were one of the most powerful families in magical Britain, thanks to all the fame and gifts people showered them because of the boy who lived defeating Voldy.

Ryan didn't blame them, as Voldy's reign must have caused a lot of fear, and even now no one says his name out of fear.

During the war, Potters had become the biggest supporter of the light faction, under Albus too-many-names Dumbledore. And after the war, they were now the strongest and wealthiest family in magical Britain, followed by Malfoy and Greengrass, the leaders of the Dark and Grey factions respectively.

But there was something interesting he had found recently. The oldest paper he got his hands on showed Sirius Black killing 12 muggles and was blamed for telling the location of Potter's house to Voldy. But none had any mention of Ryan himself, as if he doesn't exist.

Another important fact was that Ryan noticed the mention of one Peter Pettigrew which he had missed in his focused search about House Potter, but thankfully Raphael had pointed it out. Due to this Ryan started paying some attention to finding deviations in the current timeline against his meta-knowledge.

'Now isn't this interesting.' He thought to himself. Thanks to Voldy's memories in the soul shard which was latched on him, Ryan knew Peter Pettigrew was the traitor. But the news headlines talked about Peter Pettigrew who had obtained the Order of Merlin, First Class, after apprehending one Sirius Black, the betrayer of Potters.

After all his shopping, Ryan had only 17 Galleons left. And the inheritance test took 10 galleons...

"No, too risky," Ryan thought and shook his head. Ryan was aware that when the inheritance shows that one has a relation to a noble house, the Lord of that house is informed. Which meant James Potter will be informed. There was a way to make sure this doesn't happen... bribing the goblins.

Unfortunately, 7 Galleons are not enough. And he also cannot afford to make the account have less than 10 Galleons, or they would shut down his vault. At least that was what the goblin told him. And it was about a year before the time limit of exchange is lifted.

Ryan couldn't think of anything he could do. He felt a lot of different emotions and had even more questions about why he was abandoned and what else was different from the books. He... didn't know what to do anymore.

Ryan looked out of the cabin, his eyes spotting a full moon without any clouds in the sky. "What do I do Raphael?" Ryan asked the only one he could.

[That is up to you to decide sir.] Raphael said.

Ryan frowned and spoke, "What do you mean?"

[I meant what I said, Master.] Raphael spoke, [You are too drowned in the feeling of being betrayed and haven't thought about what to do at all. You are acting as if Magical Britain is the only place in the world. You were so excited to be reincarnated and asked for powers to live freely, yet you have made a prison for yourself and don't look out of it at all.]

Ryan sat dumbfounded for a few moments until a snicker left his mouth. It was soon followed by a few chuckles and a few laughs. Ryan continued chuckling and spoke, "A prison eh?... Yeah, you're right. There is the entire planet... no, the entire universe filled with god knows what things are ready to be explored, and I'm acting like me not able to get attention to the end of the world. Dumbledore isn't the goal,... Voldemort isn't the goal... no they don't compare to what I want to achieve."

Ryan opened his eyes, which shined a brilliant green. "Raphael, make some plans of things required for me to be care full of or I would need during my travels. Let's look around magical Britain a bit more, then get ready to leave. But before that... I need to get stronger. Much, much, stronger."

Ryan spoke with a grin, thinking of how much he needed to excel in his powers, his eyes glowing intense green, burning with resolve.

"Well, no time like the present." Ryan thought and picked the Hogwarts book, taking his first step in his magical adventure.

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