
In Against The Gods with Super System

Adrian was man who loved comics, anime, novels and manga. He was an otaku with a sad past but one day he was betrayed by his lover and dies at her hands. The next moment he wakes up, he finds himself in a dark void. Standing in front of him was a white featureless figure. The featureless figure asks him one thing and that was, "Do you want a second chance" ********************************************* Against the gods doesn't belong to as it belongs to Mars gravity . The cover pic also doesn't belong to me.

pratiksymbol · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs


It was morning on the blue pole star as a portal appeared inside the room of Xiao Mei's room as three figures walked out of it. These were Yan, Xiao Mei and Cang Yue who had completed their training and were back to the planet.

"Finally we are back aah I missed this place" Xiao Mei whined as she fell on her bed and started to squirm.

Yan sighed and shook his head while Cang Yue laughed lightly. She then turned and looked at Yan.

"Elder brother Yan it's time I go back to my own room know. By this time many rumours might have spread so I would need to clean this up" Cang Yue said apologetically.

Yan nodded his head in agreement as Cang Yue quickly left the area in such a speed that no one could notice her.

"I am returning to my own room" Yan said as he turned to leave.

"It was really fun...this five years with you and elder sister Yue were really fun " Xiao Mei said without turning or looking back at him.

"Hum You should enjoy your life and you are still a kid" Yan smiled as he left her room. In this five years he had come even closer to her and had started to open his heart to her little by little. It was the same for Xiao Mei who after staying with Yan for nearly six years she have become even more close to him and she also started sharing her secrets with him about how she thought about the world ,her parents' death and her revenge. She had decided that she would kill the person who was responsible for the death of her parents and her entire village no matter what.

In Cang Yue's room;

She had already reached her room and changed into the clothes worn. y the disciples of New Moon Palace. She had also called a servant and ordered her to inform the palace Chief and Sikhong Han about her return. The servant at first was extremely surprised as how Cang Yue had suddenly appeared out if. nowhere it thinking about how she disappeared without making anyone know about her. So she didn't say much and left to carry out her work. After the servant left Cang Yue closed the door and went to her bed falling on it. She lied there and looked at the roof of her room as she thought about everything that had happened during all this time. She had met a duo who were completely different from others and were so strong that they could conquer the world if they ever wanted too. She at first was quite reluctant to know them but slowly as she interacted with them she came to understand that they were completely different from what she ever believed. The girl who was no older than eighteen or nineteen with abnormal level of power and the mysterious man who could destroy the world and was similar to a god, she didn't how she came close to them.

It was the same for Cang Yue. She had also come close to Xiao Mei and Yan during her five years of training. She now fully considered Xiao Mei as her younger sister while she herself acted as a big sister to her. As for Yan he had also acknowledged her hard work and her good nature thus he too was no longer cold to her. She similarly respected his strength and knowledge but she was most interested in his mysteriousness and his unknown powers. She was extremely curious about how he could teach her to become so strong along with mysterious techniques about which she had never heard.

As time passed the fear and uncertainties about Yan also disappeared as she started to understand what type of a person he was. Even though he didn't say much or was kind of cold on the exterior but inside be cared for the two of them very much. It was also due to this she started to have some unknown feelings for him in her heart but didn't have the courage to say that loud.

"I will convey my true feelings to him even if it takes time" Cang Yue said as she clenched her fist and aimed it at the roof.

Soon there was a knock on her door while she got out of her bed and told to come in. Soon two figures came in.

They were none other than The palace chief and Sikhong Han. They quickly bowed in front of Cang Yue.

She told them to get up and after which she asked about everything that had happened after she disappeared from the palace. They explained everything to get like the various rumours regarding her disappearance.

"So what have you been doing Princess it seems like I can't feel your cultivation anymore?" Suddenly the palace chief asked as he looked at Cang Yue with interest. Sikong Han also noticed that he couldn't fathom the princess's cultivation at all. Five days before she was at the true profound realm but today they couldn't even sense her cultivation. What was the meaning of this?!

"Hehe just wait and see" Cang Yue said as pit her palm of the ground as multiple inscriptions surrounded the three of them. Soon a invisible was erected which completely concealed their powers and presence. Nobody from the outside could sense them now.

"W. .what is this?!" Sikong Han asked as he touched the invisible barrier.

"You wanted to know my cultivation right now see" Cang Yue said as she released her cultivation base.

Suddenly a massive pressure was released from her body which started to distort the air around them. *Bang bang* Both the palace chief and Sikong Han fell down on their knees as they had trouble breathing due to the immense pressure

"*Huff Huff* This..... this.....what power!!!!" The palace chief said as his entire body was covered with sweats and was also shaking with fear.

The same thing was happening to Sikong Han as he couldn't even speak under the pressure.

Seeing this Cang Yue quickly restrained her powers and quickly helped the two if them to get on their feet. She had released too much power in her excitement due go which they were almost knocked out cold.

"A...are you two alright?" She asked them with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Y...yes yes we are all right but what about you princess ? Your power ... which level did it reach?! The mere release of your cultivation base almost suffocated us" The palace chief asked still breathing heavily .

"I have already reached the Tyrant profound realm and am becoming stronger even now" She said as she clenched her fist.

""WHAT!!???"" Both of them shouted as their eyes widened like saucers. They couldn't believe that the princess had actually reached that level which was only attainable in the great kingdoms like the Divine Phoenix kingdom and the four holy grounds.

For a few minutes they kept quite as they looked at Cang Yue with unbelieving eyes. Cang Yue sighed because she knew that it was really hard for them to believe this.

"H...how did y....you become so strong princess?" The place chief asked fear in his voice.

"I was trained under Elder brother Yan and as for the training I can't tell them" Cang Yue answered them but hid most of the truth.

"Princess you should return to the imperial family at once. With your power now you can single handedly stop the princes and crush the rebels and those clans who are planning to betray the nation" The palace chief quickly said.

"I am sorry but I can no longer be the princess of Blue Wind Nation anymore" Cang Yue said closing her eyes.

""What?!!!!! But WHY????!"" The two men again screamed simultaneously.

"Because it was one of the conditions set by brother Yan but you don't have to worry I can visit the palace whenever I want and protect the kingdom but I can't inherit the position of the princess anymore" Cang Yue said with an iron voice.

"But princess aren't you dissatisfied with the situation loosing your position as a princess and becoming a vagabond?" Sikong Han asked worriedly.

"Truthfully I was a bit afraid at first but now after everything I have experienced I am sure that I this life of freedom suits me the best" She said as a beautiful smiled bloomed on her face.

The two men could only sigh at this but soon they too smiled at her. This was the first time they have seen the princess smile genuinely while the other times she always used a facade and would put on fake smiles to entertain others. So the two of them were happy for her.

"So what should I inform to my Lord, your father the emperor?" The palace chief asked.

"Just don't inform anything about this for the time being and oh I forgot to tell you this but I am also joining the blue wind ranking tournament" Cang Yue said as she smirked at the two.

The two men were dumbfounded for a few moments before gaining their senses back.

"Heh sure princess , Go and crush them" The place chief said as a smile broke out on his face.

"But what about that girl Xiao Mei she is already in emperor profound realm and she will also participate in the selection match" A

Sikong Han asked. He was worried that if Cang Yue took her down then her master whose powers were unkown would attack them in retaliation.

"Hehe my little sister Xiao Mei is way stronger than me" Cang Yue said closing her eyes. She still remembered how strong Xiao Mei is.

""WHAT??!!!"" This time again the duo simultaneously shouted. Seeing this Cang Yue could only shake her head.

After an hour of discussion the two men left her room still filled with awe and trepidation. But at the same time in their hearts there was hope, the hope that had been fading throughout time which now has been reignited by the return of the princess or to be exact ex-princess who had become so strong that she can topple a nation single handledly.

Yoo I am back. It's been quite some time I have written something and sorry for disappearing suddenly. You know my grandpa passed away the previous month and I was busy with work. I will update more frequently.

on the side note please someone tell me how I can block someone from reading my story and review it. There is this retard named 'G2_Craps' who is consistently harassing me and spamming one star reviews daily. You can go and check out the review section. If some knows then please tell me.

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