
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Ação
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36 Chs


Jack woke up much earlier than usual, feeling slightly uneasy about the prospect of facing monsters at a similar level to those he had encountered the previous day. He reasoned that it was already quite an achievement to have fought and defeated enemies twice his level and that it wasn't worth risking his life for the amount of experience they provided.

Although he was determined to make it to the other side of the forest, Jack also recognized the importance of being cautious and taking his time. It would also take more time since he now would take out the mana cores from the goblins he defeated.

For another week Jack kept hunting goblins that were low-level ones and slowly made his way up.

[ Status ]

[ Name: Jack Roman ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level 18 ]

[ Exp 579.8 /1800 ]

[ Health 94/100 ]

[ Strength: 47 ]

[ Speed: 41 ]

[ Stamina: 41 ]

[ mana: 337/337 ]

[ unassigned points: 0 ]

[ skill: Appraisal lvl 23, accuracy lvl 20, Crafting lvl 11, spear mastery lvl 10, butcher lvl 7, mana manipulation lvl 24, mana recovery lvl 26, Dirt manipulation lvl 15, water manipulation lvl 11, calm mind lvl 6, focus lvl 7, reinforcement lvl 11, poison resistance lvl 8, torture skill lvl 1, stealth lvl 6 ]

Jack spent the rest of the day debating which attribute he should focus on improving. He considered the importance of strength, which was useful for overpowering enemies, but realized that speed was also crucial for landing hits. In addition, he recognized the significance of stamina, which could help him endure longer battles or fight multiple opponents without getting fatigued quickly. Despite weighing the pros and cons of each attribute, he remained undecided on which to prioritize.

Feeling prepared to take on monsters of level 28 and above, Jack set out towards the forest, making his way to the same area he had visited a week prior. Although he didn't run at full speed, he eventually arrived at his destination after some time.

Upon arrival, Jack encountered a group of level 22 ratmen.

[ Species: Ratmen ]

[ Level 22 ]

[ Health: 100 / 100 ]

[ Strength: 21 ]

[ Speed: 48 ]

[ Stamina: 25 ]

[ Magic: 56 / 57 ]

[ Skills: ??? ]

Not wanting to take on the two ratmen at the moment, Jack hesitated to engage them directly, as he wasn't sure he could win in a fight unless he could grab onto them with his mana tendrils. Although he knew that one good hit could likely kill them, he was aware that the ratmen were likely agile and could pose a threat to him.

Instead, Jack waited for the ratmen to leave the area before departing himself.

"Man, those ratmen are hella ugly and disgusting," Jack muttered to himself as he made his way back.

After returning from his earlier exploration, Jack realized that he still had another side of the forest to explore. He resolved to venture through the other side in order to further expand his knowledge of the area. He would do it later.

Jack had made up his mind to take down the ratmen, as he greatly desired their fur. Despite its current dirty and possibly infected state, he knew that he could wash it later and make use of it. However, in order to defeat the ratmen, Jack needed to level up twice in the next three days to surpass their speed.

Despite his focus skill, honestly even with focus his mind was starting to not be able to keep up. Nonetheless, he remained determined to improve his abilities and the ratmen's fur.

Jack didn't know how to fix it. Everything was becoming blurry. His body was able to react to it before he could fully comprehend it.

Jack initially planned to obtain two ratmen furs but decided to go for five instead. However, he eventually changed his strategy and began attacking goblins instead. Although he took more frequent rests, Jack remained in the area longer to hunt down the goblins.

As he neared the end of the three-day period, Jack found it increasingly difficult to locate goblins at a similar level to the ones he had been fighting.

As Jack searched for more ratmen, he noticed that they tended to travel in pairs or even larger groups. To get closer to them, Jack baited the ratmen by luring them with food and other items.

Despite his worries about his scent giving him away, Jack was able to blend in with his surroundings. Since the ratmen were fast and agile, Jack utilized his mana tendrils to create thorny vine-like traps to ensnare them.

When the ratmen approached, Jack acted quickly, using his mana tendrils to bind one of them. Although it struggled to get free, Jack was able to sharpen his spear and pierce its heart, assuring it's death.

Jack pursued the second ratman and used his mana tendril to cut its legs. The ratman initially backed away, but quickly charged toward Jack and slashed at him. Jack raised his spear to block the attack, pouring as much mana as he could into it. Despite his efforts, the ratman's claws managed to penetrate the spear and damage it.

Undeterred, Jack continued to engage the ratman in combat, thrusting his spear forward and swinging it vertically. Although the ratman was able to dodge and evade Jack's attacks, he finally succeeded in spreading his mana into the dirt around him. Using his control over the dirt, Jack tripped the ratman when it attempted to retreat, causing it to smack him with its tail as it fell.

Falling himself, Jack used his reinforcement skill to soften the impact. His heightened perception from his focus skill allowed him to react more quickly, and he immediately used his mana to try and capture the ratman. Although it tried to escape, Jack punctured its leg with his spear and wrapped his mana tendrils around its arms, legs, and tail, immobilizing it completely.

With a look of determination on his face, Jack tightened his grip on the immobilized ratman and muttered, "Die, you little piece of shit." He then poured even more mana into his spear and thrust it through the ratman's skull, killing it instantly. After receiving the notification of the ratman's defeat, Jack quickly dispatched the other ratman, who was struggling to breathe.

To avoid leaving a trail, Jack covered the bodies of the ratmen in mana tendrils and carried them back to his home. Along the way, he encountered some goblins but dispatched them with ease. Upon arriving back at his home, Jack allowed the ratmen to bleed out before recuperating the mana he had lost.

Later that night, Jack skinned both the ratmen and the goblins and left the skins to dry. He also started a fire to keep warm as the nights were starting to get colder.