
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Ruthless General

Ace, Iris, Karmen-san, the king, Bernard and two other Royal Knight Captains were currently inside the Ilram Guild's Conference Room with me.

Making plans would be troublesome when the traitor is here.

But, I can actually take advantage of him right here and now.

With Karmen-san here, things should go perfectly.


[Karmen-san, please proceed.] (Zero)

[Yes. First of all, more than seventy percent of the Royal Knights are on General Lawrence's side according to our spy's statistical report. Because of this, his Majesty has a limited amount of forces at his command. For that, the Guild's Mercenary Corps. shall help with the lacking man power.] (Karmen)

King Tyreon nodded in approval.

[My strategy is a night ambush. I'm sure you're pretty familiar with this kind of tactic.] (Zero)

Everyone's reaction was normal except for Bernard.

He looks disinterested, but he knew he still needed to listen.

[First of all, we need to do something about the citizens.] (Zero)

The king sighed in relief.

[We can't really do much since "we" are the attackers. We will enter the city gates and declare war against the general and his troops. I'm sure the citizens will be startled, but that's okay.] (Zero)

[We need an announcement as soon as we arrive, big enough for the entire city to know with speed, filled with details pinning as much crimes as we could against the general and his treacherous knights. And finally, announcing their plan of betraying and overthrowing King Tyreon.] (Zero)

Bits of cold sweat ran across their faces.

Well, it can't be helped.

It is a pretty bold and straightforward plan, after all.

[With the presence of his Majesty, the allied Royal Knight Captains and Guild Authorities, the citizens would most likely believe us.] (Zero)

The people inside were listening rather intently.


Listen well, especially you, my dear Bernard.

[To solidify the citizens' good impressions of us, we must immediately send a bunch of Royal Knights to help evacuate them. By the time General Lawrence catches fire on the subject, the Capital City has most likely been completely evacuated so we won't have to worry about collateral damage. I'm sure he doesn't want the citizens to know about any of his dirt before his coup succeeds, so he'll surely get out and command his troops to fight us back.] (Zero)

The king nodded his head while in thought.

[We'll set up camp through Panya Plains and attack at midnight without them knowing.] (Zero)

[I'll assign a sniper that even his power can't handle. We'll be able to kill him even if he knows he'll get assassinated in the battlefield.] (Zero)

[I know someone who can handle the assassination. He's an Adamantium-Ranked Hero that I've been acquainted with for a long time now. He's from another country, and is known as "The Adamantium Sniper" for his style of long-ranged assassinations capable of killing even Adamantium-Ranked Heroes and monsters in one-shot.] (Zero)

[I've heard stories and about him slaying one of the Demon Lord's Executives with a single hit from his weapon.] (Zero)

[At first, I doubted it. But then he, himself, told me that that story in particular is true. That General will surely die no matter what kind of armor he wears. That's why he must absolutely enter the battlefield.] (Zero)

[Then... W-What happens if the General were to stay inside the Palace?] (Bernard)

Heh, he actually took the most obvious bait in the world.

[The plan will fail.] (Zero)

Everyone inside gasped.

[Our army might hold a candle against the enemy forces, but if the General won't be executed immediately, the strategy would fall to ruin. The sniper won't be able to go near the Palace to get vision. That's his weakness. As long as General Lawrence doesn't enter his sight, he can't do anything. And most importantly, he can only fire his "One-Hit-One-Kill" Shot once a day.] (Zero)

[I've had deals with him in the past, and if the target doesn't show up to his or her designated position, he'll know that the enemy is aware of him. Because of that, he'll immediately flee before anyone gets a hold of his identity. If he fails to assassinate his target, he'll just secretly return the whole payment.] (Zero)

[I'm not bragging but, I'm one of the few handful of people who has seen his face and lived.] (Zero)

[Strange. I have never heard of such an Adventurer.] (Tyreon)

[That is only natural, Your Majesty. Even the Ruler of the country he's originally from cannot confirm the truth of his existence. Although I can vouch for Zero-san's words since my father once told me about an assassin capable of slaying even the strongest monsters from afar. I'm guessing that he's talking about the Adamantium Sniper.] (Karmen)

[Don't worry, your Majesty. As his former acquaintance, he'll surely hear me out.] (Zero)

[I-I see. That's reassuring. He'll be a vital part of your plan, after all.] (Tyreon)

Hearing that, Bernard smiled reflexively.

[Finishing the general off is our top priority, or else, we cannot defeat him without suffering major casualties. Not only are the Ten Heroes of Zephyrine out on a mission, even the Royal Court Magician is gone. This will surely be tough.] (Zero)

[The Ten Heroes, and even the Court Magician. You sure know everything, Zero-san.] (Karmen)

[Haha, stop it, Karmen-san. They are the Kingdom's top forces, right? Of course everyone would know about them.] (Zero)

Suddenly, I look at King Tyreon with eyes of both seriousness and concern.

[The allied Royal Captains and Mercenary Captains are around the Orichalcum Rank while General Lawrence is Adamantium. Our Party is Orichalcum-Ranked as well. As you can see, no one can fight the general on equal footing. Even the strongest warrior in Calypso won't be able to defend his Majesty from him. It is common knowledge that even if it's just one rank, the differences between Orichalcum and Adamantium are worlds apart.] (Zero)

[The strongest three of the ten Heroes, along with the Court Magician were the only Adamantium-Ranked warriors at his Majesty's disposal but alas, all four of them are away. Even if you send them a message right now, it would already be too late unless they use Teleportation Magic to go back.] (Zero)

[That's why General Lawrence must be instantly annihilated. As long he is alive during the battle, the treacherous Royal Knights, who were probably enticed by the general's promise of money and pleasure, won't stop fighting.] (Zero)

[But, if he gets assassinated on the spot, their morale would nosedive. For that, we'll win and avoid much casualties at the same time.] (Tyreon)

[How about h-his Majesty? Where will he be after this and during the battle?] (Bernard)

[Oh, Tyreon-sama? He'll be returning to the Royal Palace. The allied Knights along with Calypso will be guarding him until evening. After that, they will escape via the secret passage to rendezvous with the main force and help persuade the citizens as planned.] (Karmen)

[It is currently the General's study period. Early in the morning, he would seclude himself inside his office for three hours every other day. I took advantage of that and now, here I am. I plan on returning before he gets out, to avoid any form of suspicion. My double, along with my most trusted servants are there to deceive anyone trying to find me.] (Tyreon)

[I know Princess Saffrina's whereabouts, but how about her Majesty, the Queen?] (Zero)

[You even know about Saffrina-hime's whereabouts... that only my father, the Court Magician and his Majesty himself knew?!] (Karmen)

Oh boy, I'm saying too much.

I won't be surprised if King Tyreon actually tries to dispose of me after all of this.

[Now, now. I don't mind it, Karmen-dono. Anyways, going back to what you were asking, I've sent Hilda with Saffy as well. I managed to fool everyone, telling them that she wished to travel around for a while. Of course, I didn't disclose her destination to anyone. With that, the sole Princess and my Queen, the only members of the Royal Family, are out of Lawrence's reach.] (Tyreon)

The king narrated with ease in his face.

[Well, as long the general doesn't find out about the plan, I believe we only have little things to worry about.] (Zero)

[I-I see...] (Bernard)

[Oh, right. I almost forgot. To provide additional protection, take this.] (Karmen)

Karmen-san hands over some kind of bracelet.

[What is this?] (Tyreon)

[Those are Magic Tools. They give extra P.RES and M.RES to those who wear it. I got from my father. I currently have four so I'll give one to Tyreon-sama along with his three Captains.] (Karmen)

[You have my gratitude, Karmen-dono.] (Tyreon)

[Alright then. Now that the general idea is clear, I'll explain the specific battle tactics and positions...] (Zero)


*Door Opens*

[Oh, seems like your done.] (Yanzo)

Seeing our figures go out one by one, Yanzo-san spoke.

[Yeah, the strategy will work for sure. Zero-san came up with it, after all.] (Karmen)

Karmen-san winked at me.

I winked back.

[Amazing... Zero... You're amazing... Too amazing...] (Ace)

[Zero... Who knew you were an individual holding such amount of knowledge... Amazing, indeed... I'm really glad you're our friend...] (Iris)

[What happened to those two? Why are they monotonously praising Zero-san? Did he do something out of this world...?] (Yanzo)

[W-Well, you can call it that... I guess...] (Karmen)

[Hey, hey... Stop it you two.] (Zero)


Look at those eyes of arrogance.

Bernard is looking at me like they've won already.

Ahh~ I love seeing those kinds of smiles... Those naïve smiles.

Well, let him deliver the news to that bastard Lawrence, we'll see what happens.

[Pfft. But you know, I just can't help but laugh. This battle is going to be hilarious. They won't even know what hit them.] (Zero)

King Tyreon didn't waste any time and immediately took off.

[Then, may the gods bless us in this battle.] (Tyreon)

[Be safe on your trip, your Majesty.] (Zero)

The King's carriage started to move...

Alright... Let's execute the plan, shall we?



[We'll now return to the Palace, your Majesty.]

[Much obliged, Bernard.] (Tyreon)




I'm the one can't help but laugh.

That arrogant peasant, Zero Hashura.

Who does he think he is?

Hm, I can't let him bother me much longer.

Hehe, they don't even know who the real danger is.

I'll show them the despair of a losing battle once it starts, but for now, I shall report to Lawrence-sama to make a counter-plan against that kid's petty ambush.

At full speed, we reached the Capital City in about half an hour or so.

The average travel speed from Ilram to here is a whole two hours, but we're currently in a hurry.

His Majesty didn't even complain about the bumpy ride.

[Then, your Majesty, please rest well until tonight.] (Eliot)

[I shall. Then, be safe, my knights.] (Tyreon)

[We understand!] (Bernard/Eliot/Hans)

The king will be sleeping for now, huh?

Well, that'll make him a lot more vulnerable.

His head will be taken soon.


If only Saffrina-hime was here, I could forcefully make her mine after this...

Ahhh... So she's somewhere with the queen, huh?

Very well. Sooner or later, I can get a taste of her.

[I shall check the general's condition. We can't afford to lose his movements at such a crucial time.] (Bernard)

[Okay. The two of us can Guard his Majesty 'til sunset. You can return to your post after that and gather some more allied Knights.] (Hans)

[Then.] (Bernard)

I left.

Heh, these idiots are too easy.

As soon as I got out of their sight, I immediately dashed towards the general's office.

He must be eagerly waiting for my report.


[*Knock Knock* Lawrence-sama, I have returned.] (Bernard)

[Bernard! Where have you been?!] (Lawrence)

He opens.

Without delay, I stated everything I have witnessed.

[Yes! The king has secretly traveled to Ilram.] (Bernard)

[What did you say?! Why did the king had to do that in secret? And why didn't he tell me, the General?!] (Lawrence)

[It's because... he is now aware of the Coup...] (Bernard)

[W-What?! Tch... Then... we shall kill his Majesty immediately.] (Lawrence)

[Wait! Before that Lawrence-sama...] (Bernard)

I told him about the entire plan.

With this, we'll surely trample them on a one-sided war.

[Midnight ambush, revealing my crimes in public, an Adamantium Sniper...? Hmm... I guess the king knows what he's doing...] (Lawrence)

[I've been there as a spy for you and I know all of the details in their plan. We must come up with a strategy to counter them and annihilate all hindrances along with the king.] (Bernard)

Lawrence-sama laughed grimly.

What a really dangerous man.

Would I oppose him, I'd surely die along with my family.

But now that I'm on his side, I can indulge on the benefits this victory will give me.

Lawrence-sama can finally rule the Kingdom and I, as the newly appointed General can drown myself in the spoils of war.

He's usually just a violent and noisy guy, but once he gets serious, no one can imagine how messed up his mind can become.

He's a war monster and a killing machine.

He'll use any underhanded method to accomplish his goals.

He'll manipulate every man to his side and use them as he pleases.

[Excellent, Bernard. My decision was right about making you one of my soldiers. Hoho, I wonder how I'll kill those new Heroes. It's quite disappointing that they'll die immediately, but you gotta do what you gotta do.] (Lawrence)

[Very well. First, I'll stay inside the Palace to destroy the core of their plan. I'll have to make myself flashy during the show. Alright, let's call our own strategist, shall we?] (Lawrence)

Lawrence-sama laughed deeply again...


We're currently in an underground prison.

To be specific, we abducted James Harrow, a thirty-five year old man.

Well, he's not just any man.

He's the Kingdom's official Strategist.

[Y-You traitors! How can you betray his Majesty?!] (James)

[Oi, oi. You sure you wanna talk like that while you're family is being held hostage?] (Bernard)

[My f-family...?] (James)

[That's right. Come up with a counter-plan for us, and they live. Oppose my orders and their heads get cut off!] (Lawrence)

[N-No! Please! Not my family!] (James)

[Then it's easy. Do your job, you piece of crap!] (Lawrence)

Hm... We gave him a little amount of torture before he finally came up with something.

Lawrence-sama is just smiling like a maniac while listening to it...

I filled him in on the details so he can counter every last part of it.

[Thi-Th-This is wh-what I came up with...] (James)

[See? It's an easy deal, right? C'mon, show me what you got.] (Lawrence)

[First, Bernard-dono told me that this Adamantium Sniper hasn't seen your face yet... Then, we shall use a double so that he'll fire the sure-kill attack to the wrong person. Next, their forces will be camping at Panya Plains. We should attack them at before sunset, while they are preparing. That's the time their guards are the lowest. After that, everyone else can finish the enemy and Lawrence-dono can take the king's throne...] (James)

[Ah... Yes... I like that...] (Lawrence)

[Please, let me and my family go! I gave you what you want!] (James)

[Oh about that. My knight's got bored and played with your wife until she died. They also killed your servants and your son.] (Lawrence)

James Harrow, who pleading for him and his family's life slowly opened his mouth.

His face began distorting in agony.

[A... AHHHH!!! You Monster!!! How could you!!! My wife and son!!! You bastard!!! I'll kill you!!! Ahh... Yuria... Colton...] (James)

[Tch. How annoying. I won't kill him since he can still be of future use. I'll just drug him so that he'll obey my orders. Bernard, throw him in a cell.] (Lawrence)

Well, I don't think he can be as effective if he's drugged, but whatever.

[You BASTARD!!! What did you do to my daughter?!] (James)

[Oh, your daughter? Ah right, you have a daughter! Well, I guess she escaped since they didn't report anything regarding her. Isn't that great? Well, she's pretty fine. I guess I can make her my plaything once I find her.] (Lawrence)

[I'LL KILL YOU!!! MY FAMILY!!! M-My... Family... Ahhhh!!!] (James)

[Bernard, I'll head out first. That guy is too loud. Tell everyone about the plan. Let Nostro lead ad make them march their way towards the plains. You, Dred and some knights shall remain here. In the meantime, I'll pay the king his 'last' visit.] (Lawrence)

[Understood.] (Bernard)

And so I did.

Hah. Even with Calypso, his Majesty's life is still on our hands.

His forces were deployed out of the City yesterday without everyone knowing.

That's what he told the three of us earlier.

Except Eliot and Hans, everyone else inside the Royal Palace is on our side.

With that, no one will stand a chance against General Lawrence taking his Majesty's life.

Although most of the Royal Knights are on our side, it's because they we're partially brainwashed by the general.

He was always abusive towards them.

But yesterday, he cried and begged for their forgiveness.

He pleaded about the king being a corrupt ruler, forcing him to be violent against them, and that we're rebelling as the good guys.

A splendid act, indeed.

After successfully conquering the Kingdom, we'll also brainwash the citizens with patriotic words.

A flawless approach, as expected from Lawrence-sama.

He's deceitful and manipulative- a natural born psychopath!


What a monster...

He's also been killing people for satisfaction if he didn't like them...

Not only that, when finds good-looking Noblewomen, he rapes them, married or not.

This man... is truly a twisted maniac!

Well, not that I care.

I just have to be careful and stay on his good side.

Right now, I guess we'll go take this Kingdom.

I'll kill that bastard, Zero...

I guess I can partake of that beautiful Sorceress of theirs too.

I fell for her beauty as soon as I laid my eyes on her.

I also wanna to have some fun with her beautiful body.

Oh, I can't wait.

I'm getting hard just by thinking about it.


After deploying the Royal Army to ambush their forces, I walked through the hallways on my way to the General's office.

It's awfully quiet right now.

I wonder if the remaining knights are having some fun at the other prison.

[*Knock Knock* Lawrence-sama, I have returned.] (Bernard)

[Come in, Bernard.] (Lawrence)

As I walked in, I can see him looking outside of the window. I wonder what he's thinking.

[Bernard...] (Lawrence)

[Yes, what is it, Lawrence-sama?] (Bernard)

[The king escaped.] (Lawrence)

[Wha-?! What do you mean?! How could he escape without us noticing beforehand?!] (Bernard)

How in the world did that happen...?

And how can he be so calm about it...?


Wh-What the hell...?

The General... is suddenly emitting... so much animosity and bloodlust...

[Sigh... You're a great knight. You're skills are among the top, rivalling that of a Hero...] (Lawrence)

What is he saying...?

[But Bernard... I guess... you were still too naïve...-] (Lawrence)

Lawrence-sama drew his sword!

Suddenly, a figure jumped at Lawrence-sama at an incredible speed!

Lawrence-sama immediately parried the figure's attack.

[Tch. I've been found out, huh? I guess my stealth skills can't be compared to Zero.] (Ace)

[Wha-?!] (Bernard)

[What a cramped place. Why don't we continue this outside?] (Ace)

As he said that, he immediately shifted his stance and charged at Lawrence-sama.

He took the tackle and his back slammed the window open as the fragments of the glasses flew everywhere.

They probably fell on the front porch.

But that guy... I-It was Ace William!

What is he doing here?!

I quickly ran outside of the room to check the situation.

I'm not worried about Lawrence-sama at all.

He can handle that guy easily.


[Water Jet!] (Iris)


It's Iris Kinsley, the Sorceress.

She just neutralized a Royal Knight with her spell.

That Imperial Armor is Platinum Level.

To think she could render him unconscious in just one shot, she's not just beautiful, she's also strong.

Ahhh... It turns me on even more.

Alright, I guess I'll play with her.

[Hello there, Lady Iris. I wanted to ask you for a while now. Do you want to be my woman?] (Bernard)

[Geh-?! Bernard-san? So he's one of them, after all... What kind of question is that? I find it weird from someone who's as old as you. Also, I'd refuse either way. I already have someone I like!] (Iris)

[Ho... Then I guess I'll have to force my love on you.] (Bernard)

I immediately charged at her.

I'm not an Adventurer, but if I were to compare myself to one, I guess I'm a Hunter-Anti-Mage Class.

Physical Attacks with Speed are my forte and I have a good amount of Agility and Magical Resistance.

This fight is clearly on my advantage.

[Quicksand!] (Iris)

I jumped up to avoid her spell.

You're mine!

[Gust!] (Iris)

[Guh-!] (Bernard)

I got blown away by her Wind-Type spell.

Having aptitude to all elements while having excellent affinity in each one is really amazing.

Well, it's annoying if you're up against it, but I can handle her myself without a problem.

[Amazing, Lady Iris. Okay, here I go...] (Bernard)

I ran towards her once again.

This time, I'll be pinning her down and have some fun.

[You won't come near me! Magma Pool!] (Iris)

[I won't fall for that!] (Bernard)

I jumped up to avoid the pool of lava below me.

It's my win!

[Fireba-!] (Iris)

[Too slow, Lady Iris. The God Bird's paralyzing thunder, Caladrius Shock!] (Bernard)

I stabbed my sword on the ground as blue-colored electricity covered the area around me.

[Ahh-!!] (Iris)

I let go of my sword and immediately took a hold of her.

[Ah-! No! L-Let me go!] (Iris)

I pin her down and restrict her movement with one of my hands.

Ohoho... I finally get to touch her.

I can't wait to mess this beautiful body up...

I can't stop breathing heavily...

[D-Don't worry... Lady Iris.. I'll give you lots of love... so...] (Bernard)

[N-No! L-Let me go! Help!] (Iris)

She still resisting...

Suddenly, tears started running down her cheeks...

[W-Why are looking at me like that?! Don't... Don't look at me like I'm disgusting! Tch. Seems like you'll need some disciplining.] (Bernard)

She must love me too.

Therefore, I should train her.

I raised my hand to hit her.

I guess one slap in the face is considerable...



I was on top of her just now...

W-Why is my face... buried in the ground...?

[You're utterly disgusting you piece of shit... I hope you're ready for the consequences of your actions... You... You just tried to hurt Iris, didn't you...? I see... That's means you're prepared to die...] (Zero)