
In A D.C World: I Sign In For Rewards Exclusive To Konoha Village!

You'd think Waking up in a new world, with a chanced second life in a new younger body, who is blessed with a birthright as the Heir apparent to an old-money family's fortune, sounds great? Everything is great until you find the world you're transported to is an Alternative DC Universe variant! Discovering that the inherited wealth may be ill-gotten by ambiguous means! The supposed lovingly family members plot against you & your fellow Heirs of Gotham city Nobles are secretly sniping for your lofty position & your family's accumulated wealth! Mixed in some shady cults, love debts from my predecessor playboy ways, a corrupt Gotham city of high crime committing lunatics everywhere, & noisy and stubborn Vigilantes who come bother me for my family's underworld connects! It's all almost too much to breathe! But- The saving grace that I arrived in this world with has awoken! The Sign-In system For Rewards Exclusive To Konoha Village! Basically, after daily sign-in, anything can be a reward if it's Ever been concerning or connected to Konoha village! My counterattack on D.C. has begun! ________________________________________ In this fanfiction, all characters belong to the respective Dc comics owners, except for my original characters & story plot lines. The cover image comes off Google,  I don't own it. If the original owner wants me to change it, or to give a byline, please let me know. This is an irregularly updated FanFiction, with violent crimes, languages, or portrayal of violent crimes! Read At Your Own Discretion.

aloudtntcode · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

I woke up in a city hospitals ICU!

 In Gotham City,

In the evening hours,

Inside A Private V.I.P suites intensive care unit ward of Gotham General Hospital,

Two highly decorated Doctors argue over the treatment of the seriously ill rich young master resting on life support behind them!




 "It's clearly an amalgamation of various types of poisons, and venomous fluid in his body!" Said a Female Doctor in her thirties loudly in a hallway corridor.

  "If you treat just one or a few of the poisons with foreign anti-venoms then that strange state of balance in his body will collapse, & his body will be in flux before those antidotes can do anything to relieve the targeted poison completely! 

Then in those treated gaps those other poisons we aren't entirely sure what they are will slip into the cracks created by the sudden absence of the known poison we treated with anti-venom and run wild!" The female doctor complains.

"That's just your speculation!" Said an aged grey hair male doctor waving various medical charts in the air.

"With his identity, Do you want to chance it?-!" Replies the Female Doctor raising her bifocal glasses on her nose with her index finger. 

 "If you dare, then be my guest!" She continued to move aside clearing the path for the older man as she said that with a smile as if she just called checkmate!

Sure enough, The old man took two steps back reflexively in horror!

Breaking out in a cold sweat he said quickly:

 "D-Don't talk nonsense, we are all responsible. *Cough*, So, what can we do then?"

Nodding at his surrender, then frowning deeply, she said:

"We wait!"


"What do you mean 'We Wait'??" Questioned the aged Doctor confused.

"Yes, we wait for his body to naturally fight some of the unknown poison, take his blood periodically to see if he created any natural antibody;

"If so, we replicate the antibody blood sample and blood spin it back into him, repeating the process!" The older expert finished her thoughts, nodding his head in agreement.

She nods back saying:

"Until then, we can only hope this poison balance continues until these natural antibodies are created.

"...Or else if this young master falls, you, me & this whole hospital is over the next day for sure!!" The female doctor said with a grimace & some drops of sweat dripping down her face!

They both know clearly what famous Gotham conglomerate supports this young heir in the background!




Later that night...

The young man in question's eyes was now open, his body still in an inflexible poisonous state, but with far more mental clarity than before!

That's because the original poisoned young master's soul has already perished!

It was when the two conspiring doctors took the last vile of blood to test for natural antibodies & left the ward.

The room's vital alarms had gone off previously!

The night nurse on duty hurried in and was the first to enter into the room, only to find the vitals were still there, but equipment showed that symptoms of heart failure had occurred!

After the doctors came & confirmed his body was still alive & still in a strange state of a balanced poison equilibrium from before, they Immediately replace the thought to be faulty equipment immediately!

After some discussions, they left the area.

 Leaving behind the new soul alone in a body paralyzed by poison, who was previously feigning a comatose state, while listening to the surroundings for details about his new selfs identity and the new universe.

 Squinting his eyes to see if the room was clear, he then closed his eyes again as he takes a dive into the new world in his inherited memories, processing what happened to him, and this body!

He vaguely remembered that the former him was at a party with a woman...

His life experience having reached SSS level womanizer, expert pick-up artist, and all-time hedonistic young master, he was no stranger to entertaining women.

  A lifestyle which began to become boring to him, but this encounter was different from the varying glamorous female companions that accompany him in the past.

 It was with a female scientist, botanist, and poison expert from the company that 'he' has been wooing for some time.

  He had long been bored of those pretentious paint-by-numbers women, thus he developed a hobby of sorts.

  This young master liked finding unique diamonds in the ruff, 'polishing them', and making them shine through!

  When she first debuted in front of him, in the eyes of others, it can be said to be underwhelming.

  But she, the simply dressed botanist had gotten his attention at that company internal department review meeting immediately.

He, with his expert Playboy vision, saw she was a hidden diamond at a glance!

 Under that wrinkled white lab coat, basic makeup, messy long hair, and large bifocal glasses was a deeply concealed knockout beauty!

 He was eager to be in contact with this woman, who was the stuff of legends to a playboy like himself.

  She is similar to a budding 'Mary Sue' in a Chinese novel, or A female protagonist straight out of a Shoujo manga or Korean drama & he was willing to be her overbearing corporate executive!


A Diamond's glittering light sometimes can be too blinding!

 So blinding that he didn't have a clue about the conspiracy to murder him that was sparked from this chance meeting!

 She would ultimately go on to poison him on that first night of their date together, leading him here, into the Gotham City hospital's ICU!

 But both he the newly arrived soul, & his predecessor doesn't know why?

Though the predecessor was a self-proclaimed playboy in which everyone unanimously agreed to this label, he wasn't at all mean-spirited or hard-hearted to the women he pursued or pursued him.

If he finds a woman to meet his standards, he will go all out in his pursuit without being a creepy stalker, or forceful in any way.

 He'd just reach out to get to know each woman straightforwardly putting the cards on the table openly and without shame.

In fact, if those that encountered him romantically took a survey on if they were better before they met, or after they met the original, the poll would be overwhelmingly in his favor!

The Statistics would prove that knowing him was a positive impact on their lives!

Which makes those actions taken against him all the more puzzling???

"Whatever, I can't be privy to all the truth just because I'm a dimensional traveler." I thought to myself.

 Just as I thought this action against the predecessor would remain an unsolved mystery,

 The biggest clues of this conspiracy were about to be explained by an uninvited guest in my ICU hospital ward!

The soft footsteps sounds stopped and a second person appeared in the ward beside my hospital bed!

Who was that standing in the dimly lit ICU ward late at night, It was a hooded female!

 I could tell her gender at a glance by her outline, the leftover skills of the former SSS class womanizer were at work I guessed...

  When the female started talking I immediately recognized the voice!

It was her!

That woman whose lips poisoned my predecessor!

 What does she want to do,?!

I'm already still deeply poisoned, and I am currently extremely limited in any motions?

Does she want to finish the hit job on me?!

To take my life completely, when 'I' just got here?!


I weakly clenched my fist trying to mobilize any strength to fight back!

 She was still talking but,

I had subconsciously blocked the sound of her voice, and the words of this killer were like white noise to me who was desperately trying to change positions, run, or do something!


But it was useless and too late as she slowly reached out her hand toward the helplessly immobile me!

And then She proceeds...

-to softly caress my now bloodlessly pale but handsome face!-?


The thing that shocked me more is, in this partly lit hospital ward with hallway flood lights glowing,

I saw clearly enough in the soft light to discern that her hand, and the extended out arm towards me...were now green colored!


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