
The Uprising Master

Norix was 19 years old.He was quite hated because he was always a nerd when it came to magic but the truth was he could never perform it.He always wanted to join a famous magic trick elite school called Zeno Elite School of Exemplary Magic and Advanced Tricks.A school well known because of it's profesional teachers and famous students.His friends and classmates laughed at him so much,but it looked like he didnt even care at all."Dang I need more skill to practice this".As Norix was criticizing himself his friend showed up.His name was Melchoro he's also not that popular like Norix he's slightly better than him."Hey Norix let's go hang out I heard they had new street food carts built in there too". Melchoro was excited as he always wanted to try it out.When Norix got dressed they went out to town square where they met an unexpected surprise