
Implosion Spinoff: Haru Cooks with Malevolent Kitchen

Summary: What if Arata Shouta/Adam/Harukin/Sun-kun/Aelius reincarnated normally in wonderful world. How can he survive his new Isekai life? The cover is not mine, pm me if you are the owner, I'll immediately take it down. I'm just writing this fanfic to train my English proficiency. I will only upload a chapter if I want to. This is my third time writing and English is not my first language so forgive me if I made a lot of mistakes in my grammar.

Geraint124x · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 56: Murasame Reine

Chapter 56: Murasame Reine

Author: Geraint

Date Posted: May 18, 2024 Sat @6:52PM

After the battle with the Spirit of Origin, Shido brought me to <Fraxinus > for check up and I met up with his little sister which is the commander of the ship. This little sister is currently looking at me weirdly after she watches my date with Shiori, her crossdressing big brother.

"I've been wanting to ask, you like my brother, right?"

"Nope." I straight up answer her normally.

"Then, why do you keep flirting with him?!"

"The person I like is the girl named Shiori, not this guy."

Shido was shocked to hear my answer and he retorted.

"Oi! Stop messing around and tell them the truth! Everyone has started to think that I'm some kind of transvestite already! Stop making me question my sexuality!" he held his head in confusion.

"What have you done to my big brother, Haru?" Kotori was blaming me.

"Hahaha! Sometimes, it takes a real man to be the best girl, Shido." I tapped him in the shoulders when suddenly, new information of curse technique flowed into my mind and I immediately learned how to use them but I accidentally use it on Shido when I touched him.

"Huh? What's happening to me?" Shido started to shrink in every parts of his body, making him look feminine and his hair grew rapidly longer then I was shocked to see him turning into a girl. This made me remembered the danger of this new cursed technique by distorting someone's soul by physical contact.

"Sorry, Shido! I'll turn you back quickly!"

"Haru, what did you do my brother?!" Kotori and everyone in the ship started to panic and I immediately tried to revert him back before it can caused him any harm.

"<Idle Transfiguration>!" I reshaped his soul again to turn him back to normal when I sensed two souls and he suddenly split into two person. One of them was Shido who's appearance is back to normal but the other one which surprised all of us because it has his crossdressing appearance which is Shiori.

Everyone was speechless until Kotori grabbed me in the collar and yelled, "What have you done this time?!"

"As you can see, I already turned him back to normal but there's another soul inside him and it separated from his body!" I explained as I glanced at the female version of Shido which kinds of remind me of Shiori. Seeing her naked while unconscious on the floor, she has huge chest and her crotch has slit which means that it's quite obvious that she's a girl.

"Stop looking, you pervert!"

I looked away as Kotori covered her body with white cloth. Shido and her girl version was brought to the clinic and I followed after them, seeing the medical staff that is actually the clone of Mio herself which has a gloomy expression.

After laying down the two in the bed, everyone was told to leave the room but I decided to stay and told them that I'm gonna rest for a bit which they allowed me while being watched by Reine, Mio's clone. She was focus on writing medical report on her table, not minding me staring at her.

I went and sit on the padded bench chair next to her table then I continued to stare down at her with a smile. She finally stopped working and glanced towards me, revealing the dark circles under her eyes that shows her lack of sleep.

"Please stop staring at me." she spoke with cold tone then she continued working.

"Do you think I could count that as my victory? That was very disappointing fight. I thought our battle will be livelier than that when facing someone powerful as you."

Reine halted her hand from writing then she sighed, leaning her back on the chair.

"Seems like, you're already aware of my identity."

"Yeah, from the start. You won't able to fool my eyes, Mio."

Reine's eyes turned serious and she glared to me.

"You've already foiled my plans. What else do you want?"

"My last attack, did you really get affected that much?"

"You've been overestimating me. I might have powerful abilities but I'm not strong emotionally as you, humans--Wait! You're not a human aren't you? Neither a spirit like me. I can sense negative energy from you aside from magical power you possessed that you haven't shown to me yet during our fight."

"Well, I still think that I'm a human but I'm actually from different world."

"I see... no wonder I haven't seen you. If I met you earlier, I don't need to devise such atrocious plan that caused a lot of lives of girls. I'll just have you kill me so that I can meet with Shin in the afterlife." she looks quite happy for someone who wants to meet her end.

"To tell you the truth, I don't think that's possible now."

"Huh?" Reine was confused as I stood up and went towards Shido who still unconscious on the bed and in another side was Shiori.

"As you can see, I accidentally used my new curse technique on him and transfigured his soul that transformed his body but when I was turning him back, I detected another soul and that's the one got transfigured which made it separated from him and I ended making another body with his own flesh. <Idle Transfiguration> hits randomly if a person has more than one soul or there's another entity hiding inside him."

"It's hard for me grasp about your power."

"I'm from different world after all. Soul might different from every world. It might be spiritual entity, subconsciousness or memories of a person. Only god knows but they maybe also have no idea either since they are busy drinking at the tavern." I shrugged my shoulders to her. I can already imagine Aqua and Chris drinking together with Kazuma and others as celebration.

"Then how will you explain that there's a two of them here. After Shin died, I absorbed him into my body and gave birth to him in order to revive him. Shin is Shin himself without his memories of the past."

"I don't know..."

It's actually not that I don't know. I just don't want to think about it since he turned out like this because of me.

We saw Shido's cheek twitched and his eyes slowly opened as he woke up from being unconscious.

"Shin!" Reine became teary-eyed and she hugged Shido in the bed.

"Huh? What happened?" Shido looked around cluelessly until his eyes stopped at my direction.

I waved my hand and greeted him with a grin,

"Yoh, Shiori-chan! How's your sleep--"

"Who are you?" he immediately asked which made me sweat profusely when I had a bad feeling.

"You don't recognize me?" I pointed to myself.

"I don't know you. Anyway, I remembered getting shot by a bullet by someone while running away--Ugh!" Shido held his head in pain--No. He is not Shido anymore. He was that Takamiya Shinji, Mio's lover that died in the past which is now completely revived because of me. That means--

"Gyaaaaah!! My thing is gone!!" The other one has also woke up from another ward and she screamed in shock of what happened to her body.

I slowly moved out of the room as I turned the door knob when Shiori came out of her ward wearing only shirt then she found me sneaking out.


Shiori was giving me a death stare, seeing that he completely turned into a girl.

"Give it back, Haru."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Turn me back quickly to normal!"


I saw Reine coming out in the next ward with Shinji in her shoulder, helping him out to walk stably. Shiori glanced to them and her eyes widened in shock to see himself in front of her and she pointed at him. She can't believe what she seeing right now that she was unable to talk.


"Is that you, Mana?" Shinji pointed at her.

"I'm not Mana! I'm Shido!" Shiori responded with flustered reaction.

"You look like my little sister."

"Mana is my little sister too! Why is there another me here?!" Shiori was very confused.

"Sorry, my memories are a little fuzzy. If you are a relative of mine, please let me know things about you so I can remember. Let me introduce myself again, my name is Takamiya Shinji."

Tears are falling from Reine's eyes as her lover return back to her and she's hearing his voice again.


"That's right." Shinji nodded to her which made Shiori more confused.

The scene seems to be very hilarious to me so I decided to use my transformation magic and turned into another Shido, pointing to both of them.


"Stop making things more complicated, Haru! This is all your damn fault!" Shiori was very furious of me.

(To be continued.)

I'll fix my mistakes later.

Geraint124xcreators' thoughts