
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Doesn't Work

At night, Clare secretly goes out of the dormitory for one purpose. before that she made sure that no one was following her after confirming, she rushed to the ordinary stairs in the emergency room which was so dark to get to the 5th floor. At first Clare hesitated, but she ventured with the flashlight she had prepared.

Slowly he descended the stairs one by one sequentially with a circular staircase. The floor numbers already show the 5th floor in front of the door. Entering the 5th floor door, he walked down a dark hallway as if he was testing his guts in a haunted building with a flashlight.

Arrive in front of a large door with intricate carvings exposed on the door. Clare is very curious about what is in there, why does it have to be locked and called a forbidden room?

Clare menempelkan tangannya ke pintu dan mendorongnya sekuat mungkin, tapi pintu tersebut tidak mau bergerak sedikitpun, ini aneh. Clare mencari sesuatu di sekitar pintu yang mungkin ia lewatkan untuk membukanya, tapi ia tidak menemukan apa apa.

Clare pushed again with all her might but as if her strength was only limited to ants. The door didn't move at all and Clare was starting to run out of ways. Then, she tried another way which was quite unreasonable. Focusing on opening the door, the door miraculously opened slightly when Clare pushed it and focused as if she was expending spiritual power. But it wasn't as wide as a few days ago when Clare opened it, just a slide.

Clare wonders how heavy this door is and who made it so difficult. Clare peeked in the gap again but still didn't find anything, she had given up.

Clare, who had given up, walked back away from the slightly teach door. Unknowingly, as Clare moved away, the door closed again silently until Clare didn't notice.

Clare was about to go back to the dark stairs earlier and saw the figure of a man in the hallway, she immediately hid in the nightstand while peeking a little who the passerby was. Clare began to be afraid when the figure stopped in front of the nightstand where Clare was, her mind began to be confused and thought that person was a ghost.

Suddenly the nightstand door opened revealing Clare was covering her face with her hands afraid of the ghost that would catch her.

"You?" he frowned making Clare widen her eyes and lowered her hand to look at the youngman with a surprised expression.

Quickly Clare from the nightstand then closed it back outside nervously. Clare is really ashamed of her own behavior. He glanced at the young man and Clare was stupidly surprised that the man was Luke. Immediately Clare became panicked as if she was caught off guard by the teacher killer.

"You... what are you doing?" Clare asked like a fool.

"I should be the one asking, what are you doing here? This place is not your place." he said flatly.

"I know ... I shouldn't be here." Clare said then was about to leave but her steps stopped when her mind wondered why Luke was here. "Why are you here alone?"

"Should I give you a reason? It has nothing to do with you so there's no need." Luke said making Clare feel stupid.

"I'm just curious." said Clare looking down slightly

"You didn't give a clear reason yourself." he denied.

Come to think of it, Luke was right. Clare scratched the back of her neck that didn't itch and decided to leave, she didn't want anything to do with a boy like Luke.

Clare ran towards the door leading to the stairs, she glanced at Luke occasionally who seemed to be about to enter a class. Luke who felt being watched glanced at Clare's direction until their eyes met and Clare was getting nervous. Quickly Clare entered the direction she was headed and up the stairs.

Early in the morning, Clare and 3 of her friends were having breakfast in the dining room. Since then Zoya has been watching Clare, who continues to dreamily stir her ready-to-eat cereal.

As soon as Zoya's naughty thoughts came back, she took all of Clare's cereal and ate it herself while giggling. suddenly her mischievous hand brushed aside Jules and glared at her.

"Clare." Blaire scolds.

"Ya!" said Clare in surprise and almost spilled the milk beside her.

"You didn't have breakfast?" Zoya said holding back a laugh seeing Clare who still didn't notice

Clare glanced at him and got ready to eat but it turned out to be just milk from the cereal she took. There is no cereal left in the bowl making him think Zoya is starting to tease him. Clare glanced at Zoya who was giggling, didn't want to bother, she took back the cereal and changed it then ate it.

"What made your mood worse?" Jules asked.

"It's nothing." said Clare playing the cereal in the bowl.

"Tomorrow's birthday, it's only natural that today's mood is bad." Zoya said casually

Clare frowned. "I myself don't remember that tomorrow's birthday."

"Apparently you have amnesia." Blaire muttered.

"How do you know it's my birthday tomorrow?" asked Clare to Zoya.

"My curiosity was very high, so I looked for the student list and memorized everything, from where I lived, date of birth, hometown, family, etc." Zoya explained who was too curious.

"How dare you find out about me." Jules snapped looking at Zoya sharply.

"How would I know right? You didn't say" Zoya said casually.

"You guys are so noisy, we'll be late in 10 minutes." said Blaire who had finished eating.

They glanced at Clare who was still eating leisurely as if all the time was hers alone. Clare, who felt she was being watched, glanced at them in turn.

"Why? Whose fault took my breakfast" said Clare expressionlessly then devoured the food makanan.

After finishing breakfast they all split up to their respective classes. Clare entered the Mathemagics class but her mind was elsewhere, she really wondered why she couldn't open the door to the forbidden room last night?

During class, Clare was just staring at the blackboard but her mind wasn't there. But that doesn't mean he doesn't do the task he just gave him. Clare could only focus when there was something to really think about.

Class is over, Clare goes out of the castle alone contemplating her fate which cannot be separated from various mysteries. She continued to walk playing the dry grass she had just pulled then sat on a large rock looking at the beautiful mountain view. But still Clare's mind was elsewhere, not the scene she was seeing.

Clare got up from the rock then went back to walking aimlessly still playing with dry grass. Without realizing it, she entered a forest that was nothing but a forbidden forest with ease. Clare continued to walk leisurely with a chaotic mind, suddenly she realized that she was in a forest that was so scary it made the hairs on her spine goosebumps.

Clare looked around and realized that she had entered the forbidden forest and had come a long way. Clare continued to look for a way out of the forest but she still arrived at the same place as if she was just twirling around. Clare panicked, she was looking for something so she wouldn't be trapped there.

Then he heard a dog sound that sounded more like a whimper. Clare looked for the source of the sound and found a dog lying helplessly in the grass near the bushes for some reason. Clare approached the dog out of pity and then saw what had happened to the dog.

Her eyes widened when she saw a bite mark on her body, Clare covered the dog's wound with her handkerchief to stop the bleeding. Really, Clare couldn't bear to see an injured animal especially if it was a dog or cat.

Clare picks up the dog and then takes it back to the dormitory, but she is still trapped in this spooky forest. Clare kept walking but couldn't find a way out, she felt bad for the dog she was carrying, thirsty and in pain.

"How about this? I hope someone helps me, whoever it is. Hopefully a miracle happens, I don't want to linger here." Clare muttered worriedly

Clare tried to stay calm and get back on her feet, but just kept coming back to where she was. Clare was so tired, she didn't know what to do.

Immediately he heard a sound from behind, like the sound of a snake and it made Clare tremble. Slowly Clare dared to look back even though she was afraid. His eyes widened, his heart pounding wildly when he saw a snake waiting for him to become prey.

Clare slowly backed away from the snake that was approaching her. His body was already very stiff and trembling, his legs seemed to freeze and paralyzed, unable to move the pain of fear. She tightened his grip on the dog in her arms and her breath hitched at the sight of the snake ready to eat her.

The snake opened its mouth wide, suddenly Clare closed her eyes not daring to look at the mouth of a huge and terrible snake. Suddenly Clare felt herself floating and the wind was blowing really fast. Her body felt warm as if someone was holding her which made Clare wonder.

Clare opened her eyes slowly and saw someone who was carrying her running very fast. The figure in Academy robes who saved him from death. Clare looked up to see a man who looked familiar and had not seen each other for a long time.

Her steps stopped and Clare couldn't even stand still, she was still in the arms of the man who was staring at her deeply. Their eyes collided, making Clare unable to believe what she was experiencing and wishing it was all just a daydream.

He let go of her embrace and Clare adjusted her stance to balance. Clare lowered her face to see a dog in her arms that did not let go. At first Clare was afraid the dog she was carrying would loose, but her worries were only temporary and Clare breathed a sigh of relief.

Clare looked up again at the figure of the young man who had saved her. She still couldn't believe that all of this was true especially seeing that the person who saved her was the one who caught Clare red-handed on the 5th floor last night.