
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


The day the students left the dormitory, only Clare was alone with Thumbelina and Chasper who had been pacing incoherently from one place to another. Chasper was busy jumping up and down catching butterflies, while Thumbelina was flying left and right past the brooding Clare.

Clare didn't notice or make a fuss about the two of them being unclear. In fact, he is more obscure. Contemplating alone like a lonely person watching the academy gate. Ever since her friends left, she's just been sitting there blankly.

Clare sighed. There was indeed no point in waiting at the gate like a lonely person. Clare turned to go to the dormitory, but was surprised by Mrs. Alda in front of her.

"Aren't you coming?" asked Mrs. Alda.

Clare shook her head slowly and said quietly. "I have practice for next Sunday. You've seen how I make trouble, can you teach me?"

"I see your academic score is very good than other students. Apparently you are weak in the arts. No wonder you didn't take art class with me. I could have taught you, but unfortunately I've been busy lately. You know as an art teacher, I'm in charge of leading every art event both inside the academy and outside. I have a busy schedule this month, so I don't have any free time for you," said Mrs. Alda. "But . . . I know who can do it for you."

Clare regained her composure for a moment. However, when Mrs. Alda took him to someone and that person was someone Clare had known for a long time. Clare's eyeballs seemed to want to pop out of place! That person was the one who argued last night and kept Clare from leaving as well as left her in the common room, Luke!

"Since Luke is your partner at the dance next Sunday, so practice with him to be more effective. Don't mind the temperament, I'll be watching you from afar. After all, I'm responsible for you and I should have helped," said Mrs. Alda then turned to Luke. "It's also good for you so you're not always as stiff as last year. You refuse year after year, this time you can't. I'm monitoring you, don't leave this poor girl and let her wait for her friends at the gate like a lonely child."

Clare was embarrassed when Mrs. Alda said her last sentence. She herself didn't know why she was standing in front of the gate like a lonely person. During these three days Clare had been lonely, but she wasn't really lonely because she had Thumbelina and Chasper by her side.

"It's better for you to practice in your own dormitory hall to make it easier. I know you are in the same dorm, that's also why I chose you. So, see you next Sunday." Mrs. Alda just disappeared as if swallowed by the earth. What are his abilities? No one knows. Mrs. Alda is good at hiding her abilities.

Luke was silent. He had no intention of refusing like last year to become Mrs. Alda doesn't have to worry anymore. With this, he can get closer to Clare even though in reality he doesn't want to reveal anything at all. When he realized that Clare was his only dance partner he decided to continue dancing, especially after being chosen as the core dance partner, which means they will become a permanent dance partner. It's a shame he's going to graduate this year.

Clare glanced at Luke who was silent and said. "Why not refuse? Wouldn't it be very awkward? I'm not that smart."

"Why should you refuse? This is also the first time. All this time I've been refusing and affecting my grades," Luke said then walked away from Clare signaling her to come along. Sensing no movement from Clare, Luke turned around. "You don't want to practice?"

Clare went blank for a moment before saying. "I am coming along." Then jog to Luke and follow him.

On the lower floor of the dorm, there is a fairly large hall, exactly under the stairs. Their dormitory area is said to be quiet and no one passes by even on a normal day no one passes. It's too private for the mission members. This time, all of their comrades were not at the academy. There's only the two of them.

The first step, just a preparation. Luke didn't say much and just told Clare what to do. They were already in dance position, their right hands together while Luke's left hand was tied around Clare's waist while Clare was on Luke's shoulder. That's it, there's no need for any explanation since Clare already knows. Only the steps are never balanced.

When making small movements, it was smooth even though Clare sometimes hesitated with her steps and kept an eye on her feet making sure not to step on her opponent. It was only the first step and Clare was already hesitating. When Clare's gaze shifted to Luke's face and their eyes met, Clare felt like she was flying at Luke's dazzling blue eyes.

Again Clare felt this way and accidentally stepped on Luke's. Clare gasped and let go of all her grip. "You are okay?"

"You think I'm a kid who would cry if stepped on?" Luke replied.

Clare scratched the back of her neck that didn't itch and continued her practice. It's been a few laps, Clare is always making mistakes. Luckily Luke's legs were immune to Clare's stomping. While continuing the next lap, Clare's leg got caught between Luke's and she would fall unaesthetically. Luckily Luke caught it right away or Clare's head would have hit the back of the head.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked. He was surprised when Clare fell. Clare nodded quickly and Luke pulled her back into position.

"I don't think it's going to work." Clare had resigned herself to the situation.

Luke shook his head slowly. "Do it another way."

"You mean?"

"Just follow me."

Clare just said yes. Seconds later, Luke took over. Clare felt her hands and body being pulled to the dance song, Luke controlled Clare's body and Clare just followed. Clare admits Luke is good at this. Clare no longer had to step on Luke's foot or fall as she just needed to support his movement.

However, although Luke can control Clare's movements well, Clare also has to maintain balance so as not to fall, especially when turning.


"I never thought Luke could be that warm. Even with the teacher he is cold. I even thought he was born in the north pole so that his character matched the north pole." The one who spoke was Mrs. Alda who was watching their dance from above. She was talking to Rowler, the academy guard.

"I heard Clare is frost-resistant. Luke's nature is like ice, if you meet Clare it will melt. Maybe that's the way it is," Rowler said. "When I first met Clare, she was already friends with Blaire Osborne. The Osbornes are mysterious and cold, but Clare manages to get close to her. I don't know what Clare promised before. This kid is too smart."

"Anyone know about his abilities? I've never seen him use his abilities. What is manipulation?"

Rowler shook his head. "I don't think so. I heard that her family forbids using magical abilities at home. Maybe she has been used to living like a normal human since childhood. No one knows what she's capable of except her friends and her very loyal friends."

"I didn't make the wrong choice." said Mrs. Alda then smiled. "It wouldn't be wrong if Luke chose it either."

"What do you mean? The ice boy never even spoke to me. Maybe he's in a state of resignation or pressure from his family." Rowler disagreed.

"Even though I'm an artist, I've studied psychology. Even though I can't spy on him at all, I still know what he's thinking," said Mrs. Alda. "As long as I've known him, I've never seen him like this. I know the Orlane family well. Even Gavin was hooked on Clare. That's what I don't understand. Apart from being smart and beautiful, I can't think of anything else. There were a lot of similar ones here, but they chose Clare. I don't understand at all."

Rowler snorted. "Even Professor Armstrong supports her. You know what that means? Clare is no ordinary girl. Otherwise, how could Professor Armstrong be so supportive of her? You can ask Prof. Gregor or Lily."

Mrs. Alda snickered at Rowler. "You got me thinking hard. Never mind, I just want to watch them."


The music ends and their footsteps stop. This is just the beginning and not something to show off. But Clare was exhausted and knelt on the floor. Thumbelina brought him a drink and Clare accepted. It's the first time Clare has done so well. Clare is feeling happy.

Clare glanced at Luke who was still standing. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I also lack work."

Clare chuckled remembering Luke and Gavin's argument last night. "Shouldn't you go home? You sent poor Gavin instead."

"I'm just being lazy," Luke said and his eyes started to dim. "There's another reason I'm avoiding the house. I'd rather stay in a dorm."

Clare stared at him for a moment between curiosity and concern. "Are you fighting?"

"Not really. Just like Gavin avoiding someone."

Clare laughed making Luke frown not understanding what Clare was laughing at. "I thought you were scaring someone. But apparently you're afraid of someone."

"I'm just dodging, not scared. That's a clear difference."

"You don't even admit it. Prestige?" said Clare. "Someone ran away out of fear. Just like when Vrochis attacks, we dodge for fear of getting hurt. Isn't that the same thing? You avoid someone, out of fear of what that person has."

"Now I understand why you are called academically smart. Have you studied psychology or philosophy?"

Clare was still laughing at Luke. "Aren't I from Philosophy class?"

Clare's tiredness lessened as she laughed at Luke, who turned out to be no different from the average person. Apparently she had overestimated Luke. I don't know who made her have to dodge, Clare doesn't need to know about her family because she's nobody.