
Immortal Throne

David remained a virgin until his death, yet his soul awakened in the ruins of an alien world and accidentally inherited the Immortal Throne. His heritage included but was not limited to: a mini sun of infinite energy; three slumbering ancient guardian gods; a loyal and beautiful maiden named Lynn. With Lynn's assistance, Davi nurtured the strongest magical body, took it as the vessel of his soul, and embarked on a journey to conquer this fantastical world. Savage beasts roamed wildly, demons gathered in multitudes. To survive, he must hone his strength continuously!

Brest · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

The Arrival of Christina

"I've set you to be 10 years old, which means you'll have the body of a 10-year-old child," Lynn explained.

"At this age, your body is flexible, making it easier to learn new skills. The brain is still developing, capable of absorbing knowledge like a sponge."

"Of course, it won't affect your inherent intelligence."

"But your physical strength and combat abilities are quite limited; they'll need further training to be fully utilized."

"We have ample supplies prepared, and to test the system's stability..."

"In fact, while creating you, we also made another individual identical to you. He will be your 'brother,' sharing the exact genetic structure."

"While his soul may not be as resilient as yours, as a naturally born consciousness, he can tap into the talents and potential of this body to a significant extent. In the early stages, he might even outperform you." Lynn added with anticipation in her voice.

"My brother?" David asked, puzzled. "Are you saying this machine will create two identical bodies?"

"That's correct. Before creating you, we'll generate an individual with the exact same genes to be your identical twin." Lynn answered patiently.

"After the experiment, you can choose whether to keep this brother."

"Well then, I don't want him to just disappear like that. Let him be born," David said happily.

"I've been alone in my past life, without any blood relatives. Having a biological brother will be quite a novel experience."

"Alright, you can choose her gender," Lynn inquired. "Would you prefer a brother or a sister?"

"Then I'll choose a sister," David said with a smile. "Sisters are always gentler than brothers."

"Very well, it's all set," Lynn said. "In the incubation chamber in five days, you'll both emerge in the form of 10-year-olds. We'll be there then."

David led thirty Tool Man Villager, completing their mission at the incubation factory, and set out on the journey back to the village.

The Three God Festival, two days away, was a grand ritual held once every seven years, even more significant and lively than the routine annual ceremonies.

David believed it was necessary to participate in this event to strengthen the people's faith.

"Dear Lady Goddess, you've finally returned. We've been so bored in the 'prison' without you," Emma said with a hint of displeasure, casting a pointed look at Mayor Burne.

Burne had undoubtedly kept a close watch on the Three Holy Maidens to prevent any mishaps.

Leah, on the other hand, was unfazed and asked excitedly, "How's the progress on the Royal Altar construction? I'm looking forward to meeting the young prince."

"It's five days away, and you'll get to meet him," David casually replied.

Leah hesitated briefly upon hearing this, realizing that the Three God Festival was approaching sooner than expected. She mustered a stiff smile and her voice trembled slightly. "Yes, I'm, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Cut it out. You won't even live to see that day, foolish woman!" Emma scoffed, openly stating the harsh reality.

Clara remained silent as usual, but Emma's words cast a sudden solemnity over the atmosphere.

Leah fell silent too, lowering her head, her eyes betraying a sense of worry.

It seemed Emma had been suppressing her feelings for a long time, and she had finally spoken her true thoughts on the eve of the ritual.

"Emma, what are you saying? How could you say such a thing!" Leah exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Originally, the so-called ritual, isn't it just telling us to go die? There's nothing to be afraid to say." Emma feigned composure, since she had already committed herself to it.

"No, it's not like that. Our souls will attain eternal life, to serve the True King in the upper realms, becoming the True King's new messengers. This is how goddesses are born." Leah mechanically repeated the scripted lines, but her pale face and shifting eyes betrayed her true thoughts.

She occasionally stole cautious glances at David, hoping to glean something from her face, even if it was just to confirm her own words

"She's right. The Holy Maiden will die, and our flesh will become sustenance for the Three Gods." Suddenly, David spoke in a calm, almost detached tone, directly exposing the unspeakable truth that no one dared utter.

David's words left Leah in shock and confusion.

She had always steadfastly believed that the ritual would elevate the Holy Maiden to godhood. Now, David's outright denial of her faith left her struggling to accept it.

"T-this... How can this be, Lady... Lady Goddess?" Leah stammered, her face a mixture of terror and bewilderment. The impact of this revelation was immense.

Emma bit her lip lightly, keeping her head low and silent. She had known the truth for a while, so when David exposed it, she found herself without words. She understood that no matter what she said, it wouldn't change anything. This was a tradition that had existed in the village for as long as anyone could remember, and nobody dared to question it. Even their own lives, bestowed upon them by the village, had to be reciprocated. No matter how desperate they felt, it was an inescapable reality.

"Don't want to be the Holy Maiden anymore?" David asked.

David's question left all three of them in shock.

"N-no, it's just..." Leah instinctively denied, her voice fading halfway through, unsure of how to respond.

Clara remained expressionless as ever, not displaying any emotion even though she knew she was to be sacrificed. Her calm, almost numb demeanor made it hard to fathom what she might be thinking.

"Well, if you're unwilling, I'll find someone else. Find a few volunteers," David said casually.

"Huh?" Emma widened her eyes in astonishment. Could something this significant be changed so casually? If the mayor found out, the consequences would be unimaginable. But the words of the Goddess gave her hope; she had always longed to explore the outside world, to gain her freedom.

"Can, can it really be changed?" Emma asked, her excitement growing as she spoke.

However, Leah immediately opposed it seriously.


Emma hastily grabbed Leah, worried she might say something foolish and bring trouble upon them.

But Leah bravely raised a crucial point, "In that case, three innocent people will be sacrificed!"

"It's okay, there are plenty of people in the pen. I believe they'll be willing to atone for what they've done," David said with a pointed look.

"You mean Mark and the others?" Emma suddenly realized.

"But aren't they all men?" Leah hesitated, "And as far as I know, they're not virgins. Doesn't this ritual require virgins?"

"No problem, we'll just change the term. We'll call them Holy Men instead. It's practically the same," David dismissed.

Emma still had some doubts. "Can we really do that?"

"Of course, I am the Goddess after all," David said with a smile.

Emma was overjoyed, "So we won't have to be sacrificed?"

"No, you will still be the Holy Maidens. It's just the mission that's changed," David said with a serious tone. "The Three Gods require living sacrifices because they lack the material to sustain their existence. It's only through sacrifice that they can resist the erosion of time..."

David continued to explain the nature of the Three Gods. Emma realized with excitement that they finally had a chance to escape the shadow of death and embrace a brand new life.

"There exists a substance in the world known as the 'Sourcewater.' It grants immortality to the Three Gods, rendering human sacrifices unnecessary. It should have been present in the Ruins, but it was stolen," he continued to explain.

"So, I'm giving you a new mission: find the Sourcewater before the next seven years are up!" David said with utmost seriousness.

The three of them listened intently, knowing that their lives hung in the balance.

It wasn't just about them; it concerned the entire village's future. If they could find this substance, the brutal ritual could be stopped forever!

"I swear, I will find it!" Emma declared resolutely, determined to fulfill her mission. For the first time in her life, Emma felt a sense of purpose and direction.

"I will too!" Leah echoed, brimming with a sense of duty.

"I'll do my best as well." Even the normally reticent Clara pledged to give her all.

As long as they could find the Sourcewater, it meant salvation not only for themselves, but for many innocent lives.

"Good. Since you've accepted this task, you won't have to face the sacrificial ceremony the day after tomorrow. After it's over, come with me back to the Ruins and train alongside the true Crown Prince," David decisively arranged.

Emma was overwhelmed with excitement, finding it hard to believe that fate had actually changed. Her mouth hung slightly open, struggling to process it all.

"Oh my goodness, Lady Goddess, you're amazing!" Emma finally snapped out of her immense surprise, hugging David on the spot and boldly planting a kiss on his cheek, surprising him in turn.

Initially, some of the stubborn village elders opposed the idea. However, since it was proposed by the Goddess herself, they had no choice but to reluctantly concede.

The Three God Festival proceeded as planned, even grander and livelier than previous years. Everyone could celebrate carefree, reveling in the festive atmosphere and delicious food.

No longer were innocent girls sacrificed; only the guilty faced punishment. This removed the somber tone of previous years, turning it into a pure celebration.


"Let's go." Three days after the festival, David prepared to leave.

The villagers crowded at the village entrance, eager for one last glimpse of the Goddess's majestic presence. The three Holy Maidens stood beside David, faces radiating joy and anticipation.

In this moment, they were embarking on an exploration of a new world, fulfilling their divine mission. Many villagers watched them depart, tears brimming in their eyes, unable to tear their gaze away.

Aside from the three Holy Maidens, Alec and his sister joined David's party, ready to embark on a new adventure.

"Lady Goddess, please take care!" Mayor Burne bid a reluctant farewell.

"If you ever need help, just invoke the name of the True King, and I will aid you," Lynn advised.

She had already implanted subconscious triggers in some of the villagers, which could be activated with specific phrases to convey messages.

In the past, Lynn didn't know when the True King would return, so she had to conserve her energy and limit her activity. But now that David had returned, she could actively assist the villagers and protect them.

Today, Lynn could play a more active role in helping the villagers. She planned to take charge of the village and transform it into a sturdy stronghold for the True King.

Amidst the warm farewells of the people, David led the five of them back to the Ruins.

The first time Alec laid eyes on the legendary creature, the Duskhorn Bull, his legs went weak, and he quickly sought refuge behind David.

"Easy there, little calf. This is a guest!" David smiled at the Duskhorn Bull, coaxing it like a proud pet.

"Roar!" The bull let out a deafening bellow, exuding an imposing aura, then averted its gaze and departed.

"My goodness, this... this is... the legendary Duskhorn Bull!" Alec, seeing the Guardian of the Ruins for the first time, was almost jaw-droppingly terrified. He clung to David, still shaken, fearful of an attack.

Emma and the others were equally dumbfounded. To actually witness a legendary beast like this was a testament to the Goddess's power!

Entering the Ruins for the first time, all five were awed by the ancient and colossal architecture.

Finally, the three Holy Maidens laid eyes on the legendary Three Gods. Their towering forms and peculiar shapes emitted a powerful aura.

"So, these are the Three Gods? They seem even mightier than the Goddess!" Emma thought to herself.

Beneath the feet of the Three Gods were remnants of dark red stains, emitting a gruesome stench that sent shivers down the spine.

"If it weren't for the grace of the Goddess, we'd probably be nothing more than a puddle of blood here..." Emma couldn't help but think.

"Emma, come over here. The Prince is about to arrive!" Leah waved to her from a distance.

They all arrived at the incubation chamber. Compared to the vast expanse of the Ruins, it wasn't large, but it was exquisitely crafted.

"Hmm? This presence..." Suddenly, Alec's gaze shifted, his eyes narrowing keenly.

"It's the aura of an advanced being, and it gives me an unsettling feeling!" Agnes was also highly perceptive, sensing an ominous premonition behind the closed iron door.

"I sense it too, like something dreadful is about to hatch!" Emma suppressed her gaze, staring intently at the iron door.

All five silently stared at the door, time seeming to stand still, completely absorbed in the unknown presence beyond.

Although they didn't know exactly what it was, they all realized that a powerful new force was about to emerge into the world!


The iron door slowly swung open, revealing a girl about ten years old.

In the quiet corridor, she suddenly came into view.

She had an incredibly adorable face, framed by silvery-white hair that cascaded around her ears like moonlight.

She wore a simple and elegant white dress, exuding an air of nobility.

Her steps were light and composed, as if the world stood still for her. Her clear, amber eyes exuded a calm self-assuredness.

Yet her expression was aloof, devoid of any emotion, radiating a lofty and majestic demeanor.


Several people couldn't help but take in a sharp breath.

This seemingly innocent girl clearly harbored astonishing power, akin to a fathomless abyss, instilling a sense of awe.

The girl silently surveyed the crowd, her eyes revealing a composure and detachment far beyond her years.

The level of her aloofness made it difficult to meet her gaze, instilling a feeling of reverence.

"That terrifying aura, is it emanating from her?" Alec wondered, puzzled.

But oddly, despite the girl's intimidating presence, her own strength didn't seem particularly formidable.

Just then, Goddess Lynn took the lead, kneeling down with her forehead to the ground, addressing with utmost reverence:

"Greetings, Your Highness!"



Everyone felt their hearts tremble!

Your Highness?

Could this be...

So, this seemingly young girl is actually the heir to the legendary True Prince, with an incredibly noble status.

"Greetings, Your Highness!" The five of them hurriedly knelt down. This was a figure that even the Goddess treated seriously.

Even the invincible Goddess knelt before her. The person before them had a staggering identity; there was no doubt she was the esteemed one!

The girl looked at the people bowing to her without expression. She neither spoke nor acknowledged them, standing quietly like a cold doll.

Her profound and inscrutable demeanor seemed to view the prostrate crowd as insignificant ants, not deigning to notice them.

"You're too kind. Please, rise. Just call me Christina. Like all of you, I am a servant to His Highness the Prince," the girl eventually said humbly.

Goddess Lynn quickly responded, "No, you are His Highness the Prince's sister, with a noble status. We are all your servants."

Lynn understood that if David did not allow this girl to be born, she could still decide her fate.

But now that she was born, she was the True Prince's sibling—a noble existence that must not be offended.

Although the girl behaved with humility, her lineage determined an unquestionable status.

Lynn had to make her stance clear and ensure that others recognized the girl's identity, giving her the respect she deserved.

No matter how young the girl appeared, she should be regarded as the Young Master, receiving their service. This was crucial for the legitimacy of the True Prince's authority; it was a matter of righteousness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Goddess Lynn. I've heard of your wisdom even before my birth. Let us together welcome the true Prince," Christina said gently. When she was still in the cultivation vessel, some basic knowledge, including her identity and mission, had been implanted in her.

Everyone was astonished by Christina's humility. Such a powerful being, yet her demeanor was so gentle!

It turned out that the real Prince was still to come. No wonder Christina referred to herself as a servant of the Prince.