

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 65. Hope

The two were in the twelfth stage of the Master Plane and were in the process of filling the last of their meridians. One could also tell that they were slowing down their cultivation progress because of the upcoming competitions since those of the Salvia Plane did not take part in the academy competitions.

One could see that they were just joking around in the platform. They were just showing off their skills. But they were doing a great job since the crowd was on the edge. There was suspense as to what card they were going to pull out from their sleeves next.

"Play time's over," both said and each took a few more steps back.

"Let's test which element is the most powerful. Space or time," both again in usison spoke. They were doing exactly what the crowd wanted. Each gave the other time to build up their attack.

One could think that they had seen all but that was just a fraction of their power. Ken raised his hands and dark clouds accumulated in the sky. He had a surprised look on his face for that was not possible for him. It was then everyone realized that it was not his doing.

Also, the clouds were a right above the infirmary. Very few understood what was happening but three people seemed to grasp the situation. The headmaster Aurora and Rey. The clouds rumbled and all of a sudden, there was a purple lightning strike.

The event seemed to have piqued the interest of everyone. There was also another rumbling as blue lightning struck the same place. Few people remembered this scene. It was the scene that had taken place few years ago and no one ever knew who was the cause.

Aurora remembered the events and it suddenly hit her that it was Alaric who had caused the lightning god manifestation during the admission week. Before the clouds disappeared, the blue lightning god manifestations lit up in the sky. The headmaster was holding himself back trying not to rush out from the event and check on Alaric.

The battle had paused. The headmaster was forced to stand and address them.

"You all can rest assured that there is no threat in the academy at all. Please, may the spar continue," he stood and said with a calm and reassuring look.

Everyone knew that the headmaster was among the most powerful individuals in the empire. If he said that there was no threat, then there was no refuting it. Aurora was fidgeting on her sit and almost stood up. She wished for nothing else than for the ceremony to end.

After being given the go-ahead, the battle in the platform resumed and Ken raised his hand again. Dark clouds appeared again above the infirmary and the manifestation of the lightning god appeared again. Its lightning head seemed to stare at Ken to everyone with those condescending blue eyes.

The headmaster now understood and called for the match to end. The manifestation was saying that lightning was busy and could not be used at the moment.

"It seems that the ceremony will have to end early today. I hence terminate the next matches and proceed for the next event," the headmaster said and took a seat.

As everyone was now murmuring about the sudden change of course, they somehow almost missed the girl with violet hair running across the platforms headed for the exit. She was actually going to be the belle in few years. Her skirt was slightly long and almost reached her knees.

Many recognized the secretary of the Hydra faction. She was also a princess. They were wondering what was the cause for her to run from the ceremony. The next event was prize giving and she surely was going to be called several times. It surely had to be an emergency for her to run from her seat infront of everyone.

Some drooled over her beauty. They also did not know where the other guy came from. He had reddish black hair. He caught up with her and they ran headed for the gate. They were supposed to be stopped but the headmaster did not even raise his head to look at them. He seemed glad that they had left as he let out a sigh.

There was mixed reaction from everyone as they watched the two leave and disappear from their visage. The majority were jealous especially men. The guy had caught everyone's attention by running next to her. They even had held hands as he led her. This had caused many to grit their teeth in anger.

The secretary of the Hydra Faction was adored by many and always avoided them. How come she had willingly taken the hand of a guy infront of them all. The air was tense and the teacher who had taken over from Irene and Joshua had to pause and wait for them to calm down.

Aurora had seen the manifestation the first time and their eyes had locked. She ignored the feeling but when the manifestation appeared the second time and their eyes locked again, she finally understood. He was calling her. She did not care to walk to the pathways as she jumped and landed on the platform closest to her.

She ran as fast as she could. She was urging her legs to go faster so she would go see him. He probably was awake. She did not care about the gazes that suddenly landed on her as she rushed. She heard footsteps behind her and Rey caught up with her. He took her hand and led the way which she obliged to.

Rey had been among the majority who wanted to see which was the most powerful element between space and time and when he saw the second manifestation and the girl running in the middle of the platforms, he understood and rushed down. He caught up with her and took her hand.

He did not even seem to notice the reaction of the girl who had been sitting next to him. Or say his this week's girlfriend. Her look had turmed to that of anger and she also seemed to be fighting back tears. But he could not be bothered about such. He was going to explain later to her why he had left in a hurry.

They finally left the stadium and headed towards the infirmary. They pushed the doors open and hurried to sit down on beds on the side of the one Alaric was still laying on. They were disappointed though when they saw that he was not awake. Rey looked at Aurora and demanded for an explanation.

"Why did you run here after the second manifestation?" He asked with a confused look. Aurora was silent for a while before she replied.

"Its not in my position to tell you about him. The reason being I found out about it personally and he was not that pleased with my discovery.

"I suggest that you wait for him to wake up and maybe he can decide to explain a few things to you. Sorry but I can't snitch on a friend," Aurora said as a matter of factly. She had promised him that she was not going to tell anyone about him and she was never going to break that promise.

Rey scoffed and he understood but that did not stop him from making his weird remarks. They also had secrets that they were keeping from Aurora nad some they too were keeping from Alaric.

"So you are now collaborating to keep me in the dark? Soon I will find out," he said seriously but Aurora just giggled.

"What is funny with my words? Or is there something on my face?" He asked but Aurora did not stop immediately.

" I must say that you are doing a great job putting a serious face infront of me nowadays. But that facade only makes you look even more of a joker to me," she said and started giggling again.

Rey joined the laughed but his laugh was a sarcastic one. That of someone whose pride had been hurt.

" You mean that you can never accept that I could be serious?" He asked after quietening.

" Its gonna take a lot more than that to fool me," Aurora said as she watched Alaric.

He was forever going to be mystery. She was not sure if she could manage to keep her smile for that long if she could fall unconcious. She probably would just put an expessionless face. But he was different. His smile was like that of someone who was just asleep and would wake up the next second.

It was two months now and his smile was always there. The door opened and the physician suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"Would the two of you mind leaving me to do a check up on him?" She asked hoping Aurora was going to oblige this time.

" We are not leaving until you tell us about his condition," Aurora said and the physician just nodded.

" Sometimes you are very stubborn," Rey said. She pouted as the physician started examining him. The goldish green light scanned Alarics body and her smile grew wider with every second that passed. By the time she was finishing, her smile was reaching ear to ear with her new discovery.

"What is it that you have discovered?" Aurora asked her eyes shining with hope.

"This is very good news. At the rate he had been healing, he would have taken ten years to fully awake. It seems that the lightning has integrated in his body and has started building impulse.

" I approximate that in about twelve hours, he will be awake. It is a miracle that he has managed to regain the ability to send impulses to the brain again. The lightning strikes probably hit him and some of it was directed towards his brain. His brain is now able to communicate with his body. That is all," the physician said and left.

The two could not hide the joy that came with the words. Aurora let out a relieved sigh as she took his hand and clasped it in hers. She rubbed them and felt them with her cheeks. She had suddenly built up a smile that seemed to brighten the room up.

Rey squinted his eyes and stared at her. She seemed like she did not feel his gaze. She was deep in her mind that she even kissed his hand. She tightened her hold on it and smiled even wider. Rey was now wondering how they had gone under his radar undetected.

He cleared his throat several times trying to pull her from her stupor but she had locked herself from the world and was now in her own world.

"How long has this been going on?" Rey asked like an older brother after seeing his sister get into a romantic relationship with his best friend.

"What?" Aurora asked confused.

"So you want to play dumb? How long have you two been like this?" Rey asked again.

Aurora was at loss. She had lost herself and had let Rey see things he should have not. Now that he asked the question, she tried to recall since when and her heart fluttered when she remembered it was since the very first day. Also the events of the tunnel made he body turn crimson to the toe when she remembered his member between her curves.

Rey noticed her reaction and sighed. What had Alaric done to her for her to have such a reaction?

"Won't talk still?" Rey pressed on thinking that he was torturing her with the question. He saw her smile again as she rubbed his fingers on her cheeks again. Was this really happening? The two of them...

"It has been going on for a long time. Its only that your brain was so small to understand it. I can't wait to hold him in my arms and feel him again..."