

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 58. Tripped

Alaric was now almost regretting bringing her with him. He had put her life in danger. Also, there was no way he was going to justify to her that it was the hedgehog's doing. He also knew that the chances of success were 0.1%. But he could always turn it to 100%.

At the moment, they were seating down on the ice blocks. Aurora was seated on the bed.

"I think I may have a solution," Alaric said after a while.

"And what might that be?" She asked her eyes shining with hope.

" From my assumptions the first reason is the best shot. Assuming that it is the hedgehog's doing, then it means that our minds are poisoned.

"Our pills cannot work because our level is still too low to create the required pill. This leaves us with only one way out. Pills work out automatically which means that the work of a pill can also be done manually. For one to succeed they require to have 100% active brain.

" The chances of succeeding though, are 0.1%. This is because even with a fully awakened brain, it is already to impossible to sense these toxins. Why, because these toxins will play with your mind and you will make you think the toxins are part of your body cells," Alaric spoke solemnly.

That was the reason Sarah said that his chances of success were 0.1%. If the toxins could make one lose their way in such a large area, what would happen to finding them especially if they could blend in with his cells? It was going to be close to impossible.

One thing Sarah forgot was that that was his body. He knew his body better than anyone knew theirs. Even if it was going to take long to find them he was still going to in the end.

"And that is what you are planning to do?" Aurora asked. Alaric was drawn from his thoughts and nodded.

"The reason am telling you this is because I wanted us to reason together," Alaric said.

" Do you not have a 100% active brain? Is there need for my thoughts?"she asked and Alaric only smiled.

" I might have processed a thousand possibilities but they can't all be true. I cannot tell you all the possibilities and thats why when we reason together, maybe we can come up with a better possibility," he said with a knowing smile.

Aurora nodded in agreement. Also she hd alchemy knowledge that he did not have.

" So how do I help?" She asked.

"What do you know about these types of toxins?" He asked. He could not come up with a better possibility if he did not know about the toxins.

"These types of toxins are called Psychedelics. Psychedelics are a type of drug that changes a person's perception of reality. They are also known as 'hallucinogens' in normal words by those who did not study Alchemy.

"They make a person see, feel and hear things that aren't real, or distort their interpretation of what's going on around them. Some, you will feel their effects quickly, others will take longer before you feel something. Being under the influence of a psychedelic is commonly referred to as 'tripping'.

"I do not know what kind of psychedelic the hedgehog used because we never would have known about its existence if it did not lead us in circles. We might be passing it everywhere we go," she said.

Alaric fell in another deep thought which lasted two seconds as Aurora continued.

" The major characteristic of psychedelics are hallucinations of sight, sound, taste and touch and blurring of the senses. Such that sounds are being 'felt' or colours being 'heard', feeling detached from the body," She said.

Alaric knew exactly what to do now. He knew where the toxins would affect. As someone who knew exactly how his body was and where the toxins were supposed to attack, he was going to have a 100% success rate.

"Give me almost one hour and I will have destroyed the toxins in my body. Make sure you do not wander when am unaware," he said to Aurora who then lay on the bed.

He sat in meditation position and quickly scanned his body. He actually needed less than five minutes to find the toxins but due to his low cultivation level, he was going to take many hours to completely eradicate the toxins.

He now wished he was to awaken the fire element next. He could just burn any foreign substances in his body. He was going to try studying the fire element. If he gained familiarity with it he would easily awaken his fire element.

He was just going to use the lightning to just destroy them. Lightning was an explosive and destructive element to begin wiith. He found his nerves cells and found the new substances that were attached on them. They were substances but they appeared just like body cells close to them and if he did not already know about the position of the original cells, he would have missed them.

He guided lightning into his body and went to the receptor nerves and struck the toxins. When he did, he felt a striking pain. He could not help but commend the hedgehog's psychedelic. The pain felt so real such that he could have just stopped there so as not to destroy anymore of his nerve cells.

It took almost ten minutes before he could destroy the first set of toxins but after he did, he could not feel his surroundings or even the block he was sitting on. So that was the sense nerve cells replica that he had destroyed. He was the least bothered as he proceeded to the next nerve cells and destroyed the extra cells which were the toxins.

Immediately he did so, he stopped hearing. After he destroyed the third set, he could not smell anything. The next was the taste that he lost and as he opened his eyes, he could not see. He knew that there were other toxins left or he would have been sober. He knew that that they were in his brain.

He knew that he would regain his senses if he destroyed the toxins in his brain. He slowly guided the lightning to his brain as he slowly found the toxins. He immediately fainted after destroying the last of the toxins.

He cursed when he opened his eyes. He could see and hear and he knew that he had destroyed the toxins. He was glad but he was also caught in a dilemma which was what had made him curse. On him, he could feel some weight. That was one way to describe it...

It was not the weight that he felt first but the two soft bumps on his chest which were poking his chest. He felt that he was bare chest but he felt his pants on. Also a sweet fragrance seeped into his nostrils. She was sweet.

He could also feel two small hands on his face. The palm was so soft and smooth that he did not want them away from his face. He then felt his cheeks being rubbed and suddenly felt that someone pinched them and pulled them.

He could only imagine his appearance when it was done. He then felt them being pulled and being rounded like it was being done to a baby. He suddenly felt a finger poke his forehead. He then felt the hands rubbing his hair.

Alaric did not have to guess who it was or what was happening. He felt the two bumps press further as they fell on his face. He felt the hands pick some of his hair and started weaving it. He dared not open his eyes or he was going to have a nosebleed.

He could also feel that she was now sitting on his stomach inches away from his peacefully resting man. He did not know how long he could manage him at rest because he could just not ignore the plump flesh that was sitting on him.

To make matters worse, he realized that she was only wearing a bra and panties. Her skin kepd rubbing his chest and her breasts were on his faces. He had accidentally taken a breath in and had almost lost control of the now restless man. Her fragrance had felt like paradise.

When she pulled forward, he felt himself between her thighs. She was leaving no distance between her thighs and his skin. At the moment he was exercising his utmost self control. But he kept wavering and then he felt her push back and sit directly on top of his restless man.

Instantly, he felt the man awake and he felt him under her curves. He could feel his blood boiling and if she did not stop moving, he was going to come in his pants.

He could not open his eyes for he knew what exactly he would see. He was also not going to let her torment him like that. He raised his hands to lift her from himself but he instantly regretted.

How could he have forgotten that she had removed the battle suit and she was only wearing a bra and panties. When his hands landed on her empty waist, he felt a jolt of electricity as he pulled his hand away. Such a smooth skin.

His heart was now beating in his throat and his hand was shaking. He could feel the the burning in his blood and how his man was throbbing due to her movement. And he instantly felt it as he released inside his pants.

His teeth were clenched after being in a struggle to stop himself from coming. He could not let that happen again though as he picked her and like a hot metal, he lay her on the bed like a fragile egg as he jumped almost five meters away.

He could not look at her as he faced away from her. He took almost ten minutes to calm himself and gain his calm. He went still again. He had missed her moving and now she was standing behind him and hugging him from behind.

All that control he had built up shattered as his man immediately rose because her hands were hugging just right on top of him and when he awoke he poked the two hands wrapped on him.

He cursed again as he turned and picked her and placed her on top of the bed. He stood there looking away as he immediately created a battle suit on her body. It was then that he finally felt he could breath. He had held his breath due to her fragrance which was all over him. He promised he was going to teach that guy a lesson.

He was not going to let him awake for a month even for the slightest of seconds. He did not bother to calm himself and he now looked at her as she lay on the bed. Her pupils were dilated and distant. He hair was very messy and her body was completely crimson. She appeared like a fragile child at the moment unaware of the world.

He could tell that it was the effect of the hedgehog's psychedelic. He wondered what could have happened next if he had not freed himself from the toxins. He would not have even hesitated. He saw her smile mischeviously as she stared at him with almost lifeless and sly eyes.

He did not even realize when she jumped on him wrapping her hands around his neck and crossing her legs on his waist and wrapping them behind him. She pulled herself behind and stared at him their faces almost five centimeters from each other. One could think that she was trying to pull his neck off his body

"Your lips are attractive," she said seductively but her voice was even sweeter. "I wonder how they taste like," she continued as she pouted her lips and started getting closer to his. He cursed as he placed his hand infront of her and covered her mouth.

She stopped but she released his neck and tightened her grip with her legs as she pinched his cheeks playfully with both hands. He just let go of her mouth and held her back so that she would not fall back.

"Your jaws are well chiseled and your cheeks are smooth. I want to rest in the green pastures your eyes are," she said as she cupped his cheeks.

She then pinched his lower lip and started drawing closer to him. What was the effect of the psychedelic called again? He wondered for he had not paid attention to minor details. Oh. It was called tripping.