

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 56. Insurmountable Mountain

Alaric was in daze after the new notifications. What the hell was wrong with this system? It never did tell him of followers. It just told him to protect Aurora and then she turned to be a follower.

"What the hell is this, Sarah?" He asked.

[ANSWER]- You should know that you spent your last days trying to find a way for you to get to the peak of immortal realm after reincarnation. You know you cannot just do it alone. Followers are people who will help you.

"How does her mother know about me?" He asked.

[ANSWER]- Some things are also hidden from me. As you grow in power so will my knowledge increase. Sorry to disappoint. But I am the most disappointed to have a weak master.

Alaric who had felt on top of the world when Sarah apologized almost choked. From what he was seeing. Even when he reached the God Plane, she was not going to acknowledge him yet. Maybe even she did not know the peak power of the world.

"So what is the use of followers?" Alaric asked. But again he almost choked.

[ANSWER]- Subject has awakened 100% brain but only uses 10%. System is disappointed with subject. System cannot break information any further.

Alaric knew that the system had already explained everything but he still asked which made him feel like a fool. He also remembered that Aurora had told him these exact words. He was not going to refute anything.

He processed things very first but he processed thousands of possibilities and only by trying the first time could he gauge the correct possibility. He stepped away from Aurora and started moving forward. Rather than having followers, he wanted friends.

Aurora caught up with him and walked on his right.

"Do you think that am not fit enough to follow you?" She asked after a little silence.

" I just do not want to implicate you. I can barely protect myself, I am not sure of my ability to protect any of you yet," he replied.

Whenever he mentioned about getting stronger, his eyes usually shone with determination. He needed to gain enough strength in order find his parents. He just hoped that nothing bad happened to them.

"How do you think you can implicate me?" She asked. She also knew of the danger he was in. But she did not care. Her mother's wish was for her to find the Immortal King and follow him who she had already found. She did not want to know about her reasons but she was going to do it.

Even when she did not know of his identity, she was planning on following him for life.

"Its going to be hard. You know, there is no one who acknowledges the weak. Am too weak to even enter the immortal realm or walk without worry in the martial world," he said pausing for a while and listening.

"So you would rather trek on this path alone than allow someone to accompany you. What do you think you can achieve alone?" She asked trying to bring him back to his usual self. She was sure that he had no problems with trekking alone at all

This somehow pained her.

If Aurora knew that he had no friends in Lotus city, she would beleive it. She was a princess who barely went out but Alaric had all the time to make friends but he never did. She would also choke when she realized that he was planning on getting no friends in the academy also.

It was because of Rey that he met her. If he never became friends with Rey, he would probably still be alone. Alaric did not want to worry about more people. After he knew his identity, he realized the type of danger he had put his friends in.

He now had to worry about his guardians and also his parents who were in the Immortal Realm. The more friends he gained, the more the burden on his shoulders would increase.

He thought that all those people came to his life when he was unaware. Had he known about his parents since young, he would never have made connection with anyone in the martial world.

He had also closed his heart for he was not ready for that yet but since he saw Aurora after getting the system on that day, his heart had accidentally been opened. It had only been one day and he was already having the strange feelings.

He decided to lock them away again. He looked at her and almost spoke to tell her to remain friends. He wanted to have her as his friend but he realized there was no going back again. He saw how she looked at him and the gate of wall he had just created shattered like glass and his heart was open like the earth to the sun.

" You are right. There is no peak that can stand without a mountain. Also a stool cannot stand with a single missing leg. I will have to form my foundation here and build strong pillars to support me through my journey," he said with a determined look on his face.

" How do you think you can do it," Aurora asked. She was glad that he had not chosen to carry all weight on him alone. If he was willing, she was going to help him if she could or even if she could not. She now knew about all that responsibility that now lay on a 16 year old boy.

She now realized that he was very much mature than she had imagined. She was going to get to that level in almost ten years. They may have been weak but who knew what lay ahead of them. They were surely going to reach the peak of cultivation. Together.

"Aurora, an insurmountable mountain was once a flat land. It was until some tension occured in the core that a crack appeared and the magma in the bottom of the earth shot to the ground and cooled to form the mountain.

" The mountain reached to the sky and became insurmountable and ice formed on it to prove its prestige. This ice and snow then eroded the top of the mountain and sharpened the top to form a beatiful peak on it then covered it in snow and ice.

"After, the magma in the ground erupted again and formed fissures on the mountain further strengthening it. In order for me to become an insurmountable mountain, I need a foundation which is the magma in the earths core.

"I need to make sure that the magma is strong enough so that when it comes to the time for the eruption, the lava will climb and reach the sky. Also, the ice that will form then help weather and sharpen the peak.

"The snow and ice are usually fragile. The snow and ice stay close to the peak which is closest to the hot sun which has the ability to melt it. As the peak, I should have people close to me who can erode the top of the mountain and create a perfect peak.

"Once at the peak, it is subject to ridicule and being looked up on. I want to choose you Aurora to be my snow. Snow is best friend with ice and help in creating the peak.

"Aurora, are you willing to become my snow and witness my rise to becoming the insurmountable mountain. As the peak, I will have an obligation to weaken the power of the sun and protect you from its heat," he said offering her his hand

Aurora could not find words to describe him at the moment. As he spoke those words, she realized that he was not bluffing. His words were certain and his words were the truth. She could not even find it in herself to refuse. These were the words of a prophet. They were going to one day be true.

She also did not miss the words he said to her. He wanted her to be his snow. This meant to be very close to him. She blushed lightly as she raised her hand and shook his.

"I am more than willing," she could not hold herself back.

" You are now chosen to walk besides me from now on," he said and started walking away as she walked on his right.

" If I am the snow, then who is the ice?" she asked.

Alaric was silent for a while but he did not hesitate.

"Snow is very close to ice. I am sure you will lead me to the ice," Alaric said. Also he was not sure what the statement meant. He just felt like it was supposed to be like that.

"Oh," Aurora replied and she also did not understand. "You talked about second eruption and fissures. What is it about them?"

" Fissure are like vents. Magma will send future help and support through them," he said and Aurora only nodded. An insurmountable mountain was all her mind rang with. It was like building an empire over empires.

Alaric paused. His instinct had caught on to something. He took her hand and started running towards one direction. He stopped and infront of them were two new passages. He only laughed at himself. One would have thought he had led them to some discovery but it turned out that he led them to another dead end.

It could even said that it was better they were on a single path for it was easy but now he led them to a confusion. Aurora looked at him waiting for further directions but he seemed lost. She let go of his hand and went to the cave in the right. She stared and searched around it for almost five minutes and then went to the one on the left. Here, she saw something needle like.

The needle had brown on one part and the other part which was sharp was white. It was the hedgehog's thorn. She showed her discovery and he nodded as she led the way. She had now gained some courage and discarded her fear. After walking non stop for hours, they rested.

They had carried no food but they could last for weeks. They leaned on the wall seated on two ice blocks Aurora had created. Alaric had persuaded her for almost teninutes before she agreed. Her reason for refusal being that her ice was so pure to be contaminated by the water.

"Can you make mine bigger? I want to have some rest," he said expecting her to refuse but she agreed instantly. A block around 7 feet was created next to the wall. It was around meter wide and a meter high. Alaric raised his legs and lay facing the ceiling.

He stared for a while and realized that Aurora was already asleep still seated. He smiled wryly as he stood up. Always acting tough. He jested in his mind as he stood from his bed. He picked her and lay her there.

He sat on her seat and wanted to use array to form her a blanket but he realized that it was overdoing for she was affiliated with the coldest element. He also realized that it was probably night time in the outside. He also lay his head on the wall and forced himself to sleep but he stayed awake until she woke up.