

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

wangarup · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 4. start

Kain racked his brain as he removed his shirt and dived into the water. He regretted the part where he thought tha that little guy was an adult. This was a child! He swam towards where he saw the bubbles. He followed down and held his hand as they swam back to the shore. A smile on Alaric's face like a little monster. He lay on the ground taking time to catch his breath and calm his panicked heart. He sat up and looked at him.

"How do you expect to catch fish using your bare hands. The feat itself is impossible," Kain said as he wiped the water from his face using his hand.

"You said impossible..." Alaric spoke, Kain could feel the foreboding disaster his words would bring. "Then the mighty Alaric will do so before I beat everyone in the city." Kain was sure if Alaric knew there was the whole world he would be saying that he would beat everyone in it in the future. Just where did this kid come from. He was still deep in thoughts when he saw him removing his shirt. " No!" His mind screamed.

" What are you doing?" He asked. The little guy could not be planning to do it, right?

" Learning to swim," Alaric said offhandedly.

" You don't even know how to swim!" Kain almost screamed.

" I don't know yet," Alaric said as he jumped into the water again.

Kain felt his whole world crushing down on him as he prepared to go rescue him again. Was his life really going to be miserable? He stood up and headed to the edge to jump back when he saw two hands appearing and then the head. This was definitely a young monster. He saw him wave at him a big smile plastered on his face. He could only shake his head and continue fishing. He kept glancing now and then as the kid tried to move but most of the time he would sink but manage to get on the top. At one point he was in the water for more than a minute and he panicked. 'Not again!' He almost felt like crying but again he saw the head and his heart calmed again. If this continued he definitely was going to get a heart attack.

After sometime, he had caught enough for himself and extra he would sell at the market. The sun would be setting soon so he called Alaric who was yet to learn better movement in water. Alaric swam to the shore a distance of around ten meters from the lake where he was swimming. It took almost ten minutes but he finally made it. A proud smile on his face. Kain only rubbed his hair as he smiled. Alaric was barely past his knees. He put on his shirt as he led the way. Kain was in disbelief as Alaric led them out of the forest. He was sure that this was Alaric's first time in the forest. He also noted that Alaric followed the same route they used getting in.

They walked to the city gate and the usual checkup routine and they were allowed to enter. They went to various vendors where Kain sold some fish for a silver coin. Silver coins were the cheapest in existence. 100 silver coins equalled one gold coin. After that, 1,000 gold coins equalled one blood stone. The major mode of exchange was silver and gold while the rich had bloodstones.

After bloodstones were origin stones then essence stone which were ranked highest. 10,000 bloodstones equalled to one origin stone while 100,000 origin stones equalled one essence stone. Blood stones were red in colour. While origin stones were purple in colour. Essence stones were in three different colours each varying in value. The blue essence stone being the cheapest then followed by yellow essence stones which were then followed by black essence stone which were the most expensive. Only top powerhouses in the world could you find yellow or black essence stones. It was no doubt in Lotus region there were probably only two origin stones. 1,000 blue essence stones equalled one yellow essence stone while 10,000 yellow essence stones equalled one black essence stone.

It was dark when Kain and Alaric arrived home and found Joyce waiting for them. Alaric ran to her and hugged her as they walked into the house. Joyce had already prepared dinner. "Rice" Alaric said and he downed his first plate. Then second and third. He added the fourth that night shocking the couple. Kain could at much just finish two at most. He could not help but wonder what he would eat after he grew older. He might as well have a meal prepared for him alone.

After Alaric finished his meal, he went outside and sat on the green grass staring in the sky. His eyes moving from one star to another counting them. It was frustrating for everytime he thought he had finished a portion, new stars would appear causing him to start again. He just did not know when he dozed off. The following morning he woke up on bed. He was early but his stomach growled. He was hungry. He went to the door and stretched as his back cracked. A comfortable smile appearing on his face. He rolled his sleeves to the elbow and rolled his pants up to his calves. Today was the day he was going to start getting strong. He swore to have no meal unless he completed the 20 laps and 100 press ups.

Early in the morning for all those who were awake saw a small figure running towards the gate. The city was about two kilometers from one end to the other. The small steps could take forever to reach the other side. Alaric ran and finally reached the gate. He ran back to the other end but by the time he reached his whole body was on fire. He glanced at the house in the furthest end with a black gate but he did not stand there for long as he ran back to the other side. Such a small figure running was exhausting. But this was a his choice and no one would succeed in stopping him.

He only managed five laps but he swore that he would one day complete those 20 laps. He sat on the grass his face and clothes drenched in sweat. His father who was waking up almost stumbled backwards at the door as he saw the boy doing pushups. He listened and he heard him say "31, 32,..." His word muffled. He could only shake his head as he went back to have his breakfast. He heard a forced "50" like it was said in gritted teeth and there was a stop.

He went to look and saw the boy collapsed on his face. He watched him roll as he tried to stand up. He went to the well outside the house and used the water in the wooden bucket to clean his face. He then walked inside the house and sat waiting for his mother to serve him breakfast before they went fishing. He was served the first take and then the second, the third and fourth.

He was disappointed when he heard that his father had been on a holiday and he would be going back to work later in the afternoon. But he still took the fishing rod and went fishing. His dad face palmed as he saw Alaric carrying the fish rod and the bucket. He could only shake his head and remain with his wife in the house as he got ready for takeoff.


In the lake. Little Alaric laid down the bait as he waited for the fish to bite. After a while he felt a pull and he pulled. It was like a tug of war as he was pulled forward and he pulled backwards. After a fight of about ten minutes he finally pulled the fish and put it in the bucket. The process was the same taking more or almost ten minutes before he pulled a fish out.

By the end of the day he had about ten fish. He had lost count of how many time he had been pulled inside the water and dragged but he just could not let go. He walked out of the forest proudly knowing that he had taken swimming lessons from the fishes that dragged him inside the water. He walked inside the city gates and went to sell the fish for one silver each. He sold five and carried the rest home. He passed by the stadium and the comptetitions were still taking place. He ignored them and went home. He found his mom waiting for him as he handed her the fish. The smile on her face could not be faked.

"You know kids you age are still being pampered by their parents. I wonder when I will pamper mine?" Joyce said taking the bucket to the kitchen. The sun was yet to set so they had time to talk.

"The best way to pamper me is by providing lots of food. I really would appreciate that. And also fish," Alaric said after deep thoughts. His thumb and index finger on his chin. Joyce laughed at him.

"You know you should not treat women like that. Women deserve sweet words and complements. I will teach you," Joyce said jokingly.

" Alright I want you to teach me how to cook," Alaric said as they headed to the kitchen.

Joyce told him to cut the vegetables so they would make fish soup. Alaric obliged. It was painstakingly slow as Joyce watched try to cut thin and perfect pieces but she just let him be. It was dinner time and they sat together having their meal. Alaric emptied his four usual bowls and went outside to count the stars. He tried to improve his memory so he would remember the ones he had counted but he still fell asleep.

The next morning he woke up stood at the door stretching as his back cracked as a comfortable smile appeared on his face. He rolled his sleeves upto the elbows and his pants upto his calves. He then ran out to the city and took five laps and did fifty pressups and went fishing the usual pull and swimming lessons from the fish. And just like that five more year passed and he was able to catch around fifty fish and sell forty the rest he took home.

He was now a good swimmer and there was no longer a tag of war. He had finally been able to complete ten laps and a hundred pressups were too little for him. He had pushed to 200 and include situps. His kitchen work was improved though still slow but he strived for being perfect. At night he would try to count the stars and still fall asleep. His father usually came almost twice a month.

He stood at the door and and stretched his back cracking as a smile plastered on his face. He rolled his sleeves up to the elbow and rolled his pants upto his calves. He set off his usual training and later went fishing and at night counted the stars and just like that two more years passed.


At the age of 12.

In his mind, the picture of the night sky was edged. He now had developed photographic memory and counted the stars but he seemed distracted. His thoughts raged. The next day was the annual awakening day. The ceremony where all 12 year olds were meant to awaken their origin source. Once awakened, one would know which element they had affinity to. The most common elements were earth,water, fire and wind. Of the four, fire was goated over the rest. Those who could also awaken their ice in water affinity were also goated.

Alaric was in deep thoughts. He had been thinking of which element he was likely to awaken. He even asked his father and mother their elements. His father was an earth elementalist and his mom was an ice elementalist. He fell into deep thoughts of which he was he likely to awaken but his mind told him "none." He stopped falling asleep like two years ago. He walked to his room and lay on his back still deep in thoughts. But still his heart was filled with anticipation...