
Awakened Keith

Keith felt his heart beating hard in his chest, the shouts from the crowd were something that could make him tremble already.

He immediately glanced at his loved ones who had stood up from where they sat just like every other person. Ryder's usual faint eyes became bloodshot all of a sudden as he peeked through the distance, his heart beating hard.

A tear rushed down from Sage's right eye as she smiled... And even the other boys were also delighted to see their last hope become an Awakened.

The most exciting part was that he had awakened a talent that had long been forgotten for decades. Even the Supreme Warlord only awakened a Fire Manipulating talent...

Right now, it was as though a stir had been caused.

Trying not to let his emotions rule over him, Keith walked back to where he had stood lately. The Thunder Manipulators group with only him as a member.

'I truly made everyone go crazy. What a memorable event... Thank you Immortal Mage System!' Keith spoke inwardly with a relieved smile on his cheeks. His countenance truly showed how relieved and satisfied he was at that moment. Just with the praises alone, Keith was dead blushing.

Also, the Detector was so stunned that he couldn't even let out a word. His astonished gaze kept following Keith's shuffling footsteps until he made a halt. Switching his gaze back to the crowd, the Detector said, his voice breaking:

"This... This is all...for the Talent Performance... Now, we are giving the new Awakeneds their required resources as usual which is a servant, a fort, and a total sum of 500Redi."

The crowd applauded after this statement as the Lord took over the hosting.

"Just as expected, we got three incredible Awakeneds this year. What an exciting event!" The Lord spoke with a grin, making a couple of claps.

Of course, everyone knew what he meant. Those three Awakened were no other people than Keith, Jake, and the Gold-rank Fire Manipulator. Truth be told, these three became the picture of the event at this moment.

However, these didn't bother Keith the most. Now, he had to make sure he got a female servant. The young chap was actually in need of Core Fragments.

The Lord called forth all the new Awakeneds. Accidentally, Keith bumped into Jake who was standing in from of him. It was a queue. Two queues were formed by the new Awakeneds and the new Commoner which Sage was also among.

Keith saw the smile on Sage's face, he could tell how lofty her happiness was. No shame anymore, no bullying, no poverty, no misery... Wasn't that enough to cause happiness?

'I'll do anything, anything at all to make you and the others happy.' thought Keith with a look of determination.

After saying those words, Keith began to examine the Commoners... He scanned the features of the females amongst them and he really had seen beautiful females.

But, Keith could have preferred taking Sage as his servant but due to what the system had ordered it was impossible. Plus, it was not also allowed to take someone of your relation as your servant... It was against the law of the Postings.

The Detector now ordered the Awakened to take a servant accordingly. The first person in the new Awakeneds roll takes the first person in the new Commoners roll.

Keith quickly noticed that the beautiful teenage girl he liked was a step ahead of him. This almost made him freak out but who knew that an idea could come flashing into his head with the blink of an eye?

Seeing who was standing right by the side of this beautiful girl, Keith's face produced a bitter smile. Right in front of him was Jake who had forced himself not to look back since he noticed that Keith was behind him.

Even though Jake's skill was great, he knew he was no match for Keith. Not anymore. By just recalling what Keith did to him the other day, Jake felt shivers running down his spine.

Without hesitation, since the accordingly progressing selection was reaching their turn, Keith quickly grabbed Jake by the shoulder and tossed him off behind him.

"I'll stay here," Keith commented after.

Not wanting to get punched in the face, Jake had no choice but to nod in agreement. At least, this might be the last time he would set his eyes on Keith.

The girl who was standing at Keith's roll section suddenly froze as Keith had to take Jake's position just because of a beautiful girl.

'Tsk. This jerk surely has a lustful intent toward this girl.' The angry girl who was now going to be Jake's servant thought while staring at both Keith and the girl.

But, while the other Commoners were very attentive to see who their master or mistress would be, the girl who was standing on Keith's current roll section was bending her head to the ground. Seeing the way she looked, Keith noticed that her attention wasn't there at all.

Her faint eyeballs, sad face, and weak stance could tell that she was suffering from total depression. Also, she didn't look quite like someone who was suffering from poverty just like most Commoners, she was wearing a classic and expensive wear and her seemingly smooth pale skin was able to convince Keith that her clan was financially okay.

Now, only her inability to awaken her talent Keith thinks would make her this depressed.

But whatever it is, this wasn't the right time to ask unnecessary questions. He needs her now and that's what matters.

Sage was taken by a Blood Manipulator, Alec, who he had known as a gentle youngster from Southern Territory. He was popular in the society so Keith had known him for a long. Judging what he had noticed, Alec wasn't a bad person at all.

At least, Keith could see the smiling face Sage exhibited.

When it was Keith's turn, he asked the sad girl to follow him as they walked straight to the Lord. The Lord, without saying a word, gave Keith the Awakened watch even without questioning and signed all the papers. His home, money, and servant.

After doing this, Keith also signed the papers, and just like that, he was officially an Awakened.

He walked straight to Sage and gave her a warm hug. Sage held him tightly, not wanting to let go after a long hugging session. But, she didn't want to annoy her new master on just the first day so she quickly left Keith and followed him while he met his parent in the audience.

Keith's servant was also standing behind him, her sad face was still inevitable as she wouldn't even attempt to see her master's face.

Ignoring her for now, Keith approached his father and brothers and hugged them respectively. Their surprised faces only made him smile and feel proud of himself. But, it seems he had to say something to them.

"Look, I know you guys are shocked at this moment. But you don't have to, it's me, Keith... I wiped out the shame, didn't I?" Keith questioned.

Though these convincing statements weren't able to kill the astonished reaction from his brothers even though Ryder and Sage's father had decided to let go of all the surprises.

"C'mon bros... That shouldn't be what we should be talking about right now. You know I'll be posted shortly," Keith said.

"Yeah," Ryder finally said something, "I want you to make sure Sage is okay with her master. Now that you are an Awakened, your cousin must be treated well."

"And also, we'll need your financial help. Our fort is getting aged every day so you will have to help us renovate it," Lee quickly commented.

Then after these pleas, Greg grabbed Keith's hands, with a sad look on his face, and muttered.

"And most importantly, find mom and sister. I don't know why they aren't here."

On hearing this word, Keith's mind skipped a bit. He truly missed his mom and his sister even though he didn't really recall the little time he had spent with her back in his younger age.

Thus, Keith had to make a vow.

"I promise dad, uncle, brothers... I'll do all these before you know it."

His Father and the others smiled after Keith made this statement. They hugged him one more time before he went back to the performance background. Now, the Immortal Mage System popped up.


[Mission completed].

[Reward: 50 Core Fragments].

[Core Fragments: 57/1000].


Even before Keith could celebrate his achievement, the voice from the performance background interrupted him, leaving him in a daze.

"Awakened Keith, White Province of Premier Territory!"