

Here is a short chapter for today. Will compensate for it with the next chapters in a day or two. Hope you guys enjoy!

Also, leave comments and reviews and let me know what you think while also letting other readers know that they should read this story lol.



Bran and Raven's return to the north didn't cause any major change except for some close neighbors asking Bran about his journey and well-being. As a cute and polite kid they had watched growing up, the neighbors cared for the boy.

After a few days of telling stories about the King he met and the different things he saw, Bran went back to his routine of practice and study.

"What is it that I am missing? What do I visualize my magic as?" Bran was mumbling while he was trying to shape the ice ball floating over his palm into different shapes.

When he reached one shape, he suddenly stopped. His eyes were bright with the light of enlightenment as the magic in his surroundings also started to react and circled Bran.

Bran then remembered his experiences during his travel to the Storm's End once more. He remembered the foundation of the castle he designed being laid down, stone by stone, one after another.

His answer had been in front of him the whole time! At his core, he liked building and making things. The creation process was also the time when he was closest to himself.

So, his magic should be building blocks, bricks, stones. As he stacked them one by one, they could build any shape. Everything was built from a smaller part of something. He just had to embody the concept.

As the magic around Bran was slowly shifting and changing, Raven who had appeared by Bran's side at some point was circling Bran while closely examining the changes.

"In the end this kid actually visualized Lego blocks, huh. I was expecting he would start and fail by visualizing a carving knife or a hammer and chisel first." Raven said, clearly meaning for Bran to hear it.

Bran clenched his fists and furrowed his brows but didn't let the annoyance get to him, instead focusing on the changes happening in the magic and making sure that the visualization is as he had hoped for.

When Bran opened his eyes and was about to complain, he heard Raven speak, "Congratulation on being a barely passable mage, and with the way you shaped your magic, you deserve the epithet of Bran the builder. I hope you don't slack off thinking that you are strong though."

The moment Raven said that, with a flip of his palm, the ground they were standing on suddenly turned into an ice platform that quickly rose up in the air. And when Bran looked down, there was a beautiful castle made of ice.

But before Bran could admire it, he heard Raven singing, "Let it go, let it go, I can't hold on anymore…" And the platform disappeared along with the castle.

Bran fell without warning, but because of his trained reflexes, he made an ice slide and slid down it to break the fall.

After landing safely, he looked up to see Raven floating in the air and laughing uncontrollably while a small man, made of snow seemed to be dancing around him.


It was Bran's 10th birthday. He already looked like a teenager and had stopped changing too drastically. Right now, he was staring at the cute little furry paws in confusion while Raven was stroking his head while smirking. He had just woken up to this bizarre scene.

"Finally! This is life. Your fur is just as comfortable as Lulun's. Ahh, how nice!" Raven was mumbling to himself.

Bran immediately shouted, "Brother Raven! Turn me back! What did you do to me?"

Unexpectedly, only wolf howls came out of his mouth. He was even more panicked.

But as if understanding what the wolf pup, which was about the size of an adult wolf, was saying, Raven patted its head.

"Calm down. This isn't my doing. You just happened to activate your bloodline power as a skin-changer but since you have magical Direwolf blood in you, you seem to be able to turn into one yourself."

Bran calmed down. He knew that some first men could warg into other animals. It seemed his own bloodline had activated that power but also reacted with his mother's bloodline and made him able to become a Direwolf.

Raven spoke while playing with Bran's ear, "If you want to turn back, just concentrate and imagine yourself turning back into a human again."

Bran did as he was told and after a minute, he transformed back. Checking his body once again, Bran was relieved. He was back to being human again.

"Okay, put on some clothes already. You will train your new powers from today while you master this. It's my gift for your 10th year of surviving in this world." Raven said as he threw a hammer at Bran.

Bran immediately caught it and started inspecting the hammer. The hammer was made of obsidian, pitch black and glassy in texture. It was beautiful but also looked very fragile.

"Brother, won't this break in a fight?" Bran asked while swinging the well balanced and perfectly heavy hammer.

"I spent a whole night making that thing! Unless you fight against enchanted dragon steel or something better, nothing is breaking that thing." Raven proudly advertised his brilliance.

Although Bran felt annoyed at Raven's arrogance, he was touched by the gesture. Raven had spent time crafting the hammer especially for Bran. "Thank you, Brother Raven. I will cherish this forever." He thanked sincerely.

Raven snorted, "You better cherish it. The kinds of materials that went into making that hammer durable don't come easy even for someone like me. Now come here and turn into the wolf! Whatcha' grumbling for its training alright! Training!"


{Flash forward}

Whenever shit hit the fan, Raven would imagine that in his previous world, there was an old man named Murphy, who, like a character from a cultivation novel would always attract a lot of trouble. But unlike those main characters, he never got any 'opportunities', just more misfortune.

He was so frustrated with things always going bad that he finally created a theory and named it after himself, Murphy's Law. If there is something that could go wrong, you better believe it will go wrong.

Raven wasn't sure where exactly things started to go bad. Maybe it was his impulsive decision to experiment with some spells on the ice zombies, or maybe it was because he didn't think of hiding the fluctuations caused by the formations he was laying down.

Whatever it was that had alerted that thing hidden deep inside the ice in the most northern part of the north, now it was starting to move.

Bran was still in the middle of building the wall and the formation wouldn't be complete until the wall is built and stabilized.

The plan was to use the wall as the core of the formation and push almost all of the magic in the western continent into it and turn the wall into a barrier to keep the undead army away while suppressing the thing hidden in the place the first men called 'the land of always winter'.

But plans need to adapt to situations. Now, Raven would have to act as the magic battery and the core of the formation and suppress that being while the Age of Heroes fight against the undead army and build the wall.


In the cold winter plains covered in snow, there were countless people preparing for battle. Different species from the first men, the children of the forest, mammoths, giants, direwolves, and more could be seen walking around preparing their own weapons and armor.

At the forefront, the commanders were discussing battle strategy. Among the commanders, there was one youth with a particularly large build. His tender face suggested that he isn't a day older than 20 but looking at his body, even hardened warriors would be scared.

This was Bran. At this moment he was discussing a strategy to lure the undead into a trap with a golden-haired man he knew through Raven. Just as they were talking, the space in front of them distorted. Bran had already conjured an ice sword in one hand and was holding a hammer in the other.

The distortion suddenly turned into an image of Raven, it was somewhat like a hologram. Raven had made this magic based on quantum communication from his past life. Instantaneous transfer of data using ambient magic. He used it as a video call.

"Oh, the little wolf is alert as always. Good, I don't want you to be a disappointment like that brat… anyway, the lion cub of many lies is also here. Now I feel bad not being there to see it in person." Raven spoke through the hologram.

Lann immediately bowed to the legend, while Bran excitedly asked, "Brother Raven! Where are you? We could use your help right now. The undead army is too large."

Raven chuckled, "That's what she said haha… Ahem, anyway, I am dealing with the guy who is making those undead right now. Remember what I told you about the formation?

The thing in the land of always winter is waking up and I need to stay here as the formation core until you guys build the wall. Only after the wall is able to support the formation will I be able to get out of this cold fucking place. So do well, and live well kids.

This is goodbye. I won't be able to see you again but I'll be able to see how you lived and what you did when I come back. I hope you make me proud."

After he said what he wanted to say, Raven disappeared. He didn't give any time for Bran or Lann to say anything. The pair looked on silently at where Raven's image had been projected before.