
Immortal Emperor returns after failing to cure

An immortal person who has lived for thousands of years... a very long life... going to another world and another dimension But do you know what it means to be immortal? A life without feelings or worldly problems.. What will happen if a man who has all these experiences ... he has acquired for thousands of years .. returns to the beginning of his life? Jimmy is a person who started his life again after he accidentally made a mistake by taking the wrong medication Returning to the first station.. But a moment, it is not an ordinary start.. The appearance of Mr. Lee and my title as the Emperor, and I have a rich man who supports me Vampires also kill people... an evil organization? What else

Gamal_3_3_ · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

0012 Mrs. Lee is ill

While Jimmy was arranging his thoughts after he left the school and they were going, but at that moment the car passed with lightning speed and stopped directly in front of him, then a driver in black clothes got out. And his glasses are black. This man was Mr. Morris from yesterday...

The first driver for Mr. Lee

He got out of the car and slammed the door immediately then

He went straight to Jimmy and said very nervously as he looked at him

"Student... No, I don't mean, Mister Emperor," said that driver with a lot of tension on his face

"You are the man since yesterday, right. What do you want now?" He said, Jimmy, in quiet tones of voice, indifferent to what was going on

" My Lord, the Emperor, the Master sent me to you and said that this is a very difficult case .. He said that he needs you in a very important matter." Mr. Maurice spoke quickly and with great concern, showing in his words, which appears in some of his words something like a lack of understanding

" So what does this old man need? Is it something he asked me for yesterday? He said he wanted me to do him a favor." Jimmy thought to himself before saying

"Well, direct me to him and drive the car," Jimmy said to Mr. Morris, pointing to the car for the driver to drive and move.

After riding the two...


inside the car while they are on the road

"Sir..?" Jimmy asked inquiringly

"My name is Maurice, just call me Maurice, Mr. Emperor." That driver spoke politely and respectfully..but he was also showing some extreme strangeness as he spoke..

Because of speaking and speaking so solemnly and also this title of Emperor for a child who is only eighteen years old? This was something unexpected

"Well, Moise, do you know why Mr. Lee called me? Because I don't know a good reason for him to send you a message to my school directly," said Jimmy, addressing the question to Mr. Morris.

" Actually, he didn't want me to tell you, but since you will know this anyway.. I want to tell you that Mrs.. Madame Lee, Mr. Lee's wife, was very tired in the past period. Even the visits she came to were few. Because the doctor told her that she shouldn't have too many guests with her."

Morris said as he drove and Jimmy explained the situation

" So if that guy was playing a game of rare plants with me and I guess what that was, he wanted to know that if I was good at that, I'd be a rare botanist. After knowing that I'm a martial artist... that guy is really very cunning," Jamie thought to himself

Mr. Morris started driving here, there, right and left, then after 20 minutes the car arrived in front of a very large villa.

After they entered one of the private sectors, it seems that it is the residences of the rich

Mr. Morse parked the car and closed the door

He got out of the car and opened the door towards Mr. Jimmy and said

" Sir, Emperor, from here is Mr. Lee's house, please come with me," said Mr. Morse, gesturing towards the house

The view was a very large house with a large front garden. Jimmy entered after he saw about two guards standing at the gate, then he started moving towards the house with looks from him. The house is very spacious and also large from the inside.

"On the second floor, Mr. Jimmy," Morris said, showing Jimmy the way

"Well then," Jimmy replied


On the second floor there were many guests, about 10 or 15 men and women, all gathered around one bed. On the bed was a woman who seemed to have lost her vitality because of the blackness of her face. Meanwhile, many people standing were arguing with each other

" Is it true that the person you are going to bring is better than Mister Fu?" Someone said very rudely

" Yes, he is very knowledgeable in chemistry and medicinal herbs.

Just pass by...Jiajing," Mister Li replied

Jia Jing is the eldest son of Mr. Li, but he was very rude towards his parents and wished them death every day so that he could inherit his father's businesses.

"Isn't this insulting to me.. Mister Lee?" said a standing person with a very long beard

"When you see him, you will know, Mister Fu, he is also your rival in medicinal herbs," Mister Li replied.

" Beyond Mr. Fu You are dreaming... Don't you know Mr. Fu? Mr. Fu is the best doctor in alternative medicine and has taken a lot of certificates in medicinal herbs

Treated many patients.

I even heard someone say about Mr. Fu that he treated a person at the last moment before his death, then this person came back and lived for more than ten years. There are also a lot of sayings about Mr. Fu, but you say that there is a man on Mr. Fu's level as well? it's impossible

Someone from those standing also said that this man was the master's first assistant, so he heard that his master was insulting him, so he must return the saa'. This is what he thought of when he said these words.

" Take a moment, Fuling, we don't want to disturb Mrs. Li in her sleep. After all, Mrs. Li is ill with a permanent illness," Mr. Fu said, moving his chin back down.

" Alright, sir." Fuling politely replied to Mister Fu and retracted his yelling

At that moment, the door to the room slowly opened.

Then Mr. Morris's head appeared behind him, saying,

"From here, my lord emperor."