
Immortal Bond With You

Anna Green lived her life as a human without knowing the kind of power she possessed but everything changed the day she met Derek Hunter, a demon lord who was also living in the human world. Derek and Anna became sworn enemies the first day they met. Derek did all he could to make Anna beg for his mercy and ended up getting married to her. "I love you," Anna confessed, but Derek brought out divorce papers instead. "The marriage is over," Derek muttered and dropped the papers on the bed. He turned to walk out, but Anna held his clothes and threw him a questioning look. "Why?" She asked with a shaky voice. "We are worlds apart. We are not from the same world," Derek said, looking into her eyes unblinkingly. "What do you mean?" "I am a demon," He confessed and Anna let go of his clothes. What will her next action be? Will she continue to love him? What is going to happen when she discovers she is also a supernatural being?

Hannahray · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The kidnap


"Okay! I will marry you, Derek. Please save my mother," I shouted amidst tears. It was as if the villagers have been waiting for that statement. They stopped throwing tantrums immediately after I said that, dropped the objects in their hands, and left the scene one after the other.

After making sure they have left, I rushed to my mom and knelt beside her. Her ankle was already swollen. Another round of tears streamed down my face as I gazed at her swollen ankle. My mom is suffering because of me.

"Ah! Mother-in-law, I am sorry. I didn't ask them to do these much," Derek's voice could be heard. I raised my head and saw him walking towards us majestically. I was sure he was feeling enthusiastic. He won after everything.

"Don't call her that. She will never be a mother-in-law to you," I countered, hitting his hands as he tried to touch my mother. I helped my mother up and was heading inside. Derek stopped us.

"We will be leaving for America in a few minutes. Pack your necessary stuff," He said enthusiastically. Seeing him smile makes anger well within me. If I had my way, I want to kill him on that spot at that moment. We ignored him, walked inside, and shut the door without giving him any response.

I helped my limping mother to her room, helped her settle, and was about to stroll out but she held my hand. I halted and turned to face him with a bright smile. I threw her a questioning look.

"Are you sure you are okay with it?" She asked and I nodded excitedly. She let me go and I ran out of her room to mine. I locked the door when I got to the room, rested my back on the door bent down slowly. The brimming tears teemed down my face. How can I be okay with it? How can I be okay with marrying that man? That man who almost cost me, my family. I am not even sure if this is the right thing to do.


We traveled back to America the next day. Derek offered to let us travel by air with his private jet but we declined. Wait! Did I tell you I was surprised when I learned he was the owner of the private jet? I thought everyone said his father was the owner of the money but how come all the assets and properties were his?

My family and I traveled back on a train. Derek asked us to stay in one of his bungalows but we declined. We decided to go back to the apartment we were chased away from. Since everything has been solved, I am sure there won't be a problem with the landlady again.

The landlady was already waiting by the door by the time we arrived. She hurriedly opened the door and took the bag I was holding from me. She took it inside and was grinning from ear to ear like somebody who is trying to get on someone's good side. Her character was surprising and suspecting to me but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I ignored her and sat on the rug in our mini sitting room. She took a seat beside me and leaned closer to me. "Don't forget to put in good words for me whenever you are talking to Mr. Derek," She whispered and I heaved. Oh! How can I forget the almighty Derek's money is the one she is respecting and not me?

I removed my shoes, hissed, and walked into my bedroom without giving her a reply.

I flopped on the bed as soon as I locked the door behind me, facing the ceiling. A lot has transpired in the few days I met Derek. The 6 days I have spent knowing him feels like 6 years. I closed my eyes and I drifted off to sleep almost immediately. I know how much I was stressed in Kubwa Village. Special thanks to Derek, I was stressed physically and mentally.

'The next day'

It was on a Sunday morning. I felt at peace finally. I stepped into the bathroom, washed up, and dressed into my favorite yellow t-shirt and black denim trouser. I repacked my hair into a pigtail, applied a little makeup, and strolled into the sitting room. I was surprised to see a lot of food on the table when I stepped inside. "Are we having a party?" I muttered absently, asking no one in particular. My mom who was busy arranging the side dishes raised her head, stood up, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Good morning, my angel. You look so cute this morning," She said, pulling my cheeks gently. My mum was behaving strangely toward me this morning. I peeked at my father who was also staring out the window but was grinning. It was as if our lives have been peaceful since the beginning and we never had an encounter with Derek.

"Mom! Did you prepare all these with your swollen ankle?" I asked, sitting and raising her skirt up. To my awe, the ankle was no longer swollen and it didn't look like she was once injured there. That was suspecting. I squeezed my face and threw her a questioning look.

"Oh! That? Your father got me this last night when I was complaining of the pain and it worked like magic," She explained, bringing out a black bottle from her side. I collected the bottle from her and checked the name on it and I couldn't hold my surprise. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands so that I don't scare my parents away with my noise.

The medicine I am holding works like magic as she said but it isn't meant for someone like us because it cost a fortune. It was produced by a famous and expert monk who went to study traditional and modern medicine in Korea. According to the rumor, he only made 20 pieces of it and one Hunter's family bought 18 bottles and the remaining two bottles were sold to two prestigious families.

I was sure he hasn't produced another one since then and I don't understand where my parents got theirs. "Dad, where did you get this?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the bottle.

"Erm... A friend... Sorry, I got it at the pharmacy," He lied. He was avoiding my eyes so I don't see through his lies but I wasn't conscious. My eyes and mind were on the bottle.

"Dad, don't lie. We both know this medicine isn't in the pharmacy yet and the 20 pieces he made have been brought by three prestigious families in America," I countered him and he blinked his eyes. I am sure he was wondering how I got to know about the medicine. But who didn't know about it? It was the talk of the town when the monk introduced it but Hunter's family stunned everyone when they got 18 bottles at once when a bottle cost one hundred thousand dollars.

"I really got it from the pharmacy down the street. Oh! Don't tell me you think it is the most popular one. Oh! No! This is just another type of it that was made by one Mr. John. It only has the same bottle, it doesn't have the same content," My dad lied, trying to change my mind and he was successful because I dropped the bottle and focused on the food on the table. The aroma alone is enough to make somebody full and it also made me forget to ask my mother where she got the food from.

I dished my food and ate to my satisfaction without waiting for my parents. I bid them farewell and left the house after eating. I have decided to visit the beach today. I need to meditate and think of the next step to take. Whether I like it or not, I am about to become a wife to the man I hate with everything I have. I have thought about it and I have decided not to be bothered by it.

It is a marriage of convenience after all. I am going to make sure he signed a paper of agreement before we go ahead with the wedding.

The last bus available just left when I got to the bus station. I don't have a choice but to wait for the next bus. I paid for my ticket and took a seat on the bench. I brought out my phone and was playing with it, oblivious to what was going on around me. I didn't notice some men in suits had already surrounded me. I noticed the silence in the bus station and raised my head.

I was carried by one of the men as soon as I raised my head and was put in a car. I tried to escape but they were more powerful than I am. "Help," I shouted. One of the smacked my face and I lose consciousness.