
Immortal Ambivalence

Gemini_Jo6 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

You are this scared of me

".....don't look your superiors in the eyes " stated Lynx White .

"..." Rose Xavier kept quite and lowered her gaze .

"I really didn't expect that you would come to the palace as a maid.... If I wasn't lazy enough how would I have known that a rebel is in my territory?" Lynx White stated taking steps back to the bed. "You really want to kill me that bad... "she paused crossing her legs and straightening her back "what if you failed what would happen to your poor father. Tsk! " she shook her head slightly as if she was disappointed. 

Whereas Rose Xavier's hands trembled holding the tray.... which didn't escape Lynx White's phoenix eyes... Especially her trembling lips.....Oh how she wanted to taste them. 

"....what do you want ?" the question snapped Lynx White out of her daze and she just looked at Rose Xavier's forehead instead... This made Rose panic slightly and she repeated her question. "in exchange for my father's life what do you want? "

"Pftt...."Lynx chuckled "You really think you are in a position to bargain with me.... Not to mention your father has the treasured Green orb... But with or without it we vampires could still servive as long as humans lived... As long as its not destroyed we have no reason to keep it.... "she paused running her fingers through her hair " Humans are such tiring beings, " she mumbled. 

"Come here!" followed the order. 

Not wanting to take any chances with this demon Rose stood up at once taking light steps towards Lynx. 

"Who said that you should walk towards the me? Crawl towards me Rose. " Lynx said as she watched Rose's face grow pale as it lost its colour from the anger she felt... This only made her smirk more. 

Rose bit her lips so as not to curse this darmned prince .Just as she was about to kneel down to crawl towards Lynx.... She appeared right behind her. 

"I was joking, darling " she whispered in her ear and her cold breathe kissed Rose's neck. 

Rose closed her eyes in fear the Vampire would either drink her blood till she died or worse snap her neck off. 

Her poisoned breakfast mission failed miserably, nor did she have any other tactics up her sleeves except.... Using her body....and seeing how close the prince was with her, it was clear he lusted for her body.

"You see.... this tea poison might not have such a strong scent but am too old not to notice the slight change in the aroma. "

Lynx played with Rose's loose brown strands tuvking them behind her ear making slight contact with Rose's face makes Rose flinch. 

 "You are this scared of me yet you dared come on my palace"Lynx spoke with a bit of disdain and anger. With her long legs she was two feets taller than normal human ladies and some vampiresses. Her shadow formed contrast on Rose's ashen face. 

"I... I... I... am not scared it's jus.... " 

Rose wasn't able to to complete what she was saying before she lost her grip on the tray, followed by hazy shattering noise. Her vision blurred for a moment .

The next moment she felt her body pressed against the wall. 

"What are you doing? "she gasped