
Immortal's Path

Wukong, the illegimate son of King Xanxus who was the leader of all elves. You see even though he was the son of the King, his life did not go well as the Elves valued pure-bloods and for this reason he and his mother were exiled. You see the King did not bother with his son as in the world of Vlailos, half bloods and quarter bloods and so on could not activate their bloodlines... but one mystical day, as he was doing some light exercise near to the waterfall nearby to his home, a mysterious orb of light came flying out of nowhere as it instantly headed for the child's head changing destiny for good, now watch as this legendary inheritor causes waves and chaos within the cultivation world as we know it.

ThatBearOverThere · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Life 1: Bloodline Awakening

"Mother... Wake up... Please I promise I won't complain anymore... Please... WAKE UP!!!"

In this cold and callous day, Wukong had become frozen in place, he was angry, sad, and depressed. He was only 5 years old yet his mother passed away, he had no loved ones other than her.

When he thought of what his 'mother' said, before she died she revealed the reason why they were exiled, it was because he was a half-blood, something that was looked upon as an abomination within the Elven Continent, due to this his father King Xanxus had exiled them

He was the the illegimate son of King Xanxus who was the leader of all elves. You see the King did not bother with his son as in the world of Vlailos, half bloods and quarter bloods and so on could not activate their bloodlines. And after telling him this she had fallen down due to over exhaustion and had died.

Wukong was merely a mistake, an accident, something that happened due to being under the influence of alcohol and drugs, King Xanxus' latest military excursion had failed and he had fallen to intoxicants due to his unstable mood, and once under the influence he had ravaged his maid Lilith.

Wukong awakened with anger his eyes became red which was truly unusual for those of the Elf Race, rather it was unique as this had never happened before, and no one had noticed this not even his mother, Lilith.

After he had thought his piece he looked towards the skies and saw that it was a full moon, and somehow his eyes were absorbing the moon's silvery essence from it causing them to glow even more than normal red.

Never had Wukong seen such foul and fair a day, and such a beautiful full moon, as his eyes turned Scarlet red his pupils were engulfed as well leaving only a Red light within Wukong' eyes. And when his eyes flowed red his body began growing at an astonishing rate.

With this fit of anger and despair Wukong' body mass also became bigger growing to the size of 60 Meters.

Wukong had begun growing and growing, and he who was a slightly above the average 5 year old human had become a monster, with fur covering him, his Fur was Jet black and eyes red, the colours complimenting each other.

Right now Wukong looked nothing like a fragile human but rather a great ape like demonic being spawned from the very depths of hell. And so began his rampage upon the town of Avarice, you see there were no Warriors within this town, meaning everyone would get slaughtered like sheep.

On this day, the day of the Avaricious Scarlet as it was called, was remembered forever by the nearby city dwellers who saw red, Just red, all red. Unbeknownst to them that a 5 year old who was in deep grief had caused this to happen.

Five hours had passed and soon, Wukong had regained his consciousness, and what he awoke to was not pleasant in the least, what he saw when he awoke was, blood and gore and all the tall buildings where the office workers worked in was destroyed as all the cars were damaged beyond recognition, organic material all laid out upon the floor with headless corpses laid down lifelessly, "Who did this, this is utter and brutal carnage" was what escaped his mouth as he had no recollection of him committing this deed.

The young boy then turned his head and looked towards his hands what surprised him was that he saw red stained upon them, and he saw he was butt naked with no clothes on at all, honestly the only thing going on in his mind was, 'Fear...'. And then as if on cue, he started to "BLURRGH, Blecchh!!" The boy began vomiting up he retched out as no ordinary child could resist not to when shown a sight of endless gore such as this.

Unknown to him however was that a mysterious energy began flowing throughout his very being, this energy made his body feel stronger and sturdier, this was his Qi awakening.

Something unknown to the boy was that he had also unlocked another ability, an ability called 'Ability Extractor' with this power the boy could copy others traits powers and even bloodlines.

Another hour had passed and Wukong had, done something unexpected he had round up every person killed by the unknown being and laid them all in the biggest areas of Avaricious Town near the Central Park and quickly he started a fire with a lighter he had found in one corpses hand, upon which he burnt several wooden sticks and then put them on each corner of the corpses so that they could all pass on somewhat peacefully.

The boy didn't know why he did this but just felt a hidden guilt and also guilt over being the only survivor, he saw so many of his friends who had limitless potential waiting to be tapped dead, he saw the cities teachers dead, but after his initial vomiting he felt strangely nothing of it.

Maybe it was because of his childhood experiences, he remembered that green haired adult who had beaten him up for being fatherless near the mall, he remembered the spiky Blue haired teen who mugged him, though the money was for his mother who was sick and someone had to work and pay the bills it was his first wage.

Somehow he felt glad that there lives were taken, he felt that maybe in this world morals are nothing but setbacks, maybe all one needs is oneshuman and no one other, after all no matter whether they are family or friends, they will betray you for materialistic goods and so on.

After another two hours Wukong had found some clothes to put on, it was a simple black shirt small enough to somehow fit him, and a small casual denim jeans, he also found out that after this event of some sort he had increased in intelligence and maturity.

He saw his flimsy five year old body was gone and what replaced it was a young teens, about 12-13 years old, he looked quite dashing to the eyes as his skin was tanned and he had jet black hair, that were all spiked up with two bangs hanging at the side.

This was the reason why the clothes had fit him, his body was quite muscular but also lean, but Wukong had not noticed, as he personally felt no changes to his body he didn't find it hard to adapt to rather found it normal.

Since there was no mirror he could not see the changes he had undergone. And so the young boy, I mean teen made his way through the Wander Forest, which was at the beginning quite safe, but further down it was dangerous.

Wukong did not know of the commotion he had just caused, and made his way rushed down the path of Wander Forest, unknown to him was that he had been eyed by the Phantom Beasts, deep in the forests.

Wukong himshuman had never gone through this forest and for him it was an unusual experience, he had always been with his mother he had always stayed with Avarice Town, this was the first day/night he had ever explored really.

He only knew one thing that was engraved within his very being, 'always do the right thing' it was said by his mother, and before she died she revealed that one day while she was coming home back from fishing she had seen him in a deep crater near Mount Buns and had picked him up from there and raised him as her own.

Soon enough the path had ended and all there was were numerous towering trees in the forest, around him. At this time the boy felt hungry and thirsty, but had nothing to drink.

He didn't know why but his slumber when the event happened had sapped him off his energy, resulting in this situation. The boy then made his way to one of the trees around him and sat beside it in hunger.

At this moment his eyes had begun glowing red again, for some reason, this could possibly mean that there was a problem with him his hunger was maybe driving himshuman mad, the boy sat in desperation thinking, 'Pleas anyone help me... I can't go on anymore... so.. so thirst..sty!"

And as he was thinking that his eyes went back to normal and his fingers had turned into little suction cups, the place where his fingers were at was the roots of the wide and thick spruce tree, slowly he had begun feeling better, his sweaty face had begun to hydrate and his face gained its tanned colours once more.

He didn't even realise that his fingers had been sprouting suction cups that allowed him to drain the tree off of its water supply from its root hair cells. Behind him the tree began to become powerless and lifeless as it towered above the boy, the century old tree had fallen just like that straight behind Wukong.

And Unknown to the boy until, " [Energy Absorption] Awakened" this was due to the boys extreme thirst and hunger, what it did was absorb the trees ability of absorbing heat energy to form photosynthesis and it gave him the ability to absorb energy of any sort.

This allowed him to then absorb the trees life essence as well as the H2O molecules within the Tree relieving him of his thirst and hunger directly, this would last him a while unless he carries out even more strenuous physical training which damages his body.

"What... Where are you... Show yourshuman demonic being" Wukong when he heard, "[Energy Absorption] Awakened" was shocked and frightened at the same time as which normal being wouldn't he thought it was a demonic being as he could guess where the sound came from or whether it was Male or female, due to its monotone voice.

"Show yourself human.. Coward for I do not fear you" Still it was "...." empty silence no matter what he did, such as demanding it stomping on the ground running in the area around him.

It did not appear still.

"Hmph... So you do not dare show your face to me..." "....." "Fine I will let you off as long as you don't follow me" "....." silence was all Wukong heard and just ignored the voice he heard but still remained alert into whether it says anything again.

"Wait... Why do I feel so much better than before. I no longer have any need to drink water or eat anymore truly mysterious, what kind of sorcery is this?"

After him saying all this the boy left and headed further down into the forest. While walking down he saw many new things such as a small animal with ears that were long and headed straight for the air, he saw various types of plants and when he looked at a bunch of pretty flowers a silver light was projected in front of him, as if scanning before saying:

• Petalsya Flower: Once crafted into a powder through continuous drying and sifting is able to be turned into paralytic poison, also good for Poison Type Casters, Who specialise in Poison and Dark Energy, they can turn the powder into a pill to increase their Caster Rank and become more powerful, but due to the lacking Poison Casters no one has feared try this out.

• Silveristem Flower: This flower gives out a sweet and luring scent to the nearby beings but is also a hidden killer, it's spores are poisoned with Carbon Monoxide which is silent but toxic, can cause instant death, It is however good for Poison Type Casters, Who specialise in Poison and Dark Energy. Can be turned Into a pill to increase their Caster Rank and become more powerful, but due to the lacking Poison Casters no one has dared to try this out.

• Blaze-Raze Flower: Be careful and not enchanted for its power is deadly, the fire has a special type of Poison called a poison flame, which high rank poison casters form within their souls to achieve the desired immortality after the last Rank of Energy mastery. This flower to the innocent bystander can kill instantly and give out a poison called Blaze Raze.

His vision then said, near all three varieties of flowers, ' Absorb Immunity ', Wukong just thought 'what is going on... but I'm curious what will it do if I say ..."Yes" within his head and immediately the flowers information and ability had been absorbed into Wukong, they were called:

• Paralyse Touch: Once the user wants to he can make his touch become poisonous and combine it with his energy attacks.

• Toxic Touch: Once the user decides he can leave a Silveristem Spore on someone and when he decides it can kill them but currently works on ordinary people- negative on energy  and body refining Master's.

• Blaze Flames: The user has awakened Fire Casting and can add in The blaze raze flowers poison into his attacks causes a burning effect within users attacks can be stacked with Paralyse Touch and Toxic Touch- when this happens the red-orange blaze flame becomes Green in colour.