
Imaginary world of history

pseudo reality world

muhammad_fahad_5374 · Fantasia
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2 Chs


I entered the next clan they all grouped on me. I feel something hard on my head and I get a blackout. Then I wake up in a cell-like a criminal. That cell was in a dark place, it feels like underground. After some time a man came named "Park METAL" and open my cell. He said to me, are you here to spying on us. I was sitting on the ground and see upward to his face. I smirk a little, this makes him more annoyed. He started to beat me very badly. As he was beating me, their leader "MICHEAL METAL" and stop him. He sends him away and talks to me. I said your clan people are idiots, he beat me without any reason. He also smirks and said none of my people do anything against my order. I am the one who tells him to beat you. He said it's really a daring thing to spy on us.

I said. I am not here to spy on you, I am here to take revenge on my clan. He didn't agree, and he said, we will torture you until you tell us the truth. He gave his men orders to interrogate me. When he went outside, his elder calls him, and he immediately runs toward. They ask about me, that what my reason to enter our clan. Micheal said he's telling that he wants to take revenge on his clan. Elder asked, test him on this. He said, how I'm going to test him. Elder said, use him against his clan in the next competition. He said, if he betray us then what we will do. Elder said, then we will kill him.

So like this they give me a chance to prove my revenge on my clan. The rule of this competition is to compete in team of five but none of them trust me and competition has only eight months. So they released me and tell me to make my team to compete. As I went to their forest smash with a guy whose look like a monster have good muscle. He was a good man but not the part of there clan ninja. He was a interesting character, his name was "Gamma". He like to joke and good in fight and my first member of team was him. None of his clan like his jokes so we make a deal that he will support me and he will joke around. I agreed.

A Clan day second

So, we start looking for more people to join our team to compete with training. The schedule for our training was dash and drill. Dash mean run fast to increase the stamina and drill mean spar each other to increase our techniques. This was our morning routine. At noon we do farming on farms with the help of farmers, by farming our grip can get strong. In the evening we went for swimming to increase our strength and at night we do meditation. But because of only two members we felt something empty and we don't have proper trainer. As usual we were doing our training then we saw a girl who was playing with knife fast but dangerous, she was really impressive.

Gamma said: why don't we ask her join us.

Steve said : I have no experience to talk to a girl.

Gamma said: no fear when I am here.

Steve said. : ok

Gamma went to the girl and cracking his usual jokes but girl get tensed and went from there. He comeback with cry face.

Steve said : let me try

He went to the girl and tell his name that, he is Steve. I apologize from my heart about my comrade behavior, he explained his situation to her so she can trust him. Then she started talking that my name is "Ranga", I will help you but I am very poor hope it will not effect you. He said, I will very glad if you help us.

And our third comrade is selected.

"I am not special or not ordinary but enough to destroy the world"

muhammad_fahad_5374creators' thoughts