
HighSchool Senior

*Ring Ring Ring!!!!!

*yawn its already this early

I stood up and turned of the alarm ,i headed to the bathroom, i washed my face and brushed my teeth, i walk down the stairs to the kitchen i sat down.

Son why don't you go to a normal school tomorrow ,your sickness is kinda gone now so or even if you still have that you need to socialize i have spoiled you enough to make you do homeschool for years now you need to experience the outside world you can't shut your self forever, and i already applied you to an elite school they accepted and you can go to school tomorrow.

How can't that be i didn't even do some test about you know school entrance exam.

Hohoho son you forgot i switched the test papers of what test you finished yesterday oh i didn't tell you but i told your homeschool teacher and he accepted and checked your test and you perfected all the subjects they said its the first time someone got perfect at all the test it was at University level too

by that they accepted you they even checked it themselves hohoho.

-_-|| *sigh im going back to sleep.By the way papa don't let them spread it around the school i don't what to make a seen by just that adios papa.

Wait son buy what you what for your school Zodiac will asist you.

Humm... ok then i will just dress up first,Zodiac wait for me and tnx

Aaahhhhhh....!!!! (´∀`)♡

(・´з`・) look at my son coming outside today

do you feel me Zo

Yes sir, that was the same reaction i had when my daughter matured, they grow up so fast sir.

Your right Zo (*´∇`*)

Dad stop-_-+

Anyway lets go Zo

Young Master would you want to go to Bonniquer Mall

Ok then

25minutes later

*clak i walk into the store i ask i would like to have a custom made uniform of, Hey Zo what was the name of the school papa didn't tell me.

Its CSOSTHS or Capital School of Science and Technology Highschool, young master

Thank you Zo i will have that custom made miss.

Ok then sir can you please wait i need to measure you.

Ok then, 'the girl measured my body and said, Sir would you like it to be tight, fit, or to have a little extra space..

I would like it to have extra space ,cant can you make it done tomorrow at 6:00 Am .

Yes sir, Please write where your address is so that i can deliver it.

'I wrote the address and gave it to the girl and paid ' I was going to go in the car but i saw a mask that took my interest, Hey Zo im going to get something, i be back in a bit.

ok young master take your time.

As i walked into that store i took the black masked and went to the casier, would you like to buy anything else sir, no just that'took the mask and got into the car and got home.

Dad is still at work i got to the table where there's a note saying, Son im going to be home late just say something you what to eat to the maids you can eat what you what and not the things you cant eat P. S Love you♡. Dad is going home late again *sigh .'i walked to some maid and said to the maid, that i would like to eat crabs and to call me when its done.

I got inside my room that had many gadgets that i assembled myself and played with some i had many things like cavases paintmaterials, drawing books,and book lots of books.

I jumped to the bed and fell asleep....

*I wanna f*p f*p but i got nobody cra-cra-cry but i like to party

I got awaken by my phone that was ringing ,i answered it of course, hello? .Hhheeeyyy!!!

Sssooonnn wake up its time for school if you don't get down here im gonna smack open your door and take you to school hohohoho.

Ok ok im up .*Ring Ring Ring!!!!

i turned of the alarm and washed my face and burshed my teeth .I walk down stairs and saw my father sitting at the dinning table and pointing at my delivered uniform i walked towards him and took the uniform i walked up the stairs to my room to change.

15minutes later

Im done changing i took the masked and put it in my pocket i got down stairs and took my break fast.

Son stay for a while.

I don't want to i have to go bye dad, bye son

I was walking outside and saw that Zo is waiting for me infront of the house to send me to school...

After the Fast and Furious diving of Zodiac they arrived to the school early.

Before i got out i wore my hoodie and mask.

I walk to the gates some guards was there clarify if your a student and i told my dad to tell them to hide what i did and i passed through without any questions but then the guard said hold up boy follow me to the principal,'I followed him into the principal's office, i saw the principal staring at me and said, Boy your finally here anyway was it good that we didn't cause a scene Boy kikikiki your father said that to me so i granted it anyway you can go to your class your class is A-1, I called your adviser to escort you to your room. I waited for awhile then the teacher got in and escorted me to my homeroom i was being stared at by many people but i ignored the stares the teacher spoke, Today class we will get a new student he will now be with you please tell your name to the class,

Hi my name is Sideun Kkoch, after that i walked towards the empty seat at the back near the window then i felt i did something wrong *sigh i didn't even know. The class started and then ended the teacher said that one of my class mate will show me around but i didn't go with that classmate, i got away and got to some kind of garden it was beautiful, i didn't what to go to that classroom again so i rested or slept at the garden by the apple tree... I have been disturbed by a weird feeling of being stared then i noticed that there was a shadow of a man looked at my back and saw a man at my back i stood up and said im sorry then ran before he could say anything.I got back to my classroom and walked towards my desk i didn't say anything and just sat there after a while i noticed that what the teacher was teaching was something that i already know i raised my hand and said teacher can you go and teach something on a more advanced level they were all shocked and confused i continued and said i already know that so you need to make it difficult for the learners to learn faster and you will finnish your job quick they all stared and some murmured itch he's just cocky b*tch he might be like those other people who think they are so smart, hey how about we just use him hah he would be stupid if he accepts it. "I didn't mind those things and walked out of the room,after all they where like them all of them damn making you look like the one who was the bad guy but infact i was a victim. My Dad think's im almost cured but the truth is im not i had another sickness called "Savant Syndrome " i hid it and told my doctor not to tell anyone even my dad,i was also dont feel pain, i think my doctor and father know why but won't tell me.But i hope i will know....


What do you think readers i made it longer (๑・ω-)~♥" im proud of my self(´∀`)♡

i will make a new or another novel i will name it hhhmmmm...

"The F*k Mate Leave Me Alone"

Hehehehehehege Im ma write it soon Σ(⊙▽⊙") and thank you for reading(*´∇`*)
