
im kumoko

So, I died only to be reincarnated as a cute waifu-like girl, only to die again and be reincarnated as a spider, sounds fun. What, that I'm kumo? Really? That's a shame but i don't care about that, I'll live this new second (or is it third?) life as I please!.

shin_guzman · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 16: Wyrm? Not a fish?

Thoughts in italics

Monologue in normal text

Skills in bold []

System in bold normal text

sounds in bold italics


This fanfiction will contain spoilers from the Light novel, read it at your own risk.

Leave your comments, it would help me a lot

thanks for reading

Wow, I knew I had a bad feeling about this.

Why is that? Because apparently, seahorses are wyrms.

Wyrm: a monster variant that is said to be a lesser species of dragon. Despite this, some Wyrms are comparable in strength to dragons.

Yep. It's a minor version of Araba-chan and Kagna-chan's species.

I guess that would make him some kind of fire dragon.

I mean, if earth dragons exist, then fire dragons must also...

There aren't any in the Middle Layer, are there?

Let's hope not.

Okay, I'm getting a little off topic. It's time to seriously focus on addressing an immediate issue.

Elroe Guneseven | Lv 7 | no name


Hp: 461/461 (Green)

Mp: 223/223 (Blue)

Sp: 218/128 (Yellow)

451/466 (Red)

Attack: 368

Defense: 311

Magic: 161

Resistance: 158

Speed: 155

Failed Status Appraisal

Elroe Guneseven: a minor wyrm-like monster that lives in the Middle Layer of the Great Elroe Maze. An omnivorous creature, its large mouth swallows anything and everything.

That's the monster that's slowly swimming through the magma right now.

For a low-ranked wyrm, its form looks more like a catfish than anything else.

The name "seven" doesn't suit him either.

It won't do for me to complain about how System-chan names things in this world.

That huge catfish-like mouth is definitely its most notable feature.

If he catches me with that... damn. With my size, I'd definitely swallow me whole.

However, it's great that the state's assessment has worked.

The probability is usually one in three.

So, I'm lucky I got it right this time.

It would be too dangerous to try to beat this thing without knowing exactly what its stats are.

All of the Middle Layer monsters I've run into have been weak, but this is definitely the strongest so far.

If possible, I would like to eat it.

And lucky for me, it's swimming right out of my way.

From experience, there's a good chance he'll attack me.

Hmm. How should I answer him...?

I mean, I could run away, I'm pretty sure that at my top speed I could outrun him, but even if I succeeded, it would leave me with a bad feeling in my mouth for having wasted such a precious opportunity.

Besides, his Sp meters are much bigger than mine, so it's very likely that I'll get tired before he does.

And the most important thing here, is that I can't see their abilities.

If the catfish has a high-level skill like SP Minimized Consumption or something like that, then I wouldn't be able to escape at all.

I doubt that's the case, being low level and all, but still...

It's a bit strong to consider a straight fight.

A surprise attack, then?

Yes, that would be best in this case.

I mean, things have been going pretty well lately, but every time I get overconfident, it all ends badly for me.

I've already learned a thing or two. I know not to get carried away.

I have to proceed with the utmost caution!

And so, I'll start moving slowly for my surprise attack.

Should I use threads for this battle, or should I refrain from using them?

Well... wait. Another catfish just emerged from the nearby magma.


What?! This wasn't part of the deal!

I was being careful with my things, why do things still end up like this?!

The catfish fixes its eyes on me. After staring blankly at me for a moment, it opens its huge mouth.

Move out!

The catfish's huge jaws closed on the spot where I was standing.

It continues to move forward, sliding on the ground.

The damn thing has limbs. I hadn't noticed it when I was in the magma.

Not only that, but his entire body is covered in dragon scales and, by the looks of it, he is very well protected.

Yep, I'm gonna eat it.


When I turn to look at any good spot to fight, I see the other fish spending money crawling ashore.

Wait, now I'm being flanked from both sides?! It's not fair!

What do I do now?!

Oh god, my only option is to face them both at the same time!

I wrap the catfish's body with poisonous thread.

I already confirmed while training that Deadly Poison Attack allows me to add poison to my threads.

Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't use my threads unless it was an extreme situation, but this counts as an extreme situation!

Oh shoot, I forgot to use a strong thread, so I won't be able to hold him for long, but at least I'll poison him.

Look, he already broke my thread, damn it.

But, checking his hp, I realized that I managed to poison him, success!

If anything, I just have to poison it better, since that was a weak attack.

The catfish opens its mouth wide.

And he throws himself at me.

Wah! Yamete kudasai!

Oh wait, I can use that to my advantage.

Just as he was on top of me, Poison Synthesis activated!

Then I shoot at the right time!

Instead of me, the catfish has a mouth full of synthesized spider venom.

Oh yeah, in case you didn't know, my Poison Attack skill reached level 10 while I was training and became the advanced version, Deadly Poison Attack.

So, my spider venom, which was already powerful enough to take down a giant, became deadly spider venom.

The moment the catfish swallowed the toxic cocktail, its Hp began to decrease at an incredible rate.

We are talking about the speed of sound.

As a result, the catfish writhes in apparent agony.

Sugoi. I didn't know my poison had become so powerful...

I knew it would be strong, but it's actually scary, if I do say so myself.

Okay, where's the other one?

Turning to look at me, I see the other catfish recoil a little fearfully at the sight of his comrade's condition.

Wh-whoa. I mean, I guess it makes sense to be scared to see one of your own suffering like that.

I assumed dragons never ran away, but maybe it was just the seahorses.

The still healthy fish turns around and runs away, just like that.

Wait, aren't you supposed to be overcome with anger and attack me! What happened to the power of friendship and all that nonsense? I wanted to eat you!

Fuah... no way, it'll have to be for the next one.

And I thought I would be forced to flee, not them.

I guess I turned the tables on him.

Maybe it's okay for me to be a little arrogant after all... I'm actually pretty strong, right?

For the moment, I'll put the suffering fish out of its misery.

He sprayed more poison in the face of the flapping creature.

With a final spasm, the catfish stops moving.

Experience has reached the required level. The individual Little Poison Taratect has increased from Lv 6 to Lv 7.

All basic attributes have increased

Skill mastery bonus per level up acquired

Proficiency has reached the required level. The skill [Concentration Lv 9] has become [Concentration Lv 10].

Conditions met. The skill [Thought Acceleration Lv 1] has been derived from the skill [Concentration Lv 10].

Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Evasion Lv 4] has become [Evasion Lv 5].

Proficiency has reached the required level. Life Lv 7] skill has become [Life Lv 8].

skill points acquired

Hmm? Apparently, I reached the limit of my concentration skill with this last level.

Concentration. I had high hopes for that.

It's pretty basic, but this skill has been supporting me from behind the scenes all this time.

So, I expect great things from his successor.

You might also start by evaluating this new skill.

Thought Acceleration: accelerates the thought process, prolonging the perception of the time available to the user.


Seriously, is this unbelievable or what?

I mean, is this what I think it is?

Like, basically I'll be able to slow down time by myself?

Well, it would be more my perception of time but still time would be slowed down.

This is like what top athletes sometimes experience when the ball seems to move in slow motion, isn't it?

Can I use it whenever I want?

Good heavens.

I'm going to try it right now.

Hmm. Looks like I was able to activate it with no problems.

How exactly does this work?

Oh? Is the magma moving a little slower?

Besides, something feels wrong.

As if several sensations in my body were moving too fast and too slow at the same time. It's hard to describe.

To prove it, I try to move my body.

It feels heavy, like I'm moving through water.

Not being able to control my body the way I want to is frustrating.

Is this the default value for Thought Acceleration?

I've gotten in trouble for my own speed before, so I might want to turn this on when I'm running at least.

Hmm? Wait, this isn't consuming anything?

My Mp and Sp have not dropped at all.

Is it a passive ability that can be active all the time?

I seem to be able to turn it off and on if I want to, but there's no downside to having it on all the time, is there?

Wow, isn't this awesome or what? I thought this would eat up my mp or something.

Like, you have to spend Mp just to activate it for a few seconds at a time or, like, something like that.

But to be able to use a cool ability like that at any time at no cost?

That makes this ability ridiculously broken, doesn't it?

There is really no downside.

Other than a slight discomfort until I get used to it.

I may have gotten mad cheating skills!

Proficiency has reached the required level. Skill [Prediction Lv 9] has become [Prediction Lv 10].

Conditions met. The skill [Foresight Lv 1] has been derived from the skill [Prediction Lv 10].

Hey, Prediction. How's it going?

I guess it also reaches Prediction's limit.

Well, it was never a particularly necessary skill, but maybe now that it's evolved, it's a bit more useful.

Foresight: Increases the effectiveness of predictions. It also gives the ability to see slight glimpses of possible futures.

Hmm? Possible futures? What does that mean? Well, let's try it.

Okay. Looks like I can activate this one at will too.

But it doesn't really look like anything has changed.

Let's see the magma, it worked with Thought Acceleration.

Oh? The magma is moving strangely.

Like it was blurry in places?

No, it's more like my vision is superimposed.

Do these overlapping pieces show me what could happen?

In other words, can I see the future now?

Well, it's just that it's possible, so I have to take it with caution, but this skill can be very useful if I train it more.

Although it doesn't look very useful at the moment, as all I see are some overlapping patches of magma.

Huh? Wait a second. This one doesn't consume anything either?

That means, it's another passive ability?

...That's crazy.

Who knew that the useless and childish Prediction would produce something so amazing?

Sorry Prediction. I guess even useless kids can learn to be competent if they try hard enough.

Proficiency has reached the required level. [Appraisal Lv 8] skill has become [Appraisal Lv 9].

Talk about kids who were useless before!


You know I love you System-chan

Anyway, Appraisal-chan! Did you enjoy this most recent extra level?

Let's see what you learned this time!

Small Poison Taratect | Lv 7 | No name


Hp: 96/96 (Green)

Mp: 212/212 (Blue)

Sp: 96/96 (Yellow)

96/96 (Red) +1224

Attack: 116

Defense: 116

Magic: 206

Resistance: 224

Speed: 1120


| Deadly poison attack Lv 3 | Poison Synthesis Lv7 | Spider thread Lv9 | Cutting Thread Lv 6 | Thread Manipulation Lv 8 | Threads Manship Lv 3 | Throw Lv 6 | Spatial Maneuvering Lv3 | Destruction | Cutting Enhancement Lv 1 | Cutting Enhancement Lv 1 | Poison Enhancement Lv 1 | Mental Warfare Lv 1 | Energy Conferment Lv 2 | Thought Acceleration Lv 1 | Hit Lv 7 | Evasion Lv 4 | Appraisal Lv 9 | Detection Lv 6 |Stealth Lv 7 | Gluttony Lv 10 | Parallel Thinking Lv 4 | Arithmetic Processing Lv 6 | Vision Expansion Lv 2 | Deadly Poison resistance at Lv 2 | Paralysis resistance Lv 3 | Petrification resistance Lv 3 | Acid resistance Lv 4 | Rot Resistance Lv 3 | Faintness Resistance Lv 2 | Fear resistance Lv 7 | Heresy Resistance Lv 3 | Pain Nullification | Pain Mitigation Lv 7 | Destruction Resistance Lv 1 | Impact Resistance Lv 2 | Cutting Resistance Lv 3 | Flame Resistance Lv 2 | Dark Resistance Lv 1 | Life Lv 8 | Magic Mass Lv 8 | Instantaneous Lv 8 | Persistence Lv 8 | Taboo Lv 4 | Mental Magic Lv 2 | HP Rapid Recovery Lv 2 | MP Recovery Speed Lv 6 | MP Lessened Consumption Lv 2 | SP Recovery Speed Lv 8 | Sp Lessened Consumption Lv 4 | Auditory Enhancement Lv 8 | Vision Enhancement Lv 8 | Olfactory Enhancement Lv 7 | Tactile Enhancement Lv 6 | Taste Enhancement | Heretic Magic Lv 3 | Shadow Magic Lv 2 | Poison Magic Lv 2 | Fire Magic Lv 5 | Water Magic Lv 4 | Earth Magic Lv 5 | Electric Magic Lv 4 | Electric Magic Lv 4 | Ice Magic Lv 4 | Wind Magic Lv 4 | Abyss Magic Lv 10 | Heal Lv 8 | Cure Lv 3 | Solidity Lv 3 | Solidity Lv 3 | Protection Lv 3 | Herculean Strength Lv 3 | Skanda Lv 3 | Hades | Flight Lv 9 | Foresight Lv 1 | n=W |

Skill points: 1650


| Foul Feeder | Kin Eater | Assassin | Monster Slayer | Monster Slaughterer | Poison Technique User | Thread User | Thread User | Merciless | Ruler of pride | Ruler of Gluttony |

Now I can see my titles!

I've been thinking about that for a while.

Also, could it be that this new number next to my red Sp meter is the energy I have stored thanks to Gluttony?

I didn't realize I had stocked up so much.

That's not going to go away for a long time.

All right, let's evaluate my titles.

Information that saves lives

Elroe Guneseven

Also known as catfish. This monster looks like a catfish with limbs.

A kind of low class wyrm.

It evolved from a seahorse. It eats anything with its huge mouth.

It is generally more cautious than the seahorse and will flee if it feels that its opponent is even a little strong.

Danger level: C

Since Appraisal-chan allows me to see my titles now, I'm going to take a look at all of them.

Title: Upgrade code obtained by fulfilling certain conditions. Up to 2 skills can be acquired at the time of obtaining a new title. Some titles have special effects, increase certain stats, etc.

Huh. So, titles do more than just give skills.

I assumed that was all they did.

Which means that some of my titles may have special effects that I've never noticed before.

Now I am very excited to evaluate them

Let's go! Let's go!

Foul Feeder

Acquires skills: Poison Resistance Lv 1 and Rot Resistance Lv 1

Acquisition condition: Consume a large amount of poison or similar substances within a certain period of time.

Effect: Digestive system becomes stronger

Explanation: A tittle awarded to those who will eat even poison

Oh, it's okay. Makes sense, since I've been eating poisonous monsters since I was born.

I guess I can't complain about it being called "gross", although it was delicious really.

At least I know it made my digestive system stronger.

Well, I ate a lot of poison, so maybe it helped me without realizing it.

If I hadn't gotten Rot Resistance by acquiring this title, I might have kicked the bucket as soon as I took a bite out of that snail bug (I think), so I guess I might have saved my ass after all.

I wish it had a nicer name, though.

Kin eater

Acquired skills: Taboo Lv 1 and Heretic Magic Lv 1

Acquisition Condition: Consume a blood relative

Effect: None

Explanation: A title awarded to those who eat a relative.

No effect.

So, what was the point of getting this title?

I mean, he gave me the Taboo ability, which clearly has a negative effect, so maybe I wasn't supposed to get this title.

And since I can't use magic, then I can't use Heretic Magic, there was no benefit there either.

Seems like a total negative to me at this point...


Acquired skills: Shadow Magic Lv 1 and Stealth Lv 1

Acquisition Condition: Succeed in a certain amount of assassinations by way of surprise attack

Effect: Damage bonus to surprise strikes

Explanation: A title awarded to those accomplish repeated assassinations.

Oooh. Just like the skills I got from it; the effect of this title is totally ninja.

This is definitely a title for ninjas. Ninjas also work as assassins sometimes, so I'm not wrong.

Does that mean I'll eventually be able to do things like snap someone's neck with a bare-handed sneak attack?

Eh, I guess I can do that now, since I have claws instead of hands.

Monster Slayer

Acquired Skills: Strength Lv 1 and Solidity Lv 1

Acquisition Condition: Defeat a certain number of monsters

Effect: Slight increase in damage to monster opponents

Explanation: A tittle awarded to those who bring down a large number of monsters.

Ahh. So, it has something to do with the number of monsters I kill.

I don't know how much a "certain number" is exactly, but I got this title after defeating quite a few of them.

The effect is pretty good too, so I'm glad I got it.

Poison Technique User

Acquired Skills: Poison Synthesis Lv 1 and Poison Magic

Acquisition condition: use a certain quantity of poison

Effect: Strengthens poison attribute

Explanation: A tittle awarded to those who use poison

This is probably the most useful so far.

I am totally indebted to Poison Synthesis.

Actually, that's a great effect too. It's like this title was made just for me.

Although, it would be nice to be able to use poison magic...

Since it only requires a certain amount, doesn't the strength of the poison have anything to do with it?

My poison is pretty strong, so I feel like I haven't used that much in terms of quantity.

Maybe that's why it took me so long to get this title, even though I've been using poison since I was born.

Thread user

Acquires Skills: Thread Control Lv 1 and Cutting Thread Lv 1

Acquisition Condition: use threads to attack a certain number of times

Effect: Increases power of thread-based attacks.

Explanation: A title awarded to those who use thread as a weapon.

And this is the second most useful.

This title strengthened my other weapon of choice... the thread.

Not that I can brag in this stupid Middle Layer!

Of course, it was because I forbade myself, but still...

Still, I didn't realize it was specifically for thread-based attacks until I saw this description.

In my case, the sticky thread was a mainstay for a long time.

I think that's more of a support-based use than an attack.

That's why it was a long time before he achieved this title.

The sticky thread must not have counted as a thread attack.

I think that's more of a support-based use than an attack.

The sticky thread must not have counted as a thread attack.

Maybe once I started using kumorningstar and the net and stuff. were they counted?

If I had known the conditions of acquisition before, it would have been easier for me to get it.


Acquired Skills: Heretic Magic Lv 1 and Heresy Resistance Lv 1

Acquisition condition: Merciless behavior

Effect: Negate any feelings of guilt

Explanation: A title awarded to merciless individuals

Oh, come on. Can't you explain these descriptions a little more?

How are these conditions of acquisition even remotely informative?

Hmm. The effect is also quite rare, so it's a very rare title.

Monster Slaughterer

Acquired Skills: Herculean Strength Lv 1 and Sturdy Lv 1

Acquisition Condition: Defeat a certain number of monster

Effect: Increase in damage deal to monster opponents

Explanation: A title awarded to those who bring down an extremely lager number of monsters.

Yes. This is definitely an advanced version of the Monster Slayer title.

You'll probably get it for killing more monsters than Monster Slayer.

The effect, the explanation and everything fits as well.

Pride Ruler

Acquired Skill: Abyss Magic Lv 10 and Hades

Acquisition Condition: Acquisition of Pride

Effect: Increases Mp, Magic and resistance stats. + Correction to mental skill proficiencies. Grants ruling class privileges.

Wait a second. Wait a second. wait a fucking second.

What's up with that effect?

So, you're the reason my stats suddenly skyrocketed?!

And on top of that, add a domain bonus?!

Plus, all the Pride bonuses?

That's why Prediction and those other skills improved so fast!

What are the "privileges of the Ruling class" anyway?

Ruling Class Privileges: Authority granted to Rulers to control a portion of the world.

Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Can I use that too?

The Second Ruler of Pride and Gluttony's request to exercise special privileges has been received. Currently, the Second Ruler of Pride and Gluttony has no authority available for use.

What do you mean, what no?!

And what do you mean by "second ruler"?!

Ugh, if it's not one thing, it's another.

So, what about Gluttony then?

Rule of Gluttony

Acquired Skill: Fortune Lv 1 and Sublimation

Each ability of Hp, Mp and Sp rise. + Correction whenever status strengthening-type skill proficiency gained. Grants ruling class privileges

Wait, so Gluttony raised my stats too?

Since when?

What about this Fortune ability? I don't remember it

Fortune: add Sp (Red), the number of sp depend of the skill level

Hold on a second.

Didn't that make it already Persistence?

Why don't I remember it?

What's going on System-chan?

Sorry, there were some errors regarding the system, correcting it right now.

Wait, what?

Okay, error corrected, please check your stats to verify that everything is in order.

S-System-chan? What's going on?


Eek! Right away!


Small Poison Taratect | Lv 7 | No name


Hp:146/146 (Green)

Mp: 268/268 (Blue)

Sp: 124/124 (Yellow)

456/456 (Red) +1224

Attack: 116

Defense: 116

Magic: 206

Resistance: 624

Speed: 1120


| Deadly poison attack Lv 3 | Poison Synthesis Lv7 | Spider thread Lv9 | Cutting Thread Lv 6 | Thread Manipulation Lv 8 | Threads Manship Lv 3 | Throw Lv 6 | Spatial Maneuvering Lv3 | Destruction | Cutting Enhancement Lv 1 | Cutting Enhancement Lv 1 | Poison Enhancement Lv 1 | Mental Warfare Lv 1 | Energy Conferment Lv 2 | Thought Acceleration Lv 1 | Hit Lv 7 | Evasion Lv 4 | Appraisal Lv 9 | Detection Lv 6 |Stealth Lv 7 | Gluttony Lv 10 | Parallel Thinking Lv 4 | Arithmetic Processing Lv 6 | Vision Expansion Lv 2 | Deadly Poison resistance at Lv 2 | Paralysis resistance Lv 3 | Petrification resistance Lv 3 | Acid resistance Lv 4 | Rot Resistance Lv 9 | Faintness Resistance Lv 2 | Fear resistance Lv 7 | Heresy Resistance Lv 3 | Pain Nullification | Pain Mitigation Lv 7 | Destruction Resistance Lv 1 | Impact Resistance Lv 2 | Cutting Resistance Lv 3 | Flame Resistance Lv 2 | Dark Resistance Lv 1 | Life Lv 8 | Magic Mass Lv 8 | Instantaneous Lv 8 | Fortune Lv 4 | Taboo Lv 4 | Mental Magic Lv 2 | HP Rapid Recovery Lv 2 | MP Recovery Speed Lv 6 | MP Lessened Consumption Lv 2 | SP Recovery Speed Lv 8 | Sp Lessened Consumption Lv 4 | Auditory Enhancement Lv 8 | Vision Enhancement Lv 8 | Olfactory Enhancement Lv 7 | Tactile Enhancement Lv 6 | Taste Enhancement Lv 5 | Heretic Magic Lv3 | Shadow Magic Lv2 | Poison Magic Lv2 | Fire Magic Lv 5 | Water Magic Lv 4 | Earth Magic Lv 5 | Electric Magic Lv 4 | Ice Magic Lv 4 | Wind Magic Lv 4 | Abyss Magic Lv 10 | Heal Lv 8 | Cure Lv 3 | Solidity Lv 3 | Protection Lv 3 | Herculean Strength Lv 3 | Skanda Lv 3 | Hades | Flight Lv 9 | Foresight Lv 1 | Sublimation Lv 1 | Sublimation | n=W |

Skill points: 1650


| Foul Feeder | Kin Eater | Assassin | Monster Slayer | Monster Slaughterer | Poison Technique User | Thread User | Thread User | Merciless | Ruler of pride | Ruler of Gluttony |

Okay, it's not all that different but still, what?!

Since when is my Sp (red) bar so high!

And my stats are slightly higher than before!

What's going on?!

Error corrected

System-chan, what just happened?!

There was an error in the system.

What kind of error?

You don't have the authority to know

...I don't understand what's going on.

I know D is a lazy god and all, but I don't remember something like this happening before in the anime or manga.

Although my memory has been failing me lately.

Seriously, what's going on here?

The Pride skill is too mysterious and that system error, I remember it happened before when I got the Gluttony title in the first place (chapter 6).

...well, killing my head thinking about it isn't going to help me right now.

Eventually I will find out.

The good thing is that I learned a lot about titles.

Hopefully there won't be another system error like this one.

...I'd better eat the catfish to clear my head.

Oh look, the catfish got cold while I was doing the appreciation, so I might as well eat it now.

It's a real bummer that I have to eat Middle Layer monsters cold when they taste better hot.

Still, half the time that happened, only the surface had cooled, and the inside had still remained warm.

Although it wouldn't normally affect me, if I'm not careful, it can decrease my Hp as it sometimes exceeds the limits of my current Flame Resistance.

...I'm sorry, I'm still thinking about what just happened to the system.

I can't even enjoy the food properly, even though it's delicious.

If the system error happens once, I could imagine it, but if it happens twice, it could be a coincidence, but I don't think so.

This is something too weird and mysterious, as are my missing memories and the system that has been more interactive with me than anything else.

Does the fact that System-chan is interactive with me have something to do with system errors like this happening? Or is it something that D created to annoy me?

Also, how can there be 2 rulers of the same title? That shouldn't be possible, even in the real world it's basically impossible to have 2 rulers ruling the same thing.

There aren't 2 Isabella queens ruling the world after all.

...Ugh, I can't think straight on an empty stomach and I'm finishing the catfish, and it was quite delicious.

I shouldn't have let the other one get away, maybe I can still catch him if I chase him now?

Those things are pretty slow, so I might still make it.

Ah, but I guess there's still nothing I can do once it slips into the magma.

Damn, that was a mistake.

Oh well. I'm going to enjoy what I can of this one and stop thinking about it what happened. Like I said, I'll figure it out eventually.

Proficiency has reached the required level. The skill [Taste Enhancement Lv 5] has become [Taste Enhancement Lv 6].

Oooh! It's pretty good, I guess because I was distracted, I hadn't noticed but it actually tastes pretty good.

I mean, this along with the other delicious things I've eaten, don't compare at all to what I ate in my previous life, but so far, this is what I'd say is the most delicious thing I've tasted so far.

Although I didn't worry so much about food in my old life as a human...

In my 2 previous lives, I didn't realize how lucky I was until I became a spider.

I mean, they may taste delicious but they're still disgusting, disgusting monsters, if it wasn't for something making me be able to taste them well, I probably would have thrown up after the first bite, since I hate disgusting food.

All right, that's decided, I'm going catfishing.

What? That they're a little loud? Who cares about that.

I don't mind risking my life for something that tastes as delicious as these catfish.

Really, it's worth it.

Just wait, catfish-chan. I'm gonna eat every last one of you!

Catfish! catfish! whereeeeeeeeee areeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu, caaaaaaaat fiiiiiiiiiiiish?

I wander through the labyrinth, looking for catfish.

There are none.

Nai wa.


When I don't want to see them, they are right on top of me and when I want to see them, they disappear.

Come out wherever you are so I can eat you.

Ugh. Of course, something else comes up at a time like this.

Elroe Gunerush | Lv 8 | no name


Hp: 170/170 (Green)

Mp: 161/161 (Blue)

Sp: 158/158 (Yellow)

156/167 (Red)

Attack: 87

Defense: 84

Magic: 84

Resistance: 81

Speed: 91


| Fire Wyrm Lv 1 | Hit Lv 4 | Swimming Lv 4 | Heat nullification |

There are 3 seahorses in total

And there's something new that happened when I evaluated one of them.

Oooh, how nice!

Since Appraisal-chan leveled up, I can now see my opponents' abilities too!

Whoa! Finally, it's starting to work like a real cheating skill!

Well, though, seahorse, where are all your skills? You only have four?

That's too little. That's why you look weaker than your stats.

Also, they are all low level except for Heat nullification, which is clearly the upgraded version of Flame Resistance.

I love her.

I should probably evaluate these 2 skills that I haven't seen.

Fire Wyrm: A special ability possessed by fire wyrm species. Grants special effects depending on its level.

Lv 1: Fireball Breath

Swimming: positive correction of swimming movements.

Hmm. So, Fire Wyrm is a species-specific ability that only fire wyrm have.

Just like my spider thread

I guess all he can do at level 1 is shoot those fireballs.

Actually, why is his Fire Wyrm skill at level 1 when the seahorse itself is at level 8?

Is it that hard to raise his skill level, or is this guy just slacking off to gain dominance?

And swimming is just a skill that makes you a better swimmer. Now that I've seen this thing's abilities, I'm even more certain. There's no way I can lose to this guy.

So, let's get this over with...although that's easier said than done, I guess.

I mean, these guys are still in the magma.

All I can do is throw pebbles at them for the moment.

Hmm. Maybe I can poison the stones?

I try, but it doesn't do much more damage than before.

My deadly spider venom causes 2 different types of damage: contact damage and ingestion damage.

Contact damage occurs when the poison comes in contact with the skin and such, while ingestion damage is when the poison penetrates the opponent's body.

Between the two, the damage from ingestion is much, much greater.

Contact damage is not very effective at first, but if the poison stays there long enough, the amount of damage increases explosively.

That's because the poison seeps into the body after a while.

In other words, damage by contact eventually becomes damage by ingestion.

Unless it is rinsed or cleaned beforehand, of course.

So, when I'm fighting a monster that can't wash the poison away, I don't need to bother aiming for the mouth. I just have to smear poison somewhere on its body.

If I want to be quick, it's better to aim for the mouth or eyes, but for safety reasons, it's better to apply it in as many places as possible. It all depends on the situation of course.

Once the seahorses run out of Mp and come ashore, I douse them all with poison.

Their mouths are so small, they are hard to aim. It's easier to splash them all over the place.

...hmm, didn't I say that before? My bad. The seahorses didn't just stand there and let me monologue, they were shooting those fireballs at me while I was dodging them, as it's the same as always, I didn't bother to say it.


Cat fiiiiish! I've been looking all over for you, cat fiiiiish! I finally found you, cat fiiiiiiish!

Then give me your meat! Give it to me right now!

I have no choice but to kill you and eat your flesh! Reunited with my beloved catfish in the end!

The catfish is swimming merrily through the magma.

First, I have to get it out.

By the way, I was also able to evaluate the skills of the catfish.

His stats aren't that different from the last one.

The catfish's abilities are: Fire wyrm Lv 2, Dragon Scales Lv 1, Hit Lv 7, Swimming Lv 6, Heat Nullification and Overeating Lv 2.

The ability it can use with Fire Wyrm Lv 2 is called Heat Cloak. As the name suggests, the catfish wraps its body in heat.

I assumed it was a defensive thing, but according to Appraisal-chan's explanation, it serves to increase movement speed when used.

However, since it heats your body, it will deal damage if the user has no Fire Resistance. Not that it matters in this case, since the catfish has Heat Nullification.

Dragon Scales is an ability that causes special scales to grow all over the creature's body.

They are special because, in addition to having a high defense, they deny magic to a certain degree.

Instead of blocking it, it apparently interferes with the composition of the magic and lowers its potency or something.

Well, I can't use magic anyway, so it's just a lot of hard scales for me.

And we all know what the rest of those abilities do. But something just occurred to me, is it possible that the catfish is an evolution of the seahorse?

Both are fire wyrms, and the catfish has abilities that are advanced versions of the seahorse.

It simply has higher levels, and the additions of Dragon Scales and Overeating.

Between that and their respective species names, it seems possible.

But if that's true, does that mean it evolves from that form to this one?

I mean, I don't really know enough about the subject to argue either way, but still.

They look quite different, but I guess... if you stretch out the mouth of a big, heavy seahorse, maybe it would look like a catfish.

Hmm. I don't know.

Well, it doesn't matter anyway.

My only concern right now is gnawing on the flesh of that catfish.

Do you wonder why I love its meat so much? Well, so far, it's my favorite food, because it tastes so good, so I have to eat it while I can.

So, let's start with a poisonous stone shot!

The rock bounces off the catfish's back.

Yep. Didn't do much damage. No surprises there.

I guess I'll have to stick with the strategy that he swallows poison with Poison Synthesis when he charges at me.

Or so I thought. Now the stupid catfish is throwing a fireball at me from the magma.

Is it really? This one is much bigger and faster than the fireballs of seahorses.

But it's still not going to hit me. In most cases, I use Thought Acceleration, which stretches my sense of time a bit more, but makes everything else seem a bit slower than normal.

Thanks to my incredibly high-speed stat, I can still move quite fast compared to the rest of the world even in this inhibited state.

I guess, however, that when Thought Acceleration levels go up, the time will be even slower, so I'm not sure what will happen then.

For now, it looks like 1 second stretches to 1.1 seconds, maybe.

I don't know the details, but that's how I feel.

The catfish fires a second volley.

I can't believe this guy. Same tactics as those seahorses.

Was the one who decided to jump ashore earlier an atypical case? Do they normally use the same strategy as seahorses?

Ah, but now they have the heat cloak ability and stuff, so maybe they'll change things depending on the circumstances.

Maybe the one before reacted like, "Oh, I pulled my face out of the magma, and now there's something in front of me. I guess I'll attack it," or something like that.

Dodge the catfish's next fireball.

Soon he will run out of MP. What will you do then?

Seahorses crawl to shore when they run out of Mp, but what about catfish?

I really want him to go to shore, but judging by what happened last time, they run away if they sense danger.

I won't allow it, okay? I'll chase you to the end of the world, do you understand?

Ignoring my concerns, the catfish stopped attacking. But it still has a bit of Mp left...

Ah, he sank. Did he use a heat shield?

It's great that I now know these things about my opponents. Appraisal-chan is really a wonderful cheating power.

Hmm? The catfish is opening the thing?

What are you going to do?

Once her mouth is fully open, I hear a sound effect from her belly that can only be described as a rumble.

Huh? What are you doing?

I don't remember seeing any ability like this.

While I'm momentarily stupefied, I feel something like the wind in my body.

Wait, am I being sucked into this thing's mouth?

What are you, that pink, round character in the stars?!

Is this a new use of the Overeating ability or something?!

Can I do it with Gluttony?!

Shit, I'm going to get sucked in and dragged through the magma... or not.

Oh. The sound is very loud, and there's wind and everything, but it's not loud enough to move me.

The catfish stopped sucking. I guess he noticed.

Then his eyes meet mine.

Hey, I know I'm pretty cute, but don't fall in love with me, okay?

Maybe he's a little nervous, or it could be the kind of vacant expression the catfish always seems to have, but is this guy the friendly mascot character from Middle Layer or something?

After I stop sucking, the catfish comes out of the magma. Actually, it's cute, I have to admit.

Then he opens his big mouth and lunges at me.

Oh, well, that's not pretty. But it's exactly what I was hoping for!

Once it gets close enough, I use Poison Synthesis.

At the same time, I quickly get out of the way.

The catfish swallows the deadly poison as it goes.

I stand to the side and look. Oh, he fell.

Now it's going around.

Deadly spider venom is very strong.

I don't think a common poison would have such a great effect. When Poison Synthesis is combined with the spider venom, I've had all my life, it seems to make it somehow potent.

Actually, this skill is perfect for me.

Anyway, I'll spray more poison on the suffering catfish.

The big guy gives one last spasm and dies.

Now I just have to wait for the effects of the mage, heat wrap and so on to wear off so it cools down, for security reasons.

Then it's time for dinner!

Up until now, I've been eating monsters strictly for survival, even if they taste delicious, but this time it's different!

Just like when I ate those guys to increase my rot resistance, I'll eat this one for the sheer pleasure of it.

Ah, what a time to be alive! I hope it cools down soon.

I can't wait to eat it!


Hope u all enjoy it!