
Ilvermorny: Extended Potterverse

Are you tired of going through another year at Hogwarts starting the same way as 100 other fanfics? Are you tired of following JKR plot word for word with the only change being Sirius Black living well? Are you tired of seeing fourteen-year-old MCs duking it out with Voldemort and Dumbledore simultaneously? Look no more friend, as I have a book for you about a magical society rooted across the pond from Hogwarts. Based loosely on what we know about American Wizarding World, with added extraordinary world of warlocks, vampires, shamans, exorcists, and magical creatures existing in the shadows. Taking no-maj existence seriously, inevitable crisis brews a struggle among three separate but intersecting worlds. Written to be both more realistic and extra magical compared to the Harry Potter series, we follow the adventures of half-Italian, half-French 'wizard' Luca as he experiences the heights and lows of life. Disclaimer: I own not a particle of existence empirical neither virtual.

Kervath · Livros e literatura
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Publishing notes

Hey, you gotta have them notes even if you know people don't read them and generally hate you for writing them. Is this common author's hubris at work? Either way, some background for anyone interested.

I'm terribly sorry for the wrong grammar, I never wrote a page in English before, and in my mother language, I wrote only a short 10-page story 20 years ago to get a better grade. It was about going into space to mine for gold in an asteroid field as far as I can remember, to be honest, pretty good idea for a 10-year-old looking back.

I can't remember a single rule of grammar in any language that I learned, including my 'birth' one. Attempting to write a full book (100k) words only by my intuition, but thanks to a temporary burnout and a slow pace of 1 chapter/3,5 days I decided to check if even a single soul would pay attention to this story and how would the readers rate it before proceeding. Looking for opinions if I need to reeducate myself, or is this barely correct?

Idea for the fanfiction came from the desire for world expansion, akin to Tolkien's works - Silmarillion, Hobbit, etc. instead of world shrinkage that JKR engaged in. I hope/dream she has manuscripts with titles strikingly similar to mine rather than of some clown time-travel stories.

Of course, I also read some utter garbage fanfic prior to the sudden thought of writing my own, as you could perhaps see from the get-go by reading the summary on the title page. Many of them literally repeat the entire Sorting Hat song at the welcoming feast, like come on. Come. On. Brother. Or have an insane/slow premise, I saw a Malfoy story from birth to barely nine stretched for 30k words, and people commented how amazing it was, what a gem of a story. Are they serious?

I think there is 'merit' in this topic for HP fans, and I'm ignorant of fanfics touching it, in hindsight of course there are many, but I want to have my own spin on other schools and the world at large.

I don't want to lock Luca in the school, JKR avoided Hogwarts getting stale by adding new locations every year, Chamber of Secrets/Forbidden Forest, Screaming Shack/Hogsmeade, etc. I don't want to go that route, MC will visit many places, and there are already quite a few of them mentioned/prepared, this can't be considered a spoiler, right? Luca already gets thrown around like a plush teddy bear by a rabid dog.

I'm pretty sure that in my life (maybe year 2070?) I will finish this series even if by writing 1 000 words per week unless JKR herself starts creating those schools' stories and settings. They are cursorily planned:

Durmstrang - Saviour of the British Wizarding World defeated his destined nemesis only to realize Europe is long shrouded in darkness, with people living in fear of the Eclipse Emperor that long unified the fragmented Underworld and decided to stop playing around by launching an invasion on all still opposed Ministries of Magic, a bid to sit openly on the Throne of Magic. Watch Victor Batory's descent into madness in pursuit of power, a trait common in dark wizards, as only those who survive their own crazy experiments rise to be remembered and revered.

Uagadou - unification of Africa, the only school there, engages in lifting up the no-maj living there, Wakanda crossover, Egyptian gods from Rick Riordan series, mummies, MC not powerful but a great thinker and speaker, very kind for a change from a crazy protagonist, many siblings.

Mahoutokoro - a completely 18+, or rather 30+ if you don't want to get scarred for life book, I kind of want to try writing that will earn me a one-way ticket to hell for even thinking about it. Or just a 'normal' harem (as it is Japan, obvious) with a basic template: three competing schools of Ninjutsu (Naruto), Spells (HP), and Elemental Bending (Avatar), conflict with Chinese, MC actually loses because of their discord, China magical world occupies Japan magical world, MC resistance organization. Down on his luck plot armor MC like in those mangas I hear about and some HP fics I read, catching Pokemon Girls left and right.

That's all concerning my work that should be said, Thank You for reading, please comment and subscribe, ring the notification bell, and give power stones. Spread the word around if you enjoy imagining Luca's life and a more complex version of the Harry Potter Universe. I know nothing about marketing and don't want to sound desperate creating my own reddit posts or self-promoting in other ways, I could only come up with posting on reddit which illustrates how hopelessly disconnected I am from sales departments.

Support You-Know-Who monetarily You-Know-Where if you can please.

I would like to have the 'comments page' down here separated for moaning and complaining, maybe people will address things if they are reasonable or not, most likely not, but I want to write what I want to write, that's how this novel started, right? People can ignore or comment I'm stupid for imagining it so.

Somehow a video of the South Korean birthrate falling to 0.8 got recommended to me, and for the past two weeks, there is nothing in my head but depopulation, climate crisis, loneliness crisis, abandonment of dollar, banks collapsing, Samsung overlords, anything YT could find to make me go deeper into the doomer sphere really got beamed straight to my mind. How many people have that experience but can't get out of it I wonder?

The key to getting out of such things is to find a breakthrough in yourself, ask three simple questions every day in your life: What am I doing? Why am I doing it? How to change for the better? What: wasting my time engaging in toxic content, ditching all hobbies, and generally loitering around walking back and forth thinking about those distant problems that have no effect on my life. Why: anxiety because I write in the same slow tempo as in the beginning, failed to meet my goal of words and set a date instead, fear of not getting anything out of it, nobody reads, nobody cares enough to pay those five bucks even as I sink thousands of hours. How in my case: set a task/date for yourself and completely disconnect after accomplishing it/devote all efforts to it. It takes willpower, lack of which I find the root of most people's problems: addiction, laziness, letting this imbalance of chemicals in the brain, or past traumas spiral you into depression, any of it requires one and only thing to overcome: willpower. Only by knowing the cause of your problems, recognizing why your behaviors are what they are, and having the will to change them can take YOU out of the series of holes people's lives are spent to overcome.

That's enough of motivational speech partly for myself, now the complaining/begging stuff and negatives of writing a fanfic that can never be published.

No matter how many thousands of hours I put in, it will never be equivalent to a salary if not for a miracle, which really dampens my drive to continue, as writing isn't a 'pleasure' - it is mostly neutral similar to work and bordering a negative experience because of doubts if anyone will appreciate the look of my heap of words.

I saw other author's work get 10mil+ views on a million words, but only 50 subscribers, don't know if I will be able to continue writing if only 0,001% of readers find my books of any value. Not to sound like a threat or whatever, but it's what I think about a lot of time now in anxiety and nervousness before publishing and checking the comments. Can't keep it together to write a coherent sentence for a week, kinda hiding it here where not many of you will bother reading to the end. It is a completely different thing if nobody reads, ok, my writing and idea sucks, but if only one in ten thousand people that enjoy reading want to pay for it, how goddamn pointless is my effort? If people enjoy reading the hundreds of thousands of words of my work for days and dozens of hours in the future that I spent thousands of hours making, but still think it doesn't deserve any reward, that would suck so much. People are willing to pay 200€ to see an artist they like but completely ignore the author they enjoyed for so long. It's no surprise that 99% of fanfics don't get finished or are low-effort/insane plots. I won't mention it again or write a chapter of my own thoughts, done to celebrate publishing and stop myself from thinking about it.