
Elementary School Ceremony

The sun was rising in the the countryside of Gumi. Surrounded by rice fields, a modest house exhausted by time and cheap construction awakened its first lights.

Stephan Lee already woke up by the calendar notification from his phone: 20th July 2028 / Assessment Ceremony.

Long dark hair stuck to his face, 8 years old with a lean stature and ordinary Korean features betrayed by his deep green eyes. He was wearing a proud solemn smile with a hint of malice.

Already full of excitement for this long anticipated day, the young boy rushed to the kitchen next door.

Gaeul Lee, 33 years old, was there busily preparing breakfast. Her feeble body, dark circles and blooming wrinkles were not enough to hide her beauty resisting the passage of time. A single mother raising a child as many others after this day the whole world changed. She dutifully carried housework in plus of managing the familial farm to get by without ever showing weakness or letting Stephan worry at his young age.

Turning back at the sudden entrance, she said smilingly: "Steph, already up? Come to the table and eat while I go feed the chickens."

"Good morning Mom," replied Steph while sitting down.

"I'll go to school early with Mina and John, is that okay?"

"Sure, it's finally the big day after all."

Stephen turned to the TV broadcasting about the most important event of his life:

"Today is the annual elementary school graduation ceremony," announced the host, "Since the cataclysm in 2020 and the discovery of mana, Korea transformed the educational system to select and nurture our future mages from a young age."

"The entire world and especially Korea invested most efforts in researching mana, elemental powers and the cataclysm to transform our society and adapt it to this new age."

"Today a Combat Mage offer more deterrence than hundreds of atomic bombs, a Sage Mage render any computer calculations obsolete, a Support Mage erase our previous health system."

"We live in a time where Mages climb at the top of our social pyramid while regular civilians support and assist them in exchange of protection and innovation."

"This event will evaluate the mana synchronization rate determined by birth for every student, a passing grade will determine whether they can get enrolled in a specialized government magic institute."

"In Korea, around 1% of all students succeeded each year to pass this assessment, bringing pride and glory to our country."

Stephan having finished breakfast headed outside, the bright light of the starting summer blinding temporarily his eyes while the humidity entered his lungs. He was walking with determined steps towards his bike. Riding on the dirt covered farm alley, he saw a small plump silhouette facing him from the main road.

"Hey Snake!" shouted John "Hurry up, Queen is already at school and we will be the last to arrive! We have to race!"

This energic jovial figure belonged to Stephen's long time friend and schoolmate John. Short and clearly overweight for his age, he kept on ruling the whole elementary school with the trio relying on Stephan's wits and malice. Wearing a mischievous smile, even this proud boy was trembling with excitement for the coming day.

"Okay Butcher," replied Stephan, "Get on your bike and don't slow us down this time or you might lose a piece of fat."

"Don't act so big Snake!" shouted John "What if you were talking to a future Lord Mage!"

Stephan laughed slowly while wearing a cynical smile, getting closer and closer to the boy face while staring him down,

"Hahahaha, the future Lord Support Mage who will invoke pig meat directly into every Korean household right?"

Fidgeting and trembling, John started to feel in danger while getting a sense of dizziness from this predatory stare. Bowing his head while trying to focus his eyes on the road he weakly declared:

"Okay okay, we all know that you will be the first Combat Mage in Gumi and will rule the country in the future..."

"You are aware," replied Stephan, "The whole school is aware, now there's no turning back from my dream and today is the first step."

John took a deep breath as he was remembering the memories of this school term, how their group of 3 started as outcast until they came to rule the entire school by terror, threats, traps and violence.

The simple thought of having one of their previous victims turn suddenly into a future Lord Mage was terrorizing. Today would determine if they would take a single leap into a bright successful exciting life or fall forgotten into oblivion with the hanging threat of a potential revenge from one of their previous bullying victim.

Still riding on their bike towards school grounds, they passed the portal entrance, and parked before heading to the gymnasium.

At the entrance, a large crowd of elementary school students, parents and professors was already present. Busily talking and sharing their excitement, hopes, worries described well how important this day is for everyone.

At a corner, in a large empty space seemingly conspicuous, A young student girl sat alone. Her dignified posture and air of superiority contrasting with her clearly juvenile features.

"Hey Queen," said the approaching John, "are you ready for today?"

Mina turns towards the duo of boys and smiled slightly,

"Butcher and Snake, you guys took your time, I searched for information while waiting for you and it seems the assessment will begin when the government official arrive."

"Since you are the expert at dealing with classmates among us", replied John, "Do you think they will try to rebel against us after the assessment?"

"No way," said the girl, "I have to remind you that only a select few each year will have a mana synchronization rate high enough to follow a Mage education. From this people, the majority will become Support Mages, one in ten Sage Mages and the legendary one in hundreds Combat Mages.

In a small city like Gumi, we would be hard pressed to find even a handful of Support Mages, these privileged students would be directly sent to Seoul National Mage Institute without even having the chance to say their goodbye. Would they even worry or bother about some small school bullying?

Even if they do keep a grudge we have our boss Snake the future Lord Combat Mage with us right?"

Snake snickered at the obviously ironical remark,

"Anyway, there's no need to fret about this before even getting the assessment results..."

Suddenly the sounds of doors opening from the staff entrance made all conversations stop. In a solemn silence, every members of the crowd was staring at the newcomers. The school director, an old man usually proud and aloof, was respectfully walking a step behind his neighbor.

A tall man, large shoulders, straight back wearing a blue suit, dark sunglasses and a wristwatch adorned by 2 yin yang symbols walked to the podium facing the crowd.

"I'm here to preside over this assessment," declared the man in a strong authoritative voice, "I'm Support Mage Jung Wong from the Ministry of Education."

Stephan and his two helpers stopped their conversation and walked towards the podium listening attentively.

Here is my first time writing something. Any feedback would be extremely appreciated. From chapter 2 onwards I'll respect a publication amount of two chapters a day.

Thank you,

Yunicornecreators' thoughts