
Chapter 1




Surprised by the sudden sound of the alarm, Illiana bolted out of the comforts of her bed screaming. Suddenly the door to her bedroom flew open revealing her very worried big brother Sirus.

She stared at him in shock then bursted out laughing at his appearance. he was holding a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other, and if that wasn't hilarious enough, he was wearing her pink apron which had ruffles in the hem. Yep, he looked like a perfect model of domestic life.

after explaining to him why she screamed he told her to prepare cause she will be late for school.

Her name is Maria Illiana Salvatore, a witch in training, that who she was, well to the rest of the world that is. She never knew her parents. It was always just her and Sirus since she was young. He was both a mother and a father to her and was very protective when it came to her to the point that sometimes he was over bearing. Nevertheless, she loved her big brother so much.

After fixing her bed and showering she headed downstairs for breakfast. Sirus was already at the table eating as if he was starved for months and only encountered food today.

She grabbed a plate and helped herself with the breakfast he prepared in the counter.

"You better hurry up Illia, today's your first day in the academy and you wouldn't want to be late on your first day." Sirus said while munching his toast.

"Yes, mom" she said rolling her eyes at him. and finished breakfast at a record speed.

afterwards she helped sort the dishes and went upstairs to get her things.

Sirus was already waiting by his car when she got down ready to send her to school.

"Now Illia remember, you have to control yourself when using magic, you must keep a low profile as much as possible ok?" Sirus looked straight into her eyes as gave her a stern warning as he pulled to a stop beside the wrought iron Gates of one of the most prestigious schools for magic.

" I know big brother, I'll be fine," kissing her brothers cheeks, Illia jumped out of the car not wanting to hear her brother's long lecture about how she should conduct herself in public.

As Illia entered the school campus a book magically appeared in front of her and started talking.

"Welcome young one to the Seven Willows Academy" said a feminine voice coming from the book," we are happy to have you in our school..."

After the book told her the history of the school it informed to keep it with her always because it would be my reference book/map/class schedule rolled up in one which if you ask me is really convenient. Buzzing with excitement and energy for her new environment and future, Illiana stepped foot into the academy's halls not knowing that her life was just about to change for good...