

"Female… what are you called?" A light, hesitant, female voice says in my head. I freeze, my head going a thousand miles an hour, Holy Macaroni and Chicken Nuggets! I stare at the creature and it's staring at me intently. I must be going crazy, I shake my head and the creature squints its eyes, slightly.      "You heard me?" The same voice says in my head. Without thinking, I nod in response. The thing releases a face of surprise, it's eyes widening, its muscles relaxing a teeny bit. I keep my eyes taped on it, or I'm guessing her. I'm so surprised that I can't speak, so… I try to speak in my mind back, "Umm… Hello? Yeah, I can hear you? whatever you are… No offense."  I really don't want to get this thing mad. It looks even more bewildered when I'm guessing it hears me.  "Hello, as I was asking, what is it the humans call you?" I hesitate when she asks this, I just met this creature, closely reminding me of a dragon. Like, two minutes ago, should I trust her? Then I realize, I thought that out loud.  "You can trust me, no one knows about me. By the way, yes  I'm a dragon. The answer to your last question." I think of what Chris said earlier, "… or a dragon perhaps…" No, Chris has a funny imagination, maybe it's just a coincidence. Yeah he really doesn't believe in dragons…. does he? "I'm Samantha, my friends call me Sam. What's your name?" The dragon's eyes smile slightly, glad that I chose to trust her. "My name…" she says in my head, hesitant, "is Emberlynn." A mix of fantasy, romance, coming of age, and adventure. Authors note: Hope you all like it and ALL comments/suggestions/ideas are welcome. also I'm trying to decide if this should be a trilogy or not. *need help on that* if you could, THANKS A BUNCH! ^-^

Shiriko_Rose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Ch. 9: Darkness


I wait until I can't hear footsteps, is he gone? Did he get lost? Should I go find him? In case he's tricking me, I slowly come out from behind the thick trunk of the tree. I don't see him or hear his footsteps. I start to get worried, what if he gets hurt, what if I can't find him? 

White fluff pats my hands, I look up into the grey, clouded sky. Oh fudge, it's snowing! Now I won't even know where he went because his tracks will be gone in a few minutes. I hurry along retracing my footsteps which are already beginning to fade and rush along with them. A twig snaps nearby behind me, a bone-chilling howl breaks through the forest. I whip around, frightened. I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't wait to see if it's Chris. I blast through the maze of trees, nearly slipping on the softened snow. I dare a glance behind my shoulder and I'm jerked to the ground. The edge of my vision is speckled with stars, my body is numb, I can't move my arms or legs. Are those footsteps? 

My head pounds loudly with every heartbeat. I try to move but my limbs remain immobile. I hear quiet, heavy thumps near me. Yeah, definitely footsteps, but they don't sound human. I start panicking, breathing faster, my headaches so much that it hurts to move it. I feel unconsciousness starting to tug at me, but I still don't know what it's from. I feel something, someone, pick me up, I feel my jacket be punctured by multiple sharp objects, by how they're arranged, it's like teeth. Whatever it is, it's warm and smooth, like snakeskin. I felt like we started moving when I'm dragged under into the darkness.