

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


Inhaling her arousing female scent, " Well it's going to be better," I said to her.

Then, I held my now new 8-inch dick and rubbed its tip on her lower lips making it easy for the next step. After lubricating enough, I looked at her and said, "I am gonna start now Levy, It will be painful at the start, brace yourself."

She just nodded to my words and then prepared herself. I leaned over her in the missionary pose and started sucking on her plump lips while I slowly insert my dick in her vagina. After breaking her hymen, she held my lips with more strength as to say stop it or maybe to cope with the pain. I just moved my dick slowly till I felt like it can't go any more forward for now and waited for her to adjust.

After a minute or so, she left my lips from her hold and simply nods to me. I get what she meant to say and started to move slowly. Over time, the frequency of my strokes got increased and so does the pleasure she felt from me.

"Ahhh~ Haah... Max... f-faster fuck me faster..."

Her moans are getting louder than before and she is not restricting them.

'Wow, it really excites men hearing the moans of the girl under him. Fuck, her moans are too addicting, my rhythm stimulates her moans and her moans stimulate my rhythm. I got stuck in this blissful loop and I don't mind it actually.

Increasing my pace I started to knead her mounds to pleasure her more. As the pleasure she felt increased, she tightens her pussy around my dick which increases the pleasure I feel.

"Haaa... haa... Max, I am c-cumminnggg... haaahn"

She climaxed and the warm grip around my dick got tighter and I could feel her liquid splashing on my dick.

"Haa... haa... Max... it's awesome."

"Don't say it yet. There is still some time to say it." Saying this, I flipped her and raised her ass by holding her hips.

"M-Max... what are you doing?" she asked perplexed by my actions.

"Come on Levy, don't ask those silly questions," I replied with a smile on my face feeling her smooth ass cheeks.

"No... no Max, stop. I am... Ahhhh~"

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport Levy. Let me cum too. Don't just enjoy yourself, let me reach my climax too." I cut her before she could say anything and went inside her to explore her more.

*pah pah pah*

The room which is completely filled with the scent of our activity is now getting filled by the sound generated from the clash of our flesh along with the moans and grunts from us.

I bend over her back and started kissing her back and neck one by one while also teasing her nipples with my hands.

"Hah... hah... hah... Ahhh..."

She in turn increased the volume of her moans, clearly showing that she is enjoying this more and more. I stood straight once again and started to slap those meat cheeks and I can feel the grip of her pussy on my dick increasing more.

"Max, I am reaching the end... hah... haaah..." she said with a lustful voice.

"Hold on I am at my end too... Haaaa..." I said feeling the sensation inside my dick.

"Haaa... haaa... Maxxxx..." She came hard on my dick.

"Fuck... here I cum..." I too cummed in her pussy at the same time.

"Haa... haa..."

She instantly falls on the bed on her stomach and is taking deep breaths. Due to this, my dick came out of her and my semen can be seen dripping from her pussy. I am just a little out of breath thanks to my awakening and an F-ranker. I wanted to continue, but that's not the same case for Levy, who is a virgin, a mortal and not-so-strong woman who has some extra stamina.

Seeing her in that state, I thought, ' I need to stop now before something happens to her.'

I just laid on the bed on my back, beside her. Sensing me laying beside her, she snuggles to me and rests her head on my arm and went to sleep. I keep brushing her soft hair with my free hand and I too took a small nap.

After an hour or so, I woke up and look at the girl who is sleeping peacefully in my arms. I carefully place her on the bed and get down from the bed. I went to the bathroom in her house and cleaned myself.

After cleaning myself, I returned to her room only to look at the mess we did. The bedsheet has been stained by our liquids and her blood which is indicating her ascension to a woman. There are torn clothes on the floor which are obviously ours.

'Damn, I should have been careful. I am never been this hurried during sex in my previous life. Maybe it's the other Max's fault, after all, he has a very high libido. I should try to control my actions next time. I can't tear clothes every time I fuck a girl, it won't be good at least to the poor Levy.'

I took some clothes from my space ring which is gifted by my mom after I was awakened. My ring is almost all empty except for a few pairs of clothes and some medicines that my mom gave me, with the ring.

After dressing, I pulled the chair beside the bed and opened my panel to check my gains.

'System show me the gains'

[Host gained 100 system points.]

Looking at the points, I was shocked. 'Why is the system so miser when giving points? Wait a minute, why am I not hearing any voice? System why are you only displaying the messages?'

[Host, the admin is busy checking something important, so only prompt messages are given for now.]

'Wow, admin... I mean is she a living being spying on me?'

[Host is not yet there to know the answer to that question.]