

What if someone who doesn't want a second life gets one and also gets the ability he doesn't want? Follow our Mc to find out how he turns from a person who doesn't want to live a second life to a person who uses his second life to live life to the fullest. Your favourite R-18 chapters will be available after the story went into a few chapters, but once it starts, there will be frequent R-18 chapters in the story so, please hold up till then. Note: Our MC will have all kinds of relationships with all kinds of women, hope you all find it exciting. And only MC is allowed to do NTR. > Coverpage is downloaded randomly from google, it doesn't belong to me or the story.

See_u_later_R · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


"Good. Don't worry Mack I will make your next life as you like."

Just as Chris said this, I heard a voice which is kind of genderless robotic type saying, " Detected usage of the skill 'Manipulation' on the soul by a God Apprentice, if the skill isn't deactivated in 5 seconds, it will trigger the investigation process. Countdown starts now 5, 4, 3....."

Hearing this, Chris's face pales considerably and there are few sweat drops forming on his face. I wonder do gods too sweat? And before the countdown finishes, he snaps and I somehow feel that something left my body. 'This is dangerous, he is trying to screw my life, I need to go away from him quickly.' I thought to myself.

"Skill deactivated. Have a nice day God Apprentice."

"What is the meaning of this Chris?"

"Oh... that is something similar to an AI in your previous world which is to support and also looks after the souls go through the process of reincarnation or recycle." He said by turning his head to his right.

"Look at me. And you know that's not I am asking. Why are you manipulating me with a spell Chris? Can't you see that I am not interested in this thing? I just want to end everything."

"You only say that since you have retained your past life memories and your troubles, if you didn't have them, you won't object to it. An don't you want to spend a life which is blissful?"

"What blissful life? All those who reincarnated always fights to subjugate Demon Lord or the people who are after their girls. It's too much of a pain in the ass. Wait...if my memories are in way, then you can delete them and you can do whatever you want then I can't object you anymore."

"Haa..." Sighing once again, he said, " That's not a solution because, normally those who are selected for this reincarnation process will be given their memories back to them so that we can predict how they will move and also have them under our control. So, even if you don't have your memories I need to give them to you, even so I can't delete your memories if you regained them by yourself whether you are selected or not for this program because, that AI thing will stop me."

"Fuck" I said. 'This is turning into a mess, why did this happen? Ah... its all due to this stupid apprentice, he can't even kill the right person, I wonder who is so dumb to give him this job.'

"Hey, that's rude Mack. The one I work for is not some dumb one, She is the 'Goddess of Knowledge' show some respect. And don't talk bad about me in your mind. Even I am just an apprentice I can do whatever I want to you, so behave properly." the intensity of his voice increases by the end.

"See Chris, by the series of things that happened, I can assume that you can't do anything to me, so don't try to intimidate me. And you killed the wrong person i.e, you are the one who made the mistake, not me so that makes you dumb. Don't say otherwise. Hump" I said with a snort.

"wh... what...? Aren't you afraid I may do something to you? Why are you talking like that? you Know I can kill you or worse I can torture you for eternity." he asked with... curiosity?

"Come on Chris are you seriously asking me this? I am literally asking you to kill me since I came here, and if you talk about torturing me for eternity, that AI gave you a warning just because you used a spell on me, I don't think it will stay silent while you are 'torturing me for eternity'... hahaha" I said while laughing.

"Huff..." taking a deep breath, he says, " You are right Mack, I can't do anything... for now. But I can do anything once you leaves this place..."

Blood drains from my face as I heard him. 'Idiot, why didn't you think things through. Now this shit is going out of hands.'

"...but don't worry, I am not that petty to hurt a random mortal I met." he said.

I suddenly feel safe. ' Thank god he is a good guy, or else who might know what might happen to me.'

"So Chris, what should we do now?"

"Well we can only reincarnate you..."

"No, I don't want to live again." I cut him before he completes his words.

Sighing once he says, " Listen Mack, your soul is already selected for the process, you need to go to another world whether you like it or not."

After thinking for few minutes, I said, "... Fine, I will go to another world. Did you guys have already selected it? If not, I want to make select one of my wish and I also have some demands."

"Great, you should have said this earlier. What are your demands?" asked Chris very enthusiastically.

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