
If You Love, You'll lose! (BL)

Takashi Sato, former Olympic shooting gold medalist, now the owner of 'Sweet home bakery' was living a peaceful life after immigrated to Italy. Until- A cluster of men in black promptly started destroying the furniture of his bakery. Encountering the European Mafia because the property where Takashi's bakery was legally his, as stated in the contract signed by his father few years ago. Now, in this bewildering situation takashi wasn't ready to give up his bakery. Little does he know that the plan was to built a shopping complex by forcefully taking away the property of people living in the district. "How could you snatch away someone else's house? just to create your sh*tty and useless shopping complex" Audaciously smiling Marió whispered ," The investment is around 500 million euros or else there's another way of paying" Disgusted by his thoughts, the safest way was to work for him. But the situation gets more complex for takashi, when he finds out his father was a traitor working for Giordano's clan. And for survival, no matter what! He couldn't let Mario find out about this...

Hey_Impresent16 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Keep Me, instead!

The closeness was getting me discomforted, I pushed him away. I didn't want to be involved but the more I was resisting the more i was getting into the mess.

"I don't know, what you're trying to pull but you won't be getting anything from snatching others property!" I just made it clear, the purpose i came for and he was least interested in listening.

I couldn't read his expressions because of the darkness but one thing for sure, he was surely enjoying it.

The conversation was interrupted by his man, "Boss, the plans for the shopping complex architects in San polo has arrived".

A shopping complex? Is he serious? Just for a shopping complex? How could someone be so shameless for money? And upon that on the land which isn't even his!

He took the documents and kept them aside.

" So,where we were?" Ugh! he started again with his wildness. I just wanted to finish it soon and so i made everything clear.

"How could someone be so shameless? snatching away other's land for making your sh*tty and useless shopping complex!!!"

He again moved closer while blatantly surrounded my waist by his arm. It was extremely uncomfortable for me. I don't know! what this pervert was thinking but he moved his lips to ears and whispered," The investment is 500 million euros ,either you give me or I know another way of paying".

"GET OFF ME!!!", I straightaway landed a punch on his face or so, that's what i thought. He was absolutely fine with instead he blocked it with his hand.

" I'm hurt, You were going to punch me, you do hate me a lot more than I thought, Well, then it can't be helped but I've got a surprise for you!!!!!!"

The way the expression of his voice switched was atrocious. He switched the lights on and-

"OLIVIAAA!!" I was terrified by the sight. she was lying on the bed just next to him unconsciously and naked ,along with two more people.

My blood pressure was certainly going to burst.

"What did you do to her? YOU BLOODY MONSTER!!" I wanted to kill him on the spot but he was too strong and was blocking all of my attacks.

"Didn't do anything yet! Wait is she really that special to you? perhaps your girlfriend ? Ah, I see this is getting interesting", he was wickedly smiling.

The word 'interesting' itself was mischievous, I couldn't control myself and threw some punches at him. He was amazingly blocking them and now i was at my limits.

" Hmm?You really don't understand the situation you are in? do you? Okay, I'll free her after satisfying myself"

He stood up and punched me in my abdomen but i couldn't get away like this. It wasn't the end. I gathered the last few pieces of my strength and as i was about hit him, he grabbed me by neck and smashed me on the ground.

"What a tough guy", I was partially awake even with my body in it's worst condition. He pulled my hair brutally, It was hurting like hell, my body had never been this damaged.

The purpose of pulling my hair was to show me how powerless i am while he was going to force olivia in this condition. No, I can't let this happen," I will- Not Let Him"

I gritted my teeth and grabbed his leg, "Stop it! let her go...ugh".

" What a pitiful sight!" the mockery in his eyes, he was looking down at me.

"I said, let her go instead..I'll work for you..!", I don't care about anything, I just want to save olivia.

"hmm, but what will you do here? there's no work for you", He just want to play with me, I can sense his intentions.

" I Said, I'll do whatever you want me to", And with this the sly grin on his face was all i could see, I was out of breath and just then i fainted.

"Stubborn Ass!"

The next time i opened my eyes, I found myself in an unknown place. The room was quite spacious with high class interior, a queen size bed with soft quilt and an air purifier. It was totally different from the hotel i went in. My bruises were bandaged well.

"You woke up, Mister!"

I looked at the door where an old man in his fifties, dressed in a black suit was, He asked me politely, "Are you feeling well now?".

" Yeah, but where i am?"

"Please take your medicines, first", he handed me the tablets and a syrup.

"Master will be here soon! So, please rest well", And he left without answering.

And soon I fell asleep due to the medicine. As soon as i woke up, a strange type of heaviness was around my body. I rubbed my eyes and switched the lights on," YOUU!!"

I pushed his arm away, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Screaming at midnight! Just lie down here. You don't have the right to question, Remember?"

He pulled me down and went to sleep while, I was so uncomfortable the whole night which cramped my half side.

The next morning was hectic, he was gone the moment i woke up, "Such a load of heaviness! damn"

The same old man brought me clothes, After i took a shower. He told me to go downstairs for the breakfast with his master. Even, the thought of eating with him made me lose my appetite but i couldn't refuse.

As i went downstairs, I saw him sitting peacefully and it was making me obnoxious.

After cramping my whole body and ruining my life, he is eating so peacefully,"crazy mf"

"Good Morning!"

Good? No, fucking way this is a good morning, it's the worst, I forced a smile and greeted him back. The old man asked, "Would you like some milk tea?"

I'd like to dip him in the hot tea. Ugh! my thoughts were turning more and more evil but it isn't my fault, "Plain warm milk is fine"

The breakfast was amazing, I was full and didn't wanted to move.

"Go, get ready!", his tone changed all of a sudden as if someone switched his mode.

" Wh-Where?" i questioned him even knowing i shouldn't but i still did.

"Looks like you forgot , what you promised?"