
IF ONLY.....

Some have family to survive for. Some have love to survive for . Some have dreams to survive for . Some have goals to survive for. What do I have , no family , no love , no goals , no dreams , all I have is the feeling of darkness and gloominess all around me and I bring darkness to everywhere I go , I always wanted a happy family some teenage romance , stupid friends , dreams to catch , but if only everything went according to we want It would all be worthless , If only....... I assure you , you will have a great time reading my book ! p.s from Lucy: get some popcorn and blanket cause you are to read some serious drama !

bitch_699 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Wore a bath robe and secretly ran in Stephan's room.

I locked it and started searching in drawers .

I found it in the cupboard ohm maybe one of is bitches he fuckedis had the stripper entry card , took it and secretly ran to my room .

It was 8 fuckin god , I wore a hoodie and panties , took my phone and my jeep keys and secretly ran out when I saw there is nobody in the living room .

I drive to the warehouse and dressed into the costume I had to make him lose his senses .

whatever I wore that shit barely covered me and did my makeup , when I came out wearing those 10 inch heels and hardly any clothes , everybody gasps , but they put their eyes down and bowed .

I sat in the limo , with the four and drive to skulls , it takes me an hour once I reach , its already 11:30 .

I spot Matteo and take a pole right in front of him and start dancing on the pole , gymnastics help you know , , I knew he would notice me ,he points a finger for me come to him

" time to play a sweet slutty bitch " I whisper to myself .

I look down and walk towards him , when I reach him , he pulls me on his thigh and damn it hurt , he pulls my hair ,

" address me ass daddy " he says trying to act intimidating

" yes daddy " I bite my lip

" so you slut, you dare tease daddy " he was going to kiss me

But his special beer came , thank god , the man was not disgusting , good body ,kind of looks good but boy I hated his guts

As soon as he gulps it , he starts feeling giddy ,my turn sweetie .

I slowly take him to the bathroom making it look as if he was going for sex , following my body guard behind acting as his bodyguards for nobody to doubt .

After taking him to bathroom , I pull away and my bodyguard takes him out by the back exit , we sit in the limo , and drive back to the ware house

"quick" i scream .

They nod and drive fast when we reach the warehouse

I change in what I wear regularly after having a very rough shower , rubbing his hands off me and his dirty comments from my mind , as soon as I showered I was back into my clothes I had ordered them to put him in the basement .

I take my guns put the poison on my hands and walk in the basement so now it's time to talk to sweet sweet Matteo and find some shit!!

* the basement *

" And is that the one and only Matteo " I sing

" what the fuck do u want u stupid bitch " he screams

I smirk "now If I were u I would be careful with my words, the only way reason you are alive is because you worth something otherwise I got things better than talk to perverts " i say sliding my knife slowly down my jawline.

I remove my mask and sit in front of him and wear my knifes on fingers , he gets me who I am .

" death" he whispers ,fear evident in his voice

" the one and only " I smirk

" so tell me do u know anything about Maksim " he smirks , god these men .

" and why do u want to know about it ?" he sound aloof , god how i want to rip his chest out and i will do exactly that.

I scoffed and put my hand in his chest

The poison twisted in his chest " ahhhhh " he screams

" sweetie i have just started " i say as i remove the knifes from my bag.

I kept torturing him for the next 8 hours but he did not say a word , god even though I love torturing people , but I think I should give him a break .

I go in my office and search for no 2

Then I realize all the others are going to be an easy target , so, I take my jeep and get into work and start meeting all the people

I have to be very pissed today and torture 4 people, they all die but only utter the word Matteo.

I so fuckin knew it , in 400 people there was only he and some of few fellows that have the information and security .

When I reach back to los angles and sit back in my office I realize that's it's been 3 days that I have not been home .

In reality I miss them , but I can't forgive them .

I need Ace but how do I forgive 7 years of abandonment , I look at myself in the mirror and see so many bruises .

you know fighting 4 empires and then dropping them back without their hearts does need a little fight .

I decide to go back home and have a little rest , I hope I deserve it .

I pick my jacket and my keys , I have not even opened my phone since 3 days .

I drive back to the mansion .

I realize that they did not even care if I was not there or not , otherwise they would have caused an commotion , anyway I don't want them to search cause I'm here for 4 months do mah work and be out.

I just had some drug quickly and went inside ,

Its 2 am and there are no lights on , I park my car and go inside and directly to the room that I use for now .

I shower and wear a hoodie and a thong and laid in bed , but I could not got to sleep so i got up and slowly wet to Ace's room and I saw that there was no one here ell thank goodness .

I just looked around for him , I just wanted to sleep or receive some peace , not search anything and all revenge shit .

I don't know what clicked in my mind I removed my hoodie threw it on his bed and ran to his closet and picked one of his hoodies it was till my knees .

since he was not here, I decided to go downstairs ,while I was moving down the stairs I saw that there was a study lamp on , curiosity kills the cat heard of it.

I walked towards it and saw it is the fourth floor and ace's office I slowly tip toed and stood in front of his office , and without thinking went inside to see a heavenly sight .

Ace in his sweat pants without shirt , his head laid back on the chair sleeping , I touched my mouth and checked if I was drooling .

I slowly tip toed to him and knelt in front of him and touched his hand , just drew my fingers on his nerves and touched his v shape , where it was slight blue and whispered very softly

" does it hurt ? "I unknowingly pout

I put my head on his lap and his hands on my head and without even thinking anything I was out like light, my only thought if only I was better for them if only!

hello swettiiiesss

i know you guys maybe angry , you can kill me if u want , just been going through a lot recently , so could not update.

i'll try to change my update schedule

how are you all though ? i hope doing good , and i know life sucks .

have a good time , like share and comment.

bitch_699creators' thoughts