
Chapter 1


Italic - the girl.

Normal - Will and others.


"Hello, Willy! Is everything alright there?"

"You sound so cheerful! What made you so happy today?"


"You know, you don't have to pretend, Boo. It's okay --- "

"I-I'm trying, Will. I'm trying."


"Hello, Boo. What are you doing?"

"You know you're not supposed to be calling at this odd hour. Don't you have stuff to do?"

"I got some free time in hand, so don't be salty --- "

"Oh my god, what was that noise? Will? Where are you? Will! Say something!"

"Listen, I'm right here. Don't panic --- "

"Then what was that noise of bombs a-and explosives?"

"They're just training, there's nothing wrong here."

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't be --- "

"You have every right to, I understand. This is our first time so it is going to be difficult. It is for me too, leaving behind a gorgeous woman all alone."

"I'll be alright. Ah! Oh good lord! No, I'm sorry, th-that noise again."

"They're just training, Boo. I think we should switch to texting like our old, good days."


Text Message 1

It feels like we're back to the days when we were seventeen, you know? You were away for military training and you used to sneak your phone to text me almost everyday. It was so thrilling yet such an innocent act.

Sent : 08:00 pm

Date : 2nd April

That was six years ago, but it just feels like yesterday. We were so young and in love that even after getting caught, I somehow carried on our little affair. My friends used to know that I was talking to you whenever they saw this sly, crooked smile of mine. I miss those days, Boo. I miss us.

Received : 08:03 pm

Date : 2nd April

Yeah me too, Will. Me too.

Sent : 08:04 pm

Date : 2nd April

Text Message 2

How's all going?

Received : 08:02 pm

Date : 3rd April

The same old stuff. Mrs Winter's family is off to Brazil for a tour. Carlos and his family have also gone on a vacation. Now, it's just me and our old granny, Mary.

Sent : 08:05 pm

Date : 3rd April

That's no good. Nobody is around you and you're living all alone in our house. Let me call my sister, she'll move in with you this summer.

Received : 08:07 pm

Date : 3rd April

Don't bother your sister! She always wanted to visit places around her university during holidays. I'll be fine, Will. Our neighbourhood is safe. If anything happens, I'll tell you. I promise.

Sent : 08:10 pm

Date : 3rd April

Okay, but I'm still not convinced, Boo. I don't approve of this, if something is wrong, you tell. Okay?

Received : 08:14 pm

Date : 3rd April


Sent : 08:15 pm

Date : 3rd April

Text Message 3

Hi, Will.

Sent : 08:00 pm

Date : 4th April

Hey, babe.

Received : 08:01 pm

Date : 4th April

Ew, no. That's not Will. Who are you?

Sent : 08:02 pm

Date : 4th April

Ah, I'm Jeff.

Received : 08:03 pm

Date : 4th April

I don't care about your damn name! Stop snooping around and give the phone back to Will.

Sent : 08:04 pm

Date : 4th April

Aw, but you asked my name! You're being a meanie! Who are you?

Received : 08:05 pm

Date : 4th April

What are you, five? And you don't know about me?

Sent : 08:06 pm

Date : 4th April

I just know you're Boo, as the name says on the screen.

Received : 08:08 pm

Date : 4th April

Well, I'm Will's wife.

Unsent : 08:09 pm

Draft message saved.

Date : 4th April

Well, I'm his ...

Unsent : 08:11 pm

Draft message saved.

Date : 4th April

I'm his girlfriend.

Sent : 08:12 pm

Date : 4th April

Oh, too bad.

Received : 08:13 pm

Date : 4th April


Sent : 08:13 pm

Date : 4th April

I thought I might have a chance with you.

Received : 08:15 pm

Date : 4th April

Give the phone back to Will, please.

Sent : 08:16 pm

Date : 4th April

Text Message 4

I'm sorry about yesterday, Jeff is really annoying. Hopefully, he didn't bother you much.

Received : 08:06 pm

Date : 5th April

Yeah, I didn't like him intruding but now it's okay.

Sent : 08:07 pm

Date : 5th April


Received : 08:08 pm

Date : 5th April

This distance is really putting you off, isn't it?

Received : 08:09 pm

Date : 5th April

It was the same earlier too, you know? The only difference is now I'm actually here defending our land whereas before it was only training.

Received : 08:13 pm

Date : 5th April

It's not the same, Will. It's just not! Loneliness is eating me alive and I'm just so much worried about you. I know this your job and you're not the only soldier, but it still hurts. This hurts.

Unsent : 08:20 pm

Draft message saved.

Date : 5th April

Yeah, I know Will. I'm alright.

Sent : 08:30 pm

Date : 5th April

Text Message 5

Sorry, I was busy these last two days. Anyway, what are you doing?

Received : 08:09 pm

Date : 8th April

Nothing interesting, really. I'm so bored here.

Sent : 08:16 pm

Date : 8th April

You know, you can fulfill all your wishes these holidays. You've got all the time in the world.

Received : 08:18 pm

Date : 8th April

My only wish is to marry you. I know this sounds ridiculous and crazy since we're just twenty - three, but we have known each other for so many years. I know at this young age the prospect of marriage might be frightening. I just want to know that one day we'll get married and that this relationship is going to end good.

Sent : 08:23 pm

Date : 8th April

My wish is to get married too, Boo. I'm not afraid of commitment, you know that well. All my life I have dated only you and I want to be with only you, that thought doesn't bother me. Marriage wouldn't change anything for us. It would be the same old me holding you and loving you. And if the idea of marriage is crazy, then I'm up for crazy! One day Boo, you're going to make me the happiest man alive by whispering, 'I do.'

Received : 08:25 pm

Date : 8th April

I don't think I deserve you, Will. You're too good.

Sent : 08:28 pm

Date : 8th April

Say that again and watch me turn into hulk.

Received : 08:30 pm

Date : 8th April

I would love to see you green.

Sent : 08:31 pm

Date : 8th April

I'm serious, Boo. Don't you dare ever say that again, because you deserve someone far better than me. Someone who would be there for you everyday and not keep you waiting.

Received : 08:32 pm

Date : 8th April

Text Message 6

I ...

Sent : 08:18 pm

Date : 9th April

What happened, Boo? Is everything alright?

Received : 08:19 pm

Date : 9th April

Nothing, I'm fine. The earlier text was sent by mistake.

Sent : 08:30 pm

Date : 9th April

Oh, okay.

Received : 08:32 pm

Date : 9th April Text Message 7

I think someone is watching me, Will.

Unsent : 03:00 am

Draft message saved.

Date : 10th April

Text Message 8

I-I'm not sure, but I think I spotted the silhouette of a man in our backyard in the middle of the night. I don't know if I'm just imagining stuff because it was just for a fraction of a second before he fled. I don't want you to get worried and all alpha male, so I'll be sending this very same text message when I'm sure. Hopefully, I will never get a chance to send this.

Unsent : 08:09 pm

Draft message saved.

Date : 11th April

Text Message 9

Hello, Boo. I got some news.

Received : 08:08 pm

Date : 12th April

Is it good or bad?

Sent : 08:09 pm

Date : 12th April

You just listen to me, okay? Don't freak out.

Received : 08:11 pm

Date : 12th April

Oh, so it's bad news.

Sent : 08:15 pm

Date : 12th April

Not really. Along with some other soldiers, I will be sent off somewhere else. I can't really tell where, because I cannot disclose that information to anybody.

Received : 08:18 pm

Date : 12th April

Is that place safe, Will?

Sent : 08:20 pm

Date : 12th April

You know that none of the soldiers are safe here, Boo.

Received : 08:22 pm

Date : 12th April

Is this place more dangerous than where you are?

Sent : 08:22 pm

Date : 12th April

Don't make this hard for both of us. Please don't.

Received : 08:25 pm

Date : 12th April

Text Message 10

Why didn't you tell me earlier? I know this transfer requires long procedure and it just cannot be implemented any second.

Sent : 08:09 pm

Date : 13th April

I couldn't Boo, I'm sorry.

Received : 08:11 pm

Date : 13th April

Okay, but the timings for talking would be the same?

Sent : 08:13 pm

Date : 13th April

Yeah. On the bright side, after this project of ours gets completed we will be excused for a few months. So I'll be back home before our regular holidays begin.

Received : 08:15 pm

Date : 13th April

Really? That's great! I'm so happy that you'll be home soon.

Sent : 08:16 pm

Date : 13th April