

Serenity POV

"Are you okay?", I asked Maverick.

After the incident two days ago, we can only meet him today. We just want him to have a proper. I see in between his eyes. His trauma.

"Azazel... where is he?", he asked.

"He'll be fine. You can meet him if you want. But for now, rest first."

"Why he did do that?"

I rub his hair. To ease his feeling. Honestly, I don't have an answer to that question.

"I don't know. That was the first time. Don't think about it now. Evander was there to help us," I said.

"Like usual. He is always there. Especially if you're the one who's in danger," he replied.

"What? Don't be silly. He was there because of us. You know he cared about us even with his cold mode," I replied.

Maverick just smiled. A bitter smile. I don't know why. Evander asked me about talking to Maverick, but I still don't know what's the motive.

"Ahh, so here you're! Don't go anywhere without telling me!", said Claudia who was suddenly there.

"I don't want to bother you since you were sleeping in your room," I replied.

"Nah, you never bother me. So, hello young man. How are you feeling?", she asked Maverick.


“By the way, the King and Queen also want us to stay inside the castle for the time being to help them with the investigation. We need to agree with that. Seems like they still don't want us to leave. The investigation is almost over. They just want to know if Azazelis a pureblood werewolf or gets infected by another werewolf.”

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

A few days later...

"So, apparently he's a pure-blood werewolf. His blood test showed it. I do not doubt that he's from the Mauve Kingdom," said the professor.

"Oh, okay," King Alexander replied.

The King and Queen want us to follow this meeting since we're Azazel's close friends. Knowing that Azazel is a pure-blood werewolf is just mind-blowing. He showed no sign of that.

"So, this land did something to them," said Queen Elizabeth.

"Sorry for interrupting, but can I ask something?", I asked.

"Sure. Carry on Serenity," Queen Elizabeth replied.

"What do you mean by something, my Queen?", I asked.

The Queen smiled before answering my question.

"This land belongs to the faes and fairies. The land is also a powerful creature. They absorb a lot of magic. Until whoever steps on this land can reveal themselves. Even without the land, we faes can know people's origin," she explained.

"Oh, so that's why Azazel turns into a werewolf all of a sudden," said Claudia.

"Yes. And all of you might also figure out something later. From now on, just stay inside the castle. Don't worry about your work. You can start it

by next week. Feel free to stay," said King Alexander.

Reveal who we are. Of course, I want that! I want to know my origin! After the meeting ended, we continue to go to our room. Our room is next to

each other on the third floor of this castle. So, it's easy for us to meet up.

"So, are you gonna stay?", Claudia asked.

"Of course! At least, until I remember something!"

"If that's so, I'll be here for you," said Claudia.

"Aww, thanks a lot!"

Evander didn't talk since the meeting ended. I wonder what's in his mind.

"What are you thinking?", I asked.


"Are you sure? Mind to share?"


He walks faster to his room. Hy doesn't want us to interrupt his matter.

Evander POV

After I woke up from the sleep that the doctor made, I can't stop thinking about this. Werewolves should be three times stronger than a normal humans like me. But, I manage to make him collapse. Even though I was breathless after that. It's just weird. Somehow, I don't think I'm a normal human. I might be something else in this world. Or maybe it's just because I was too eager to save them so my adrenaline works well.

I lay down on the bed. I close my eye just to rest my mind. My body is also still in pain. Now, I can't keep thinking about it. It's just a coincidence. Nothing more. I'm a normal human same as the others. But I still have a chance to find the truth as long as I'm here. Hopefully, the truth is what I want to hear. But sometimes, the truth is full of hurtfulness. A moment later, I fall asleep.

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

"Ezra! What are you doing?! I told you to go away from here! Now!"

The voice. I don't know who is he. How can he know my middle name? Why he wants me to run away? From who? To where? I have nowhere

to go. I don't have anyone else! I stared at his face. Hoping for a solid answer. But the guard keeps pushing me away.

"Where am I?", I asked myself.

"Prince Evander, please. We need to hurry. You're no longer safe here!", said the guard.

"Prince? Safe? What the heck do you talking about?", I asked.

I finally followed the guard. Not long after that, I heard people screaming. The scream echoes everywhere. This place has been attacked!

"No! We need to help them! Let me go!", I said while struggling with the guard's hand wrapping my arm.

There was a huge pinkish beam around the place. I don't know who they're. But they surely need help. How can this guard abandon those

people? I saw something flying here and there. Attacking everyone.

"Hey! Let me go! Let me go!", I screamed.

I don't understand but I'm in a child's body. So, I'm not that strong to escape this guard.

"My prince, please. The King wants you to go!"

"Who is the king?! I'm not your prince! Now, let me go! They need help, you idiot!"

I didn't realize I'm crying.


"Evander? Evan! Are you okay?"

Her voice woke me up from that dream. My head felt hurt and spinning. The guard just punches me in the face. I massage my head to ease the

pain and sit down. The dream feels so real.

"What's wrong? I heard you screaming," Serenity asked.

"Scream? What do you mean?"

"Evan, you can't hide it. I know you were screaming just now. And you keep breaking into a cold sweat. What'shappenedn?"


Does she just burst into my room without knocking on the door?

"I knocked on the door but your scream continues. So, I just burst in. Happy now?", she said.


I try to stand up after feeling my head much better. I don't want to be around her. She will dig everything she can. But, I'm not that fortunate. I

fall to my knees. In front of her. There's no turning back. She definitely will know something.

"Oh my god! Let me help you!", she said, holding out her hand.

I push aside her hand and stand up by myself. I'm not that weak. I don't need help at the moment.

"Thanks but please get out," I said.

"Tell me what happens."