

In a world ravaged by demonic calamities, Aiden, a man who lost everything, his sister vanished in a mysterious abduction, his parents scarred by the hellish energy that brought demons to Earth. Amidst the chaos, Aiden is cast out by his foster family, cheated of all he held dear. But fate grants him an opportunity: to save his ailing mother, locate his missing sister, and ascend to unparalleled strength as something more than a Contractor, humanity's last hope against the infernal onslaught. A tale of resilience, retribution, and redemption unfolds in the ashes of a shattered world.

Wize_king · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs

Absolute Oblivion!

"Are you all right?" Amanda inquired, her eyes locked onto the enigmatic blue-eyed woman beside her.

Lotus, having regained her composure, responded, "I'm perfectly fine, just lost in thought." She paused briefly, a touch of mystery in her gaze, before continuing, "Perhaps I got a bit carried away."

Amanda nodded, her concern still evident as they both observed the escalating situation on the stage.

Turning her attention to Amanda, and noticing her behavior Lotus asked, "Do you happen to know that participant?"

Before Amanda could respond, Mark interjected, "Yes, we do." His words drew an irritated reaction from Sarah, who smacked him on the head.

Amanda, unsatisfied with the unfolding events, voiced her concern, "You'd think Miss Lotus would prioritize safety in this fight. Look at this chaos; security intervenes only after the fight, and my brother Aiden nearly lost his life."

Lotus pondered Amanda's words but was interrupted by Bruce, who asserted, "Killing someone in the stadium isn't against the rules. Those security men are pursuing her for another reason."

The group exchanged confused glances, still uncertain about what was transpiring. They decided to watch events unfold.

Unexpectedly, a loud voice rang out: "I think Lotus would do better as a housewife." Turning around, they spotted an elderly woman in blue robes.

While some in the audience ignored her due to her age, a few dissatisfied onlookers responded with insults.

Amid the commotion, Lotus who seemed amused inquired, "What leads you to that conclusion, ma'am?"

Hearing Lotus's inquiry The elderly woman responded, "Just look at the commotion, all she knows how to do is kill demons and organize dangerous tournaments like this, if you ask me I think she should settle down, not everyone needs to be powerful and famous."

The elderly lady's reasoning seemed comical, causing Lotus to suppress a chuckle. "And who do you believe is worthy of Miss Lotus?" she asked, playing along.

The elderly lady proudly pointed to a young man, who blushed and smiled apologetically at Lotus. "Certainly, my grandson is the perfect choice."

Lotus chuckled softly, and the crowd collectively concluded that the lady's words were nothing more than the ramblings of a delusional elder. The idea that Lotus didn't need fame was met with amusement.

As the elderly woman's words hung in the air, the crowd's dissatisfaction grew evident.

"Something's happening," someone yelled from the audience, diverting their attention back to the unfolding spectacle.


Lily had complied with the security men not resisting in the slightest, Aiden watched one of the men walk up to her and cuff her, but just then.

"Bam," she suddenly stepped on the man's foot making him howl in pain, "you bitch," he yelled as he tried to manhandle her," a powerful blue glow could be seen around his arm exposing his identity as a Contractor, although weak he was still a Contractor.

But his actions seemed to be a mistake.


The sound of a loud bang sounded out once more, it was as loud as a gunshot and all everyone could see was Lily standing in a punching position with a headless figure in front of her.

Blood, flesh, and brain matter scattered everywhere, as a golden glow flashed in her eyes.

She had broken the cuffs, "how's that possible," everyone thought, as even the other guards froze, parents covered their children's eyes and some weak-minded people stopped watching the TV.

The guards stayed frozen as they watched their comrade slump on the ground.


A voice suddenly shouted from the speakers, it was Gold who was ordered to stay put, everyone could sense the urgency in his voice.

"Let's leave," Bruce said as he got up with narrowed eyes, A lot of people had already stood up as they prepared to leave, at the same time.

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang," a myriad of gunshots sounded out all moving towards Lily at the same time but something amazing happened.

"Tang, Tang, Tang," metallic collisions reverberated through the stadium, drowning out all other sounds.

The crowd watched in awe as Lily effortlessly deflected the bullets with the handcuffs that now adorned her hands, functioning as metal bracelets.

She couldn't help but mockingly laugh, "Haha, the Contractor's resorting to guns, how amusing."

Amid the spectacle, Lily sensed an intense gaze upon her.

Her eyes sought out a woman with striking blue eyes and blond hair, strangely unbothered by the chaos, seated comfortably. A wry smile graced Lily's lips as she whispered, "Lotus."

Turning her attention briefly to Aiden, who couldn't tear his eyes away from her, she playfully stuck out her tongue.

Her voice resonated through the stadium as she declared, "I'll be taking my leave now, but I'll leave a gift for the seventh shelter. This is from the nineteenth apostle to you."

"Boom," with those words, an explosion of visible golden aura engulfed her.

The aura immobilized everyone in the vicinity, rendering them as if they carried a crushing weight, causing them to slump to the ground, breathless. Their collective thought echoed: "Hell energy?"

However, Landon remained an exception, gasping in surprise as he observed the unfolding spectacle, "that's not hell energy," he thought.

"So it seems you're here alone," "Boom," an indifferent voice cut through the tension, followed by an explosion of equally intense purple energy.

The opposing force shattered the golden aura's hold on the spectators, allowing them to regain their mobility. Even Gold, formidable as he was, had succumbed momentarily to the golden aura but now moved with lightning speed, guiding some of the civilians to safety.

The alarms blared with a shrill tone, announcing, "Threat level 69 hell energy detected."

While this revelation drew attention, it was not the hellish energy itself that panicked them; they knew it was Lotus's signature.

Their concern lay in Lotus's whereabouts. Searching frantically, their gazes landed on a solitary woman with blond hair and blue eyes, sitting nonchalantly, her calm presence challenging the chaos.

Hearts raced as they watched this enigmatic woman undergo a transformation. Her blond hair darkened, and her blue eyes turned an intense shade of purple.

Meanwhile behind Lotus the elderly woman and her son along with a few civilians who were restricted by the golden energy of just now started at the woman in front of them, their eyes widened as they realized that they had been talking to Lotus herself.

Lotus glanced at the elderly woman behind her, a smirk gracing her lips as she said, "Thanks for your suggestion Aunty but I'd rather be famous instead."

As she said this a golden glow flashed by moving as it picked up the elderly woman and her son, it was Gold who moved quite quickly.

A fierce energy emanated from the two women, causing the stadium to tremble, threatening to crumble at any moment.

With a serene smile, Lily admitted, "I'm alone here, so I can't defeat you, Lotus. But don't worry; you'll have another chance to meet the Holy One. Peace be onto your soul."

In a blinding flash, Lily vanished, leaving behind a small metal ball that emitted a series of alarms.


It detonated with a resounding blast, flinging those too close, including Aiden, who groaned in pain.

The situation grew even graver as an immense force pushed against their bodies.

Water bodies within the stadium burst from their containers and hovered in mid-air.

The alarms wailed once more, announcing, "Threat level 56 demon detected at Twilight City's Stadium. All citizens are advised to evacuate."

The alarm said that but it was easier said than done, the air distorted and a rift appeared, but it was unlike your average rift, it looked unstable and it was as large as a building.

"What a kind of demon would come out of that," Aiden who was finding it difficult to even sit up thought.

"Aiden," Landon suddenly yelled from inside his mind, "are you stupid?" He yelled as he darted in, "There's a soul right in front of you."

Hearing this Aiden looked towards the soul a few meters away from him, it was from the man that Lily had killed and it was dissipating quickly, Aiden felt like slapping himself, he couldn't believe he was missing such an opportunity.

With a large amount of pressure pushing him to the ground Aiden could only use his hands to drag his body towards the soul, while the bosses fought he decided to shamelessly reap the rewards, it's not like they could use it anyway.

Human looking arm as big as a car suddenly grabbed onto the two edges of the rift, "roar," a demonic roar sounded out as a gigantic figure jumped out of the rift so suddenly that it seemed to have run through it from the other side.

The energy doubled pushing everyone to the ground once again, they didn't even get a break, and the stadium trembled even more intensely than before.


The reinforced glass shattered as the demon landed on the ground, its weight caused the stadium to tremble.

The stadium was on the verge of collapsing, and metal bars and rods fell from the sky, "Pierce," an unlucky man was pierced, as a metal rod impaled him, from the head down.

Many people couldn't handle this violent energy as they convulsed on the ground with white foam coming out of their mouths, that was hell energy shock.

A condition that showed up when normal humans were exposed to a large amount of hell energy so suddenly, these people would die if they weren't given medical attention quickly.

The demon's grotesque appearance sent shivers down the spine of all who beheld it.

Its head resembled a snail's visage, but infinitely more horrifying. Its body mirrored that of a skinned gorilla, while its legs took on a nightmarish goat-like form. Towering over the stadium like a colossal house, it gazed down upon the helpless humans like insignificant ants and unleashed a deafening, demonic roar that filled the air with sinister vibrations.

The sound was so malevolent that it created sonic booms, causing the eardrums of the imprisoned audience to vibrate in agony.

The monstrous entity lurched forward, its gigantic, corrupted hands oozing malevolence as it approached the terrified crowd. Panic surged through the stadium, but then, an unexpected savior emerged.

With a resounding "bang," a towering golden giant materialized, reaching the height of the demon's waist. It grabbed the demon's colossal hand, its knees buckling under the tremendous force.

The ground beneath them cracked from the sheer power of the demon's push. In the midst of the chaos, Aiden managed to reach the soul and consumed it, instantly feeling a surge of newfound strength.

Landon's voice echoed, "A soul of the Aries star has been consumed. +5 strength." Aiden sighed in relief as he felt his injuries healing.

Suddenly, a loud "crack" reverberated through the stadium, startling everyone.

They watched in alarm as the armored giant, their protector, began to crack under the demon's relentless assault.

The demon remained silent but exerted even more force, seemingly toying with Gold.

However, an unexpected intervention occurred.

A formation of white mist, resembling a centipede, flowed over from the distance entangling the demon.

Though its movements didn't appear to inflict visible damage, those nearby noticed that small amounts of the mist were infiltrating the demon's pores.

The demon grew increasingly uncomfortable, withdrawing its arm from the golden giant and frantically scratching its body in an attempt to rid itself of the mist. Yet, its efforts proved futile, as the mist reformed after each dispersal.

In frustration, the giant roared, discharging a massive surge of hellish energy that inflicted further harm on those in its vicinity.

The energy pushed back the mist temporarily, revealing a masked human figure plummeting toward the ground.

Just before the collision, another figure raced forward and caught her. It was Lotus, her hair billowing in the wind as she ran.

Placing her hand to her ear, she communicated through her earpiece, "Tell everyone to cover their eyes."

A demonic bird materialized in the distance rapidly flying towards her, with a residing "boom," Lotus jumped with so much force that the ground beneath her cracked.

She propelled herself into the air almost as if she was flying and upon landing on the demonic crow she issued a commanding directive, her voice resonating through the stadium.

"Everyone, close your eyes." A mysterious aura of authority surrounded her, leaving the bewildered crowd no choice but to comply.

"Open your eyes, Aiden," Landon's voice broke through the chaos. He urgently continued, "I've deciphered the nature of Lotus's demon, and it won't affect you. Stay vigilant; if she manages to kill that demon, you must obtain its soul."

Aiden complied and opened his eyes just in time to witness Lotus's demonic crow, the size of a small car, fearlessly soaring toward the formidable demon.

With a resounding "caw," a deafening sonic attack pierced the air, diverting the demon's attention away from Gold.

The demon swung its massive fist, powerful but slow.

In an attempt to avoid the demonic crow expertly maneuvered, dancing in circles around the giant's arm.

Meanwhile, Lotus leaped off the crow, landing on the demon's arm as she sprinted toward its shoulder.

Her left arm emanated an intense purple glow, and her bandage smoldered in purple flames, the entire left sleeve burning away.

Sensing the ominous energy, the demon recognized the threat posed by the tiny figure scaling its arm.

It moved swiftly, attempting to swat her away with a forceful slap. "Pa," Aiden's eyes widened as he watched Lotus seemingly get squashed like a bug.

However, a resounding "Boooooom" echoed through the stadium.

A colossal explosion of purple flames burned a gaping hole through the demon's arm.

Lotus emerged unscathed, dashing away from its limb.

She attempted a free fall, but her demonic crow swooped in to catch her just in time.

The demonic crow circled the colossal demon once before flying towards the open skies.

As the upper part of the stadium lay in ruins, the demon's unwavering focus remained on Lotus and her demon who had flown too far up, for it to even see clearly.

She had managed to escape its grasp, but then, a gigantic fireball materialized in its hand.


With a powerful throw, the fireball hurtled into the sky, tearing through the sound barrier.

In a surprising turn of events, the demonic crow vanished as Lotus unsummoned it.

She plummeted to the ground, and Aiden's heart raced as he feared a collision with the fireball.

However, something extraordinary happened. The blinding glow on Lotus's left arm subsided, revealing what appeared to be intricate tattoos on her left limb, though not entirely clear to Aiden's superhuman sight.

The purple radiance fluctuated, alternating between blinding brilliance and subdued glow. This glow burnt everything around it including the massive fireball, it was accompanied by a rhythmic, thunderous hum that resonated through the stadium.

"Ahhh, plea—," Aiden's ears caught multiple screams from the onlookers as he looked toward them.

Some people's curiosity got the better of them causing them to open their eyes, but the moment their eyes spotted the glow that radiated from Lotus's arms something terrifying happened, their bodies swelled immediately before exploding in a mass of blood and purple flames.

Their dismembered limbs burnt to ash and their mutilated parts rapidly turned into ash as well leaving nothing behind.

At the same time, Lotus's disdain-filled voice resonated through Twilight City, her words echoing with unwavering resolve.

The immense purple aura surrounding her took the form of a colossal, descending lotus, casting an ominous shadow over the city.

She descended gracefully, still speaking with unwavering certainty, "The universe disdains your existence" Her voice grew louder as she continued, "Forgotten and disregarded."

Mid-sentence, the demon erupted in a deafening roar of anger. It lunged upward, aiming to obliterate the descending Lotus-shaped energy in the sky. However, Miss Lotus seemed unperturbed, continuing her speech.

With a swift motion, she shifted her posture into a diving position, her fingers inches away from the demon's colossal fist. At that moment, the scene resembled a mere fly attempting to halt an oncoming mountain.

Compared to the demon's titanic form, Lotus appeared as an insignificant ant.

Yet, in an astounding turn of events, something occurred, something Aiden could only describe as instantaneous combustion.

The demon's mountain-like body disintegrated into ash, dissolving into a cloud of vibrant purple flames. The brilliance was blinding, forcing Aiden to shield his eyes. It was akin to watching an entire building reduced to ashes, as effortlessly as a sheet of paper in the wind. There were no sounds, no clamor, no sonic booms only a gentle breeze remained.

The purple radiance gradually dissipated, revealing Lotus standing amidst a vast crater. Apart from her sleeve, which had been utterly consumed by the flames, she appeared entirely unscathed. In a moment of dazed clarity, she uttered two words that reverberated in the minds of all who witnessed it.

"Absolute Oblivion!"

Everyone opened their eyes at the sound of her voice, this skill, named Absolute Oblivion, was Lotus's trademark, the first time it had been witnessed it left an indelible mark on Twilight City not just killing the target but all who foolishly gazed upon it, a testament to Lotus's immense power and the overwhelming force she wielded.

Too much?

or just right?

please let me know your thoughts.

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