
If Love Be Madness, May I Never Find Sanity Again.

what will you do if you finally got kidnapped by your generations-long foes? Zhangs and Lius could never be on the same page. until the young master of the Liu decided to be even with them and kidnapped the lovely young miss of the Zhangs to make them fall on their knees and end this eternal turmoil. they thought of her as a harmless idiot girl but who knew what a lovely devil she was!

missdevil0_0 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


she stormed out of the balcony and headed straight toward the lady room. it was empty and of course, it would be when these greedy ladies got one of the biggest chance of there lives to seduce some big shots. she jumps on the comfy sofa and dialled to her assistant again.

"Hello, Zhao Wei..i am sorry I was struck with your parents. I am coming up with your dress in five minutes" she spoke nervously.

"forget it and hurry up also tell Kai to come to me at once" hanging up she fell flat on the sofa recalling the previous events.

she was exhausted. it was really the unluckiest day of her whole life. she was almost kidnapped by her foes and she wouldn't even want to think what we're they going to do to her. there was no doubt they would have taken her to their secret base in Italy from where only her dead body could leave or maybe I would have gotten there. after what she did to them it was likely to happen.

'anyways I am safe for now'

she was just in her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. instantly snapping out of her thoughts she told:" come in."

the door opened and two figure stepped in. following mei lian was Kai. if mei lian was my left-hand man then he was my right-hand man or my most trusted person.

he stepped forward and rummage his hand through his silky brown hair. he was so innocent looking that no one would believe what dirty deeds he does for his boss.

"what? are you already falling" he grinned.


"shutup...i don't like young boys"

"ah..you pain me li li..am going to be 22 next months and 'older' than you." be emphasized 'older' on purpose.

"whatever.." she rolled her eyes.

"as you wish little lady..now tell me what happened. I couldn't even track you down and you know my mind was blowing up wondering where you vanished to," he spoke worriedly.

"those gnarly brats...no doubt hey wanted to kidnap me and then secretly take me to their base in Italy...if not for my skills I would have ended up in some torture chamber." she fumed.

kai: "we need to do something about then or it's gonna be too late"

Zhang Wei: "sure..arrange a meeting in our base make sure everyone's there. as soon I get free from this party you can find me on the rooftop and please...be early with the chopper I don't like to wait."

kai: "okay miss"

Zhao Wei: Mei lian come get me ready am already too late."


wearing a gown and high heels were not my liking at all. working with men and danger I was used to wearing jeans and jackets. gowns were completely excluded from my liking.

it was all noisy in the banquet hall. it was a cocktail party of my beloved momma and daddy. my father fell for my mom at first sight on her birthday party. and in just some minutes he ordered for a ring and proposed to her right there in front of everyone without caring what if she rejects but my momma saved his face by accepting his proposal. then after one month, they got married on this very day 22 years ago.

'woahh...time files so fast'

then they had me. my father was so happy that he let passenger boarded on 10 planes for 12-hour flight go free.


what a waste he should have just handed over the money in honour of me. that way I would have been satisfied and would have been more obedient.

I was busy in my thought when I felt chills as if someone was gazing at me. I looked around and suddenly my eyes met his dark eyes gazing at me. it felt as if those eyes will devour me any second. I couldn't keep up to his strong gaze so I turned around.

but then I noticed

there were several young men looking towards me but it was more like they were keeping an eye on me.

something wasn't right.

my heart was beating fast telling me 'run! run away from here as far as possible. Danger.' in a panic I rushed to get myself out of their sight. especially avoiding him.

'those eyes...I have seen them before but where?'

in panic, I didn't know where I was running to when I noticed I was heading towards the rooftop.

good. Kai should be there.

I could sense people following me. when I reached the rooftop a satisfying smile appeared in my face.

'Kai..you are really fast today'

she ran towards the chopper waiting on the rooftop when she suddenly halted.

"b-black chopper" she whispered to herself in horror when she heard footsteps behind her. she turned around and the same men from the party. they were heading towards her with guns in their hands.

'huh? Guns? how did they manage to bring in guns when the security was so tight..'

as they stepped forward towards I stepped back instinctively until when my back hit something

'a wall? no there's no wall on the roof too. then...'

I froze

'a-a man's chest'

I at once jerked forward but a hand came to my waist and pulled me back.

he was holding me so tightly that I felt short of breath.


he was holding me tightly with one hand around my waist and the other around.my.chest. anger rushed in me and I tried to kick him.

"bugger off! you pervert!" I yelled angrily.

no one has ever dared to touch even a single strand on my head without my permission. how dare he! how dare he! who does he think he is!

"Don't worry. I am not interested in flat jellies " he whispered evilly in my ear. just when I was about to lose my temper, I felt a sharp pain on my neck.

he drugged me.

my head became heavy and my vision blurred. he pushed me forward and I was about to fell on the floor when someone caught me. I tried to open my eyes and through my blurred vision, I saw a very familiar face. who's this?

"K-kai? I asked in a daze.

" Yeah, boss? do you have a order?" he replied sarcastically.

I didn't have the energy to even think or open my eyes and my eyes closed and I fell into the darkness.